Proposal Benefits

So what are the benefits of this proposal? The main benefit is that kids can have a better understanding of a nutritious meal and a healthy diet after attending the after school program. It is possible that kids may prefer attending after-school programs that are more related to games, sports, or acts and crafts. But the purpose of this after-school program is not just teaching kids how to be more healthy. We included other activities, like cooking as a way to help kids become more engaging and excited about this program. This way they can learn to collaborate with other kids, while also having the chance to learn and have a good time.  At the end of the program, they should have some understand of what food are considered unhealthy and should be eaten less and what food contain the most nutrients and have the least amount of sugar and fat. If they do not have some of these basic knowledge, they will not understand the consequences of eating food or snacks that have very high calories. This knowledge can also benefit them when they are adults and will benefit them in the long run. If kids can start taking care of their bodies at an young age, they will feel much more healthier as adults. They can feel physically more healthy and having the right mindset when it comes to taking care of their bodies. Kids will also have more energy throughout the day and be more focused in school when they eat healthier food. Oftentimes a healthier meal allows kids to be more productive in their studies. They will get sick less often and will feel very strong and healthy.

Some other benefits of our proposal is to improve the meals that schools offer kids during lunchtime. This service proposal starts at an after-school program but can slowly develop and influence other parts of the school. If results shows that this after-school program is really beneficial to the kids who attend, meals that are served during lunchtime can undergo a change to further support a healthy and nutritious meal for the kids.


Healthy and Strong Kid Cartoon


Energetic Kid Cartoon