I have desk!

My workplace is an office setting where we have some offices and cubicles. Actually the place we work in right now is a temporary space. My survivor said when the new building finish at Jay Street, they will move a get a new place. Right now the office is huge. When I am there, I only see few employees, empty desks and some empty rooms and very quiet.

I have desk! cool right. I have huge space and I am alone. Kinda sad, but at least I have my own space.

I can only wear some footsteps that’s how quiet it was. Based on my observation of the employees, the attire here varies person to person.  Some wear ties and shirts while the graphic designer wear casual. In terms of my dress, I wear casual. The workers work Monday to Friday and sometimes on Saturdays at 9 to 5pm. For lunch break, they do not have specific hours but I’ll go at 2pm and eat on my desk which is fine to them. They are very nice, sometimes I grab coffee and have coffee break which is nice to me.


Happy coffee time!