Reread of D.O.I

After rereading the D.O.I I actually learned a few new things like who where the people who created and signed the deceleration of independence and also learning about the five persons committee and who were those people . Also finding out of why some states of were holding back when it comes to agreeing and finalizing the Declaration of Independence knowing the consequences of losing the revolutionary war . But they decided to push onwards knowing they need to fight and take the risks in order to actually gain their independence from Great Britain and king George . Even the founding fathers where especially Putting there lives on the line when they signed the D.O.I if the colonist lose the war they would’ve been held responsible for committing treason against Great Britain . But they knew that they wanted to push onwards with the D.O.I .  Also when reading I learned about a few new definitions and meanings . Like the abuse of power . Referring to how King George was abusing his power against the Colonist . Like forcing the Colonist to pay more taxes on certain goods like stamps , tea , sugar etc, . Also the colonist had no representation at all . Basically saying there’s is no taxation without representation . They had completely had no say what so ever regarding to Great Britain’s policies . This really motivated the Colonist to push for succession from England , but they were many risks they had to take but the outcome were they gained total independence from England.


After sitting down and rereading the first draft of the DoI, it opened my eyes to a few things I was previously confused about. What I learned that seemed most important to me, however, was that the colony actually warned the British, specifically King George III, about constant pressure. George oppressing the colony by taxation and lack of representation led the colony itself to warn that if it were to continue, they’d break free from British hold. Now, I never knew that the colony actually warned the British about how they were treating them. I always thought it was just massive self-destruction that occurred without much warning. I still find it so confusing as to why King George III would oppress the colony after the colony is his own people and they were part of the British Kingdom. Why would a King not work with a colony, but oppress it after countless warnings of independence? I’d understand if a nation was a puppet under British rule and was tormented with oppression, but this is merely just a colony, they should be cooperating with one another, but instead, a war broke out. Was King George actually that oppressive towards the colony as well, was he stupid enough to pull himself into a war, and how did they even manage to lose?  Britain at the time was considered a superpower and had the best navy in the world and what I can’t get is how they actually lost to their own colony. Failure to supply your army is one thing, but what else was a leading cause of losing? Perhaps the attrition applied by the colonial army was enough for the British to lose with their lack of supplies.

Plan 4 Rereading

My main plan for rereading would consist of actually preparing to read the material rather than waiting at the last minute or being blocked up. This morning, on 10/16/19, I set alarms to wake up early so I’d have time to do what I had to do in regards to assignments before work. I get out of work usually around 8 pm EST, it’ll take me about thirty minutes to get home, so that leaves me with about 2-3 hours of legroom to finalize what I have to do before I sleep, or even try to.  I plan to actually read the draft rather than skim it as I did before, which resulted in me being somewhat lost in class. Obviously, this type of wrongdoing is definitely self-inflicted as my time management is poor and that’s something I need to improve on, or even fix. Annotate more is another thing I need to include as that could help me remember the material instead of constantly looking back to it, and it could help me raise questions I desire to be answered. Writing down any questions I have would assist me in understanding the material if I ask them in class. Attempt to understand the material better by repeating any confusing sentences/words to myself until it makes sense or looking it up online to understand it.

The Declaration of Independence Difficulty

I found certain parts of the rough draft to be difficult for me since i became distracted at times by the crosses out parts but besides that there were  parts like when they talk about the king interfering with the administration of justice. That part can be found on the second page in the first paragraph, it took me a while to understand a bit because of how it was written i ended up having the idea of of the king getting rid of the people’s justice and creating his own. Not only that but when they speak of how the king fights against them and what he does and who he uses it gets confusing and twisted at times. It goes into detail about who’s being used and how it seems like it’s a weird type of trick. He promises things to the same people he’s bought and sold if they fight against the U.S. There’s also parts when they begin to list the ways they are separating from the king.

Difficultly sure that is something I can say for sure that the declaration of independence rough draft and and final draft both had. Reading both copies waved language borders which only made me this a lot harder to read and just to focus on the main idea of the central idea. Many sentences I had to reread 3 or even 4 times just to find out that it didn’t even make the final draft how frustrating can that be the whole time reading this I try to stop myself from falling asleep between lines of hard word like” abdicated “or other words that “arbitrary” words that dried out the document that I believe didn’t add much value to the independence with it. It confused me and probably many other readers making harder for us to understand what they want for their new government to be like in this new world without having prior knowledge about it. But in reality we are in a era where people replace the word no cap for no lie but it keeps the interest in the other people to listen to what you are trying to say and ideas your trying to show this point of view

Difficulty Paper First draft of D.O.I

The birth of the United States Of America was based off the sole document that laid the foundation for the birth of the United States. The Declaration of independence described as big step forward for the original 13 colonies to push forward for in the fight for recognition  from Great Britain and also from King George . As this whole cause for the push for independence was of King George’s conflicting policies which was  the spark for the push towards independence . Also the fact of how much the founding fathers had to go through when it comes to facing and fighting a war against the most powerful country especially when facing the British Army. Some of these causes was due to totally not having any representation at all and also of the high taxes that was placed on many goods in the colonies which anger the colonist which would lead to revolt and succession from Great Britain.  They calimed that King George was raging a ”cruel war against human nature itself violating its most sacred rights of life , liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him”.   Basically saying that King George was offering the colonist  as scapegoats as an excuse for waging a cruel war. As this angered the colonists  as this also motivated them to start considering writing the declaration of independence. Knowing the challenges that they will have to overcome in order to successfully defend their rights and there freedom .

DoI Difficulty Paper

The Declaration of Independence is an important document in the United State’s history on July 4th, 1776, paved the way to what the United States would become. A colony to a world superpower, pushing through advancement, world wars, and economic destruction on some accounts. Jefferson and our founding fathers made it clear the obstruction they had to go through that wanted to make them secede as a colony under Britain’s grasp of being their own country. Pushing for independence has been a struggle for the colony and going through the most powerful army in the world at the time, it wouldn’t be possible for a bunch of fishermen to prevail, but hope was faith was on their side. King George III was the main reason a push for independence occurred as his iron fist didn’t sit right with the colony. “He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good”, “He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures”, “He has kept among us in times of peace standing armies and ships of war without the consent of our legislatures” (Jefferson, 1). There are many more reasons as to why the colony decided to break free but the main reason was the incapability of having any representation. King George III ruled the colony without any morals on how the citizens could react and how it would affect them. The king decided what would happen and didn’t have any care for what the legislators thought and this ultimately led to the downfall of his kingdom.

Difficulty Paper

The Declaration Of Independence starts off with explaining the actions of Great Britain and how they are a “history of repeated unremitting injuries and usurpation.“The writers then explain how they qualify in the idea of a revolution to overthrow their higher government. The writers carefully describe each act the king has executed and abused and those that show absolute despotism. The majority of the rest of the Declaration consist of what the writers believe are cruel acts from the king ranging from “forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance,” to “ plundered our seas, ravaged our coat, burnt our towns and destroyed the lives of our people.” By naming all the atrocities Great Britain had committed towards the colonies, the writers finish the Declaration by saying they have no choice but to separate from Great Britain saying,”we utterly dissolve all political connection which may heretofore have subsisted between us and the people or parliament of Great Britain.: and finally we do assert and declare these colonies to be free and independent states.” Finally finishing off that they are willing to pledge their lives and honor into this. 

Overall the Declaration of Independence was not a extremely difficult paper to read. Although the English is slightly older and more formal, I can still use guesses and context clues to try and determine what each sentence of word means. One confusing aspect of the declaration is when the writers mentioned slavery in the first draft but in the final draft it is completely removed. I don’t have a solid explanation but my guess is that they realized they owned slaves and still “needed” them, therefore making it extremely ironic to criticizes the King of Great Britain for doing this all while they are too themselves. I also liked the body of the declaration from the first draft more as they used the noun “he” for every action committed. It just makes the blaming more direct and shaming.



In my essay, I talked about the connections between cheating and my highschool experience. At first, i talked about my first encounter with cheating and how even though it was easy to copy homework and taking shortcuts, they didn’t benefit me at all , in fact was hurting my education.  During peer review ,i received many helpful feedbacks, but the main problem to it was it’s lack of dialogue. Dialogue would help the reader feel more into the story and gave them a sense of what i was experiencing. The dialogue would also make the essay more storytelling and less of an “assignment”.Not only dialogue but i feel as my essay was extremely rigid and too formal. Another issue I realized was the lack of transition in my essay, it feels rushed and unfinished.  As Prof Hall told me, she didn’t quite understand how some parts of my essay correspond with others and my reflection on the essay was unclear. From the part of me copying homework to finding out my friend cheating on the SAT, it didn’t give the reader a clear sense of what the point of the essay was. My audience, who I am speaking as will remain the same but the structure and the small details will need to be changed.

Difficulty Paper

This article focuses on a majority of problems handed out on modern society. Primarily on things such as discrimination and equality.  I think the article itself was great and very honest meaning it was detailed to describe the struggles of those who were oppressed and discriminated. I find this part of the article upsetting when he quotes,”What passes for identity in America is a series of myths about one’s heroic ancestors. It’s astounding to me, for example, that so many people really appear to believe that the country was founded by a band of heroes who wanted to be free. That happens not to be true.” I find upsetting that I could still remember when i was taught history and the false teachings regarding settlers and their methods, etc. It wasn’t up until high-school when we were actually taught the true stories. I think it is only fair to teach kids about everyone’s struggles and achievements but primarily teaching the truth.

I really wanted to highlight this part of the article as well.” No American has the right to allow the present government to say, when Negro children are being bombed and hosed and shot and beaten all over the deep South, that there is nothing we can do about it. There must have been a day in this country’s life when the bombing of four children in Sunday School would have created a public uproar and endangered the life of a Governor Wallace. It happened here and there was no public uproar.” This part is describing the bombing of a Birmingham Church back in the 60s. One of the many first books i read was called ” The Watsons go to Birmingham 1963.”  I was in 5th or 6th grade when i first read the book, its vivid detail and plot really brought me into the book. It was also when i was taught the cruel discrimination towards African-Americans throughout history. It was a hard realization like wow, this really happened back in the day and people thought it was fine. I can say it was one of the best books i have read and i still would read it again till this day.