Category Archives: Electronic Profile Submission

Tabitha James

As a future industry leader I plan on being a General Manager of a Hotel in the Caribbean. I am a strong believer in team work and togetherness. I am Currently a Supervisor at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center and know fully the joy that comes with being front of the house. Ensuring that each and every one of my guest leaves satisfied after a show is something to strive for. I plan on using this same mentality when I reach into the hotel industry to serve my guests.

Afreeca Burke

As a student and future industry leader I am very focused and ambitious. After graduating from High School I began, and successfully completed, customer service training. Cooking is one of my many strengths, that drove me to the ultimate decision of pursuing the major of hospitality management. I hope that after completing my studies at City Tech, there will be an opportunity for me to become a hotel manager.

Jairo D

As a future industry leader I will create a product/brand worth speaking about. I am an individual who recently discovered a passion for food and cooking. I am enrolled in the hospitality management program not only to obtain my degree, but to gain as much knowledge as possible within the time I’m here. With the knowledge I gain, I will combine it with my passion for food, my customer service and retail management experience. With this and my hard work I hope to produce a product/brand for the world to enjoy.

Jessica Martinez

My interest in Hospitality Management started in high school when I took a culinary arts class. My career goal is to open up my own family restaurant but, i’m still not sure of what I would like to serve yet. My personal strength would have to be that I like to learn new things and learn from my mistakes. I’m also interested in traveling to new places.

Caleb Wu

I have taken a culinary arts class in high school. My goal is to graduate and continue have the enjoyment in culinary arts. I am willing to work with others and willing to provide hospitality. With this strong faith in God, I am willing to work and show hospitality to others.

Sabrina Gurevich

Ever since high school I knew that I loved to bake and interact with others. I didn’t know that a career in that field was an option so I went from learning pharmacy, to nutrition, to actually being in a hospitality management program. After starting at City Tech, I realized that there are many aspects of hospitality but I want to focus mainly in travel and pastry. In the future I want a career that allows me to travel around the world and learn about the many cultures that exist today.

Darryl M. Jarvis

This is my first semester and I hope to graduate with a degree in Hospitality Management. My career experience  was a summer internship at Brooklyn Borough Hall, during which i worked with the chief of staff. If I were to start up a business I would want it to run smoothly and efficiently with employees who understand the culinary business inside and out. My greatest personal strength is that I am a hard worker, and this should allow me to excel in this field.

Nagisa Maruyama

I came to the biggest hospitality industry city from Japan for studying the hospitality management. I have often traveled to different countries since I was a child and I worked at an Italian restaurant as a server when I was in Tokyo. Since I have these experiences, I have been interested in the hospitality world. I acquire knowledge of professional skills at City Tech to be a hotel manager in the future. My personal strengths are persistence and self-discipline, so I believe I will be able to achieve my goal.

Sungjo choi

I graduated high school in Korea and there was no class about hospitality. So Cite tech is beginning of my new life to do what I want to do. I am really happy with that. I have worked restaurant and cloth shop so far. So I know what I have to do for hospitality. I am passionated, energetic, and positive. I think myself is very strong person. I alway think i can do whatever i want and nothing makes me stop. So i am sure that i will be secceed and the happiest person. Only my weak point is a English. I wil try to overcome it and i need all you guys help of it. I am a man with potential and i will live up to my potential. One day, i will be seating on chair and watching champion of Arsenal as the biggest hotel boss in the world. Let’s start from bottom.