Process Documentation

In the class prior to the commencement of spring break, everyone in the class was divided into their respective groups for the incoming group project presentation. We were left with one member missing among our ranks but otherwise, we knew who was going to be in our group. There was a lot of excitement for this project despite none of us knowing what we wanted to do for our topic. Besides the guidelines and the grading chart provided to us by the professor, little else was done beyond a tacit agreement that we were to come up with a topic by the time we returned from vacation.

On the 28th of April, our group came together, again with one member missing. As we had agreed, it was the day that we were supposed to come up with a topic. There was a lot of confusion as to what we wanted to do for our project. All three of us had great ideas; the following included: counting cards, how to do a how to video the correct way and achieving popularity on Instagram. We decided with the help of our professor that none of the ideas initially suggested were good enough topics for our project. Our professor suggested the idea of doing a project on changing privacy settings on Facebook but as a group, we unanimously agreed to do our project on difficulties we have as students in City Tech. After sharing amongst one another ourĀ  problems, we concurred that there was much to CUNYFirst left to be desired, particularly when it came to dropping classes. We knew then and there what our topic was on: how to drop a class. With our topic decided, we all decided on bringing sources to further assist us with our research.

The seventh of May came and we realized that our missing fourth member was going to stay missing. Earlier on, we had taken into consideration of making room for a fourth member to split the work more evenly and have an extra speaker but no more, we were going to work without a fourth person, like it or not. On the bright side, the remaining three members had succeeded in compiling the necessary resources needed to do our presentation on how to drop class via the sole and current method in CUNYFirst as well as the old method which was going to the office in the basement level. Due to the amount of time that we had been given and the removal of our missing fourth member from the group, it was decided that we needed to work more on our own for the time being. One memberĀ started to write down a rough draft of the proposal and it looked promising, judging from what was written during that session. Another member had started preparing the text and images to be put for the slideshow while the setting up of the Open lab site and documenting the progress of the project was given to the third member. Prior to ending the session, the group members decided on meeting next Monday around 6 pm in a small room provided by the library.

The deadline was imminent and our last group meeting prior to it was on the 12th of May. We came together and each took time to discuss what we had done. The member in charge of writing the proposal hadĀ just finished it and had emailed it to the member in charge of the OpenLab site to create the new page and paste the content there. TheĀ process documentationĀ was finished and submitted to the Openlab site. The only major thing that was left to tackle was the presentation which was almost done but there needed to be a little bit of fine tuning. As the topic we had chosen was one perceived to be a seriousĀ inconvenienceĀ facing students in City Tech, more appropriate imagery was addedĀ and the text underwent some revision.

The sole means to drop classes was through CUNYFirst but we felt it was necessary to add in the former methods to dropping classes prior to CUNYFirst’s introduction to City Tech not too long ago. Right before our May 12th session had ended, the work cited page was complete and was one of the last additions to the site. Talking amongst one another, we agreed on the order of group members speaking and what portion of the slideshow each member would be responsible.

It was not an easy project. Given that we were short one member in comparison to the other groups and the short amount of time, it seemed in the beginning that it would take a miracle for us to do this and yet we’ve succeeded. We overcame the odds and looking at our material from the slideshow to the Openlab site, we are proud of our work. City Tech students, so long as CUNYFirst is around, would have this to help them when it comes to dropping class.

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