Department Mission Statement
The Hospitality Management Department of New York City College of Technology educates students for careers in the hospitality industry through foundational knowledge of hospitality operations and experiences that cultivate diverse perspectives, lifelong learning, collaboration, and community engagement.
Program Learning Outcomes
To graduate students who
- identify and demonstrate skills relevant to the operational areas of hospitality management. (PLO #1)
- utilize the dynamics of collaboration in diverse settings. (PLO#2)
- demonstrate effective communication skills.(PLO #3)
- exhibit the analytical and social skills essential for success in the global workplace. (PLO #4)
- value and integrate lifelong learning, civic engagement, ethical reasoning, and social responsibility. (PLO #5)
Course Description
Overview of legal implications of acts by hospitality professionals, employees, guests and visitors. Analysis of rights, responsibilities and risk management of hospitality industry establishments. Discussion of historical and current liability, governmental regulations, predictability and provability in the environment.
HMGT 2302, HMGT 2303, HMGT 2304, & HMGT 2305
Course Objectives
Upon completion of HMGT 3601, students will be able to
- Comprehend basic contract law, City, State and Federal Civil Rights Law and the variety of laws that apply to the employment setting.
- Extend legal reasoning to business formation and operation.
- Recognize the importance of risk management in the everyday operations of a hospitality entity.
- Describe a hotel’s duty under common law to receive guests, its obligation to protect its guests, steps in limiting its liability for loss of guest valuables.
- Explain food and beverage sales warranty of merchantability, restaurants as insurers of wholesome food.
Student Learning Outcomes / Method of Assessment Grid
*Grading Procedure
Participation 15 %
Case Study/Quizzes 30 %
Midterm 25 %
Final Exam 30 %
TOTAL 100%
Participation – At the start of each class period, student will be required to answer, in writing, a prompt question that relates to the daily lecture topic.
Case Studies/Quizzes – Students will be assigned to write a summary and answer questions pertaining to various assigned case studies, including the Ethical Reasoning Case Study which will be assessed by the Ethical Reasoning Value Rubric included in this syllabus.
Midterm Exam – A mid-term examination will be administered in week 7 of the semester.
Final Exam – A cumulative final exam will be administered at the end of the semester
Grading System
A 93 – 100
A- 90 – 92.9
B+ 87 – 89.9
B 83 – 86.9
B- 80 — 82.9
C+ 77 – 77.9
C 70 – 76.9
D 60 – 69.9
F 59.9 and below
Required Text
No Required Text; this is an OER course:
Suggested Texts and Readings
Jeffries, J. (2019). Understanding hospitality law (5th ed.). Educational Institute of America Hotel & Motel Association.
Selected Bibliography
Liuzzo, A, (2019). Essentials of business law (10th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Kubasek, N. (2019) Dynamic business law: the essentials (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Langvardt, A, (2019) Business law: the ethical, global and e-commerce environment. (17th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Barnes, A. (2018). Law for Business (13th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
*May differ from section to section.
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