

Readings are from the OER text:

Christopher Brooks, Western Civilization, A Concise History, Part 2, and Western Civilization, A Concise History, Part 3, Portland, OR: Portland Community College, 2019, Open Educational Resource released under the Creative Commons License (Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike).

Additional readings (primary sources) will be made available in Blackboard.

Module 1: Introduction; Overview; The State of the World in the 1400s: Renaissance, and Global Trade

  • Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Module 2: Reformation, Religious War and the Global Spread of Christianity, 1500-1648

  • Chapters 7, 8, 9

Module 3: Transatlantic Encounters, 1450 -1700

  • Chapters 6, 11

Module 4: Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Europe and Asia, 1600-1715

  • Chapter 10

Module 5: A New World of Enlightened Reason and Scientific Reform, 1600-1789

  • Chapters 12, 13

Module 6: Social Class and Status in Europe and the Americas, 1715-1789

  • Chapter 14

Module 7: Overturning the Political and Social Order, The Atlantic Revolutions, 1789-1815

  • Chapter 15 (from Brooks, part 2) and Chapter 1 (from Brooks, part 3)

Assorted Assignment; Mid-Term Exam

Module 8: Factories, Cities, and Families in the Industrial Age, 1780-1848

  • Chapter 2

Module 9: Coping with Change: Ideology, Politics, Revolution, Immigration, 1815-1850

  • Chapter 3

Module 10: Nationalism and State-building, 1850-1870

  • Chapter 4

Module 11: Mass politics, Imperial Domination, 1870-1914

  • Chapter 6

Module 12: Modern Life and the Culture of Progress: Western Society and the World, 1850-1914

  • Chapter 5

Examination Week: Assorted Assignment; Final Exam

(Syllabus subject to change)

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