How to Drop a Class via Faculty Advisor

Do remember that the date for withdrawing classes is the day that the program changes and the forms are filled in the college,  not the last day a student assigned to classes. It’s the responsibility of the student to contact his/her faculty advisor or the New Student Center for discussion on the best options prior to dropping classes. After you made your decision, fill up the form provided by the college. —
emember the date that count for withdrawal classes is the day that the program change or the forms are filled in the college…”NO THE LAST DAY A STUDENT ASSISTED TO CLASSES.”
—Is the student totally  responsibility  put in contact with his/her faculty advisor or the New Student Center for new students, and to be discussed the best options for the student before took the decision of droop classes in order to evaluate the future short and long term penalties.
—After the decision the student needs to fill up the form that is provided by the college.

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