Unite 3

Christian Parris


Jessica Parker is a reporter for the daily news she was assigned the task of writing an article on the increasing rate of young people under the age of 20 being in prison. For her report, she interviewed a prisoner who is serving a twenty-year sentence Jeremy Thomas for assault and battery. 

Act I

Report: Mr. Thomas I was wondering if we could speak to you about what happened. We all know how you ended up in jail? What got you here for half of your life? What caused this you were still in middle school you had your whole life ahead of you.


Jeremy: Well this is a long story where should I start. Maybe with the case or maybe the middle school experience itself. 


Jeremy: I was a young kid from Houston he lives with his mom and dad in their apartment in a low-income neighborhood. I had just started middle school with my best friend Tyler. I lived next door to him since there early years. This is the story on how I end up not only friendless but in prison. 

Act II

 Jeremy: I woke up excited but also nervous for my first day of school of my  middle school.  I got dressed for school both my parents have left for work already and I was the last one to leave but before I went to the kitchen to find something to eat. When suddenly I hears a knock on the door. It is Tyler he was my best friend from when we  met when we were still in kindergarten. Now  Both him and I where going to the same middle school unlike me, Tyler is outgoing and mischievous you could never know what he was going to do next.


Tyler: Yo you ready to go it’s our first day of school we gotta get their early. 


Jeremy: What’s the rush we got so much time school starts in like the next 30 minutes. Let’s take our time it’s not that far.


Tyler: Yeah but don’t you know in middle school everyone starts to group into different areas. This is where we make our names I don’t want to be known as the social loser of the school. 


Jeremy: Relax there is no way with your outgoing attitude that you become a social outcast.


Tyler: Yeah but this is a different ball game from our old school it was easy because everyone was friends with everyone. This..this is middle school the group you hang about with here will affect your social status all the way till college. 


Jeremy: Yeah we’ll make sure in your plan to fit in you don’t do anything stupid that can get you into trouble.


Tyler: Please what’s the worst the can do give us a slap on the wrist and send us home, I ain’t scared 


Jeremy: Right just don’t do anything that I would get you into danger.  I don’t feel like save you from things like fights or drugs 


Tyler: Sure I promise I won’t do anything come on bro trust me I ain’t that stupid. Now hurry up and let’s go where on the clock 


Jeremy:Fine, let me grab something to eat out of the kitchen before we leave. Alright, let’s head out.

Narrator: They  leave the house and walk to their new school and reach their 5 minutes before class starts. Both of them go to get their schedules realizing they are not in the same class.  


Tyler: Dang it well this sucks we not in the same class 


Tyler: Well at least we will be able to see each other at lunch and we can go to the arcade after school. 


Jeremy: True well we better get to class before the bell rings. See you at lunch 


Jeremy is a kid who has always had good grades so he was put in the exiled class. While his friend Tyler a little below average in all his classes so he was put into a regular class. As time when by both of them got used to their new school 2 months have now passed.  


Tyler: Bro you heard that tryouts for the basketball team are next week you and me  should tryouts .


Jeremy: Really sure I probably would have done it even before asked me but now we a Duo like Steph Curry and Klay Thompson. 


Tyler: I better be Curry cause you know I got better handles than you .


Jeremy: Sure dude keep dreaming. Let’s go to the park if your serious we got to keep training to be ready. 


Tyler: Remember who beat you in a one v one. That was a while ago, bet you can’t beat me now. 


As they walk to the park they run into kids from school one especially Anthony he’s known to be wild and gets into fights but he is a cool guy at school popular and everyone likes him.


Anthony: what’s up guys want to go to a party at my house around the corner come on man it will be fun.


Jeremy: No thanks we’re good we were just on our way to the park to play some ball.


Anthony: Dang dude why you have to be such a drag in the mud. Whatever you two pansies go play basketball or whatever me and my friends are going to a party.


They kept walking to the park once they got there they trained all the way to the night and day every day till the day of tryouts. They got to the tryouts early there they met the coach and got to practice before the tryouts. 

Act IV

Coach: You both have great potential and are hardworking I would love to see you two join the team. 


Jeremy: Really thanks coach we both work very hard and would be a great addition to the team.


Tyler: Yeah you know it.


The tryouts began and everything went well they were both doing great as the tryouts went on both of them showed how hard they worked In the end both were happy to know they made the team. 


Tyler: Yes, we did it. 


Jeremy: Yep I told you all the hard work would pay off.  


Tyler: heck yeah  to celebrate this occasion we should party tonight .


Jeremy: Can’t I got to study for a test my class is taking tomorrow. Don’t you have any studying to do as well .


Tyler: Come on man light up. I don’t know about you but I got to party


Jeremy: bro I think you should study instead but it’s not my choice.

Act V

A few days passed since the tryouts and team practice started the coach pulled Tyler aside and was talking to him. Then out of nowhere, Tyler left Jeremy asked the coach why Tyler left. 


Jeremy: Hey Coach asked him why did Tyler leave?


Coach: Sadly I had to cut him from the team. 


Jeremy: What. Why?


Coach: His grades were slipping lately and he wasn’t passing his test he left me no choice. Now come on let’s get back to practice.


Later on that night on his way home Jeremy stopped by Tyler House. 


Jeremy: Yo bro you good I heard what happened 


Tyler:(Angerly) It’s not fear man just cause I scored low on one stupid test I can’t even play anymore it’s not everyone far the stuff on that test was like rocket science. 


Jeremy: Bro I told you you should have studied instead of going off partying 


Tyler: I didn’t even go I took your advice for once and I studied my hardest and that still wasn’t enough. 


Jeremy: well maybe you could get a tutor and if you do well on the next test I could ask the coach to give you a second chance. 


Tyler: don’t bother like I have the money for a tutor. Besides it’s too late by the time my grades get up to that level they would have already given away my spot on the team. 


Jeremy: bro come on at least we can try


Tyler: Thanks for coming but l need some time to myself 


(He closes the door)


Days pass by Jeremy are hard at work trying to juggle school and basketball he hasn’t heard from Tyler since the last time they talk. He is worried that he would do something stupid and his sesspitions were correct. While that’s happening Tyler runs into Anthony while sitting by the basketball court at the park by himself. 

Act VI

Anthony: If it isn’t the basketball stars where’s your friend is he not hear to protect you. 


Tyler: No he is at basketball practice. 


Anthony: Really wasn’t you supposed to be on the team as well. 


Tyler: I was on the team but I got kicked of cause my grades weren’t high enough.


Anthony: Really such a shame so your friend is on the team but you aren’t. Dang, he’s lucky he’s probably of making new friends with everyone while you’re still alone. He will probably forget about you altogether 


Tyler: No he won’t we have been friends since we were little he’s my best friend. 


Anthony: Oh really, then how come he hasn’t reached To you since he joined the team. You think it’s because he’s busy no it’s because he is moving on, which is what you should be doing. 


Tyler: How can I do that? 


Anthony: Join me and my friends it will be fun and you could be part of the most popular group in school. What do you say? 


Tyler: Well, Sure yeah let’s do it. 


Anthony: I was hoping you would say that. 


A few week Jeremy realizes he see less of his best friend Tyler and gets the idea to call him and as if he wanted to see his next game and after the game they can go hang out.

Jeremy: Yo bro what’s good.


Tyler: Nothing how you been. 


Jeremy: I’ve been good. So I was wondering if you would want to go to my next game it will be a big game. Coach is letting me start so what do you say. 


Tyler: nah man I’m really busy maybe next time.


Jeremy: Ok man by I was wondering if we could hang out on the weekend or something.


Tyler : nah man this week isn’t a great time for me 


Jeremy: really dang. Well let me know when it’s a great time 


Tyler: Alright. 


While Tyler grew colder he started not only to engorging Jeremy but became jealous. Jealous on how he was on the basketball team. Jealous how he was able to make new friends and become popular without even trying like  how Jeremy did. It hit the climax with Antoine instigating the problem.


Anthony: WOW. Really it took him this long to reach out to you. He must not think of you now that he got his new friends on the basketball team .


Tyler: Really you think so? Nah it ain’t like that he probably just been tried, you know from basketball practice and school. 


Anthony: You know once I heard him talking with some kids from school them hangout and I thought I saw him with them. But it probably wasn’t him unless he thought you were going to cramp his style. I don’t know I must be going crazy.


Tyler: Yeah you’re right you must be cause I know him he would never do that. 


Anthony: Hey man don’t get mad at me. I’m just saying. Anyway me and the boys want to hangout and I need you to do us a favor. You could start making a lot of money. 


A few days pass Tyler is waking in the stairwell up to his next class but before he gets there he see Tyler with a nervous face like something was wrong. 


Jermey: Yo bro it’s been a while. 


Tyler: (nervously)Yeah man it has.


Jermey: How have you been.


Tyler: Fine 


Jermey: It’s been crazy how busy I’ve been we gotta find sometime when we can hangout .


Tyler: Yeah. Well I got to do something Catch you later. 


He runs off Jeremy continue walking when he hears two people talking. Dude it’s so funny we got that guy under the pam of our hand and if we get caught selling test answers we can just say we never knew and get off Scot easy. Anthony was right this was going to be so easy and that dude is so gullible. Yeah I know right (laughter)


Jermey runs to find Anthony in the lunchroom with his group of friends. Tyler is their with them when Jermey walks up to them . 


Jermey: I want you to tell the truth.  


Anthony: The truth about what? 


Tyler: Jermey, Anthony what’s going on here.


Jermey: Tell him, tell him your plans on how 

If your illegal business fail you would pine everything on him.


Anthony: I don’t know what your talking about 


Jeremy:  Yes you do. Quit playing dum 


Anthony: Seriously I don’t know.  Now quit bothering me before we have a really problem.


Tyler just sits there in silence as Anthony friends surround Jermey. 


Jermey: ok I get it.


Later on that day Jermey was called into the principal’s office not knowing what he did wrong. To his shock he saw both the principal and vice principal. 

Act IX

Principal: Young man I hope you have a good explanation for this .

She pullout a stack of sheets with with test answers for the school midterm.

Vice Principal: We found this.

Jermey: What is this? I don’t know what your talking about. 


Vice principal: oh so your playing dum. We were tipped off by one of your friends on how you were cheating on your test and how you started selling answers. So went and check your gym locker and what do we find.


Jermey: miss I swear that isn’t mine. 


Principal: I’m sorry but your in deep trouble 


Jermey: Can you at least tell me who told you his . 


Principal: I’m sorry we can’t 


Vice Principal: As I  punishment not only are you going to be suspended but you also are cut from all school activities. 


Jermey: what that’s not far. I did nothing 


Vice Principal: That’s all your dismissed. We have already contacted your parents. 


He leaves to he leave to collect his things when he walks down the stairs he see Tyler 


Jermey: Hey Tyler you won’t believe it I think Anthony frame me he planned evidence in my locker and told the principals. I swear if I see him I’ll. 


Tyler: It wasn’t him, It was me. 


Jermey: What. What do you mean 


Tyler: I mean I was the one who planned the answers to the test and told on you. 


Jermey: Why would you do that ? 


Tyler: Anthony told me how you where a danger to what we were doing and how you might snitch, so I bet you to it. You where handed everything on a silver plate, know your finally back down to earth  


Jermey: You were supposed to be my friend how could you.


Tyler: Friend? Friend you never had time for me after joining the team and started hanging out with your new friends new friends. Our  friendship went through a rough patch and you lift all together. 


Jermey: Your crazy. Did you know your stunt not only got me suspended but kick off the team.


Tyler: I’m glad for once you’re the loser in a situation, Not so perfect now.


(Back to present)
Act X

Jermey: And at that moment out of anger I pushed him. I pushed him so hard that he fell down the stairs and he got hurt so bad that they said he would never walk again. Police were called and I was put in handcuffs and the rest is history I was put in juvenile detention center. It’s been three years since and I look back on the situation everyday wondering what I could have done differently.  I could have started high school by now, wow time has passed.


Reporter: So from what I understand it’s your friends fault? 


Jeremy: Nah I don’t blame him anymore I blame the school system. The school to prison pipeline that’s what I’m apart of the school to prison pipeline. In steady of my friend relying on cheating you know what they could have done changed standardized test and maybe just maybe.  On my part instead of pushing him I could have talked out our differences when they started but I couldn’t do it alone schools should offer help in a situation like that. But at the end of the day here doesn’t feel differently from school except I can go home. The same process just like school, prison is just another way to break your spirits.


Reporter: final question if you don’t mind. Did you ever hear from Tyler again?


Jeremy: No I never heard from him but if I did I would tell him I’m sorry and I that I forgave him . If I could change anything  I would have found someway  to help kids just like Tyler so they don’t go down that path. Instead  of pushing him I should  have talked out our differences but yet I didn’t and now I will regret that for the rest of my life.



Title: “Afraid of Change without the E”


 Kurt Hahn Expeditionary Learning school is an NYC Outward Bound School that is partnered with New York City Outward Bound and Expeditionary Learning. There are many things that makes this school different from other highschools. The two most important things that standout where that unlike other high schools we didn’t take the regents exam and  the school combined wilderness and city field trips to help students grow academically and develop a sense of responsibility. While going to that school it helps you grow as a person as well using their five commitments stewardship, compassion, perseverance, respect, and compassion. 


During my time at Kurt Hahn I remember we went on a camping trip with our crews. Crew provides academic support, character development and opportunities for important self-reflection crews were made up of 15 kids and one adviser we met several times a week. My thoughts  after that week was I know who was going to be my friend and not going to be or so I thought turns out we would all come together and help each other when we need it the most. What started as a small class and there was no desk just a circle of chairs the teacher walks in describing what the class is and how for the next four years we would have this same class every day with the same people turned into almost a second home for me. I didn’t know until senior year how important the people in the room were as classmates and as friends. 


Regents was one thing I didn’t worry about except for ela and all the others would be replaced panels. Panels are when you write an essay and present the essay usually in the form of a slide show to other teachers and staff at the school they graded you based on the paper and your presentation. I thought this would be the easiest school but it wasn’t we were given hard essays that they said would prepare us for the college level and Ela only got harder in those four years. It was especially hard for me because Ela was my weakest subject all through my life. But over the years in that school we were given essays to push us to the next leave on books like Othello to fahrenheit 451 I grew as a writer or so I thought until the last year in high school. Twelve grade ela assignment the only panel that I need to pass to graduate if I didn’t I wouldn’t graduate on time. Our teacher Ms.Chang was gone for four months at the beginning of the year she was gone. At the beginning of the year we were so happy because from what we heard from the last year seniors she wasn’t an easy teacher. We all had a great time when she wasn’t here but she did leave us work which was to read a book and start the essay we all through to our self’s ok we have been writing essays for years. But then she came back earlier than expected we all said “please say it isn’t true” as we stop outside the classroom door and peeking through the glass. As soon as class started Ms.Chang told us she looked at our essay and it was horrible and said we had to restart the whole thing from scratch. We were so angry at her she told use the format that we used was wrong even though we used that format since the first year of high school and none of  the other Ela teachers said it was bad but she said she wouldn’t expect it and gave us another way to format the essay. All of us were so angry at her she was till after Christmas then had the nerve to tell us our form was wrong and made us restart everything. We missed our first chance to panel for the first semester and everyone in the senior class need to panel for Ela . Then when we came back it was the second semester started we started reading the book class “The Kite Runner” with more than 300 pages. We had her class in the morning early 8:30 it was ever everyone would still be half asleep doing homework not only for Ela but other classes. The class didn’t meet a lot because of all of the holidays even worst for me I had to retake the SAT because my score was low so I studied a lot in between that time and got better grades on the SAT but fell behind in reading the book. After all that I focused on my essay but around the same time final project for every class but it didn’t as badly as other because I panels for every other class in my 11th-grade year but I still did only the essay to pass the classes. So I was better off than others, some people would have to panel for all four of the major classes Math, Science, English, and Social Studies in one semester, it wouldn’t be easy. I only had one sadly it was the subject I was my worst subject English and I already failed once so not only did I take 12th grade but also 9th grade Ela class.


Almost everyone was procrastinating think we had enough time but with so many  days off in between time when by so quick until the final full weeks of school before the break but it I thought we had enough time to get it finished but there weeks when by and it only felt like three days . In the final week before the break, there was a change in the atmosphere from relaxed to help me and everyone stress to graduate people that would come later every day was now on time begging for the teacher’s attention because they were still on their first draft sadly I was in the same boat. I had to restart my whole essay from scratch and she said we couldn’t work on it in class any more. The last three days of classes trying hard to panel my final project what went threw my mind is I wasn’t going to graduate because of one class. But I didn’t give up I finished the first draft because of my crew mate and best fiend. My teacher never told me anything on if I was ready by the end of the day and I was so worried thinking I was going to disappoint my family and not graduate on time when my friend told me to relax.


The reason why we had a week off was that it was regents week but my school only took one region and I had already passed. So on the day of that week teacher would call in student so the can present or work on their essay so that they can present their project for a grade. My Ela teacher never called me in to work so I took it upon myself to go in the class. The room was silent and everyone was working as I walked  in I told my teacher that I had finished my draft she told me she would check it as two days when by I got more and more worried telling my dad everything. He told me not to worry by it worried me more as time went by. Then one day I walked in and my teacher said I gave you edits I was happy because if I complete it I could panel but I didn’t understand the edits she gave me. My family and friends told me I shouldn’t give up as I became frantic but they helped me again and again until the teacher told me I was ok. But before I could panel my paper had to be read by a second person and the second person said there were more problems with my essay but when I fix it my teacher said there were problems and it got me so frustrated going back and forward on the same paper. That day my dad came into town from Trinidad for my graduation he said don’t worry I would help you get over the top. That night I went to the house he stayed up all night to help me and the next day it got accepted and I was able to panel but the had to give me a date I waited all day for news but nothing. It came 8:00 at night I got an email saying I can panel the following day. I passed it by and inch at that point I was so tired I remember how great I slept that night knowing that nothing was going to hold me back. This related me to the story Amy tang because I wasn’t great at Ela bit I keep trying till I got it.One example the author gives is when she says “ Not waste money that way”. In a conversation between her and her mother and how went talking normally she realized everyone got used to her making improper sentences because her mother talk that. Then she wrote more and more just like me till she got better. This experience helped me grow and realized that the only way to get better at writing is to push yourself over the limit to get better at English by challenging yourself by reading more books and writing a lot more.

final draft

Christian Parris                                                                     11/9/19


What can we do to combat the school to prison pipeline?


One of the biggest problems in the United States today is the amount of young minority Americans going in and out of the prison system. It’s because of increasingly harsh school and municipal policies such as school disturbance laws, zero tolerance policies and practices, and an increase in police forces in schools in creating the pipeline. The policy best known is the zero tolerance policy which is school is a strict enforcement of regulations and bans against behaviors or the possession of items deemed undesirable by the schools. This policy is enforced in many ways from suspensions to explosions which causes many kids to be exposed to the street life and end up in jail. In this essay I will be discussing what is the school to prison pipeline and in what ways can we combat the school to prison pipeline so that we can lower the prison rates. 


SCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE by ACLU talks about how the school to prison pipeline is created by in inequality in and the policy are just the way to enforce them. Which is why I believe we should change the policy like the zero  tolerance policy and the amount of money that the schools get. In the arrival it says ”

For most students, the pipeline begins with inadequate resources in public schools. Overcrowded classrooms, a lack of quali­fied teachers, and insufficient funding for “extras” such as counselors, special edu­cation services, and even textbooks, lock students into second-rate educational envi­ronments. What this quote means is that the school down have enough funds to properly prepare the student and how that leads to more dropout because they can’t get the proper education.


According to (How High-Stakes Testing Feeds the School-to-Prison Pipeline) written by fairtest.org Standardized test to feeding the school to prison pipeline. Which was written to explain the effects of standardized testing and why it is bad, but also how it helps lead students to the school to prison pipeline. Which gives me my opinion that we should get rid of standardized testing. When research how high stakes testing affect the school to prison pipeline they found “High school exit exams (FairTest, 2008) push many thousands of students out of school. As a result of these factors, urban graduation rates decreased. Some students see no realistic option other than dropping out; some are deliberately pushed out or fail the tests.” This means that the dropout rate around the exit test increase as a result the graduation rate fell down and the dropouts are more likely to get involved with gangs and other illegal activities.


It also explains how teaching the book affects not only the student but the learning environment. The text says, “Moreover, the test-prep culture pits teachers against kids, damages school climate and reduces students’ engagement with school. This in turn fosters problem behaviors, which are then countered with zero tolerance”. What this quote means is that because the teacher has to teach to the book students are more likely to get distracted and off-topic which then leads to behavioral problems where they are counted with a zero-tolerance policy. This proves my claim that we showed get rid of the standard test because with the standard test gone kids wouldn’t stress over the school which could lead to dropping out and teachers could go off book and make lessons interesting and effective so there won’t be behavioral problems and students can actually learn.


The article (Stopping the School-to-Prison Pipeline Starts With Ending Suspensions) by Sarah Kuta a writer from Colorado who regularly write about education. Wrote this article to talk about the school to prison pipeline and how restorative justice can be an alternative. Restorative justice is an alternate method of disciplining students that seeks to balance the process between being too permissive and being too punitive. The goal of restorative justice is to work with students (the victims and the accused) to come to a solution rather than simply handing down punishment such as suspensions or expulsions. In the article says “We know that many of our students who are suspended are also the ones who don’t make it to graduation,” said David Yusem. The restorative justice coordinator for the Oakland Unified School District explains that because of the harsh punishment of the school system the people who are punished are less likely to graduate and drop out which leads them to get involved in gangs and other legal activities. 


David Yusme goes on to prove that restorative justice work by watching the rate go down in school that have restorative justice the the ones without. He says “Oakland schools that have implemented restorative justice practices have seen a 56 percent decrease in dropout rates from 2010 to 2013, compared to a 17 percent decline at schools without restorative justice,according to district data.” What this means is that during the years of 2010 and 2013 they tested to see if restorative justice would have an effect on the graduation rate which it did.This proves my claim that restorative justice is a solution to the school to prison pipeline because it showed the difference between people going to regular school and a school with restorative justice and how the dropping out rate of school’s are lower with restorative justice which higher graduation rates keeping them off the streets and out of prison system. 


In the article (Cops in class: Is ‘zero tolerance’ still the right approach?) By Ashley Fantz, a CNN reporter who wrote this article to inform the public about the dangerous effects of the zero tolerance policy and police getting involved in school matters. Which is why I bolive another way to combat the school to prison pipeline is that they should make the police should be the last resort in handling a matter and change. Because of policies like the zero tolerance which was introduced by the former president Ronald Reagan which was first made to target gangs and drugs in schools back in the days. When police or security is called to deal with student acting out they are required to treat the situation like they were dealing with adults which not only means to arrest them but use force. In an article by Ashley Fantz, CNN she gives a few examples of police using to much force on minors “In May, sheriff’s deputies use pepper spray to break up a fight at a Naples, Florida, high school. Three students are arrested and 21 students need medical care.” What this show is the negative effect of the policy because police are called in they use the same amount of power as if they were dealing with a real criminal. This leads to many problems not only physical problems but mental problems and they are most likely to end up in an even worse situation when they get older.


Another example she gives is on why not to use police is In March 2015, when “New York Police Department safety agents ask a student to remove safety pins holding his glasses together. When the student refuses, the officers reportedly tackle and arrest him.” This shows the police have no training when Handling young kids because what was said that really happen was after the took the safety pin he try to reach for his glasses and tackled him to the ground. Where his elbow accidently hit on of the officer in the eye. I believe this source is worth listening too because it gives more than two great examples as to why policy like the zero tolerance policy has a negative impact on the school system.


In conclusion I believe the school to prison pipeline does exist and there are many ways to combat it a few ways are Make police the last resort, Restorative justice, and get rid of standardized testing. People should care about this topic because it affects the minority groups in the United States. 


Fantz, Ashley. “Zero Tolerance Policies and School Cops – CNN.” CNN, Google, 29 Oct. 2015, https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2015/10/29/us/police-schools-punishment-zero-tolerance/index.html.


“How Testing Feeds the School-to-Prison Pipeline.” FairTest, 28 Mar. 2010, https://www.fairtest.org/how-testing-feeds-schooltoprison-pipeline.


Kuta, Sarah. “Ending the School-to-Prison Pipeline Starts With Getting Rid of School Suspensions.” School Leaders Now, 29 Oct. 2019, https://schoolleadersnow.weareteachers.com/end-school-suspensions/.


“School-to-Prison Pipeline.” American Civil Liberties Union, https://www.aclu.org/issues/juvenile-justice/school-prison-pipeline.



It was my first year of high school I knew my high school was different from the regular school system its called an outward bound school. I had no clue what that meant but all I remember was that we only take one regent exam the rest was replaced with something called Panels and we were going on a camping trip but only once our first year. My thoughts when I heard that this place is going to be the best. I walked in on the first day not knowing what was going to happen the first day I walked in following my schedule I didn’t know any of the people in the room. It looked too small to be a class and there was no desk just a circle of chairs the teacher walks in describing what the class is and how for the next four years we would have this same class every day. I didn’t know until senior year how important the people in the room were as classmates and as friends. My highschool was different for normal schools It was called an outward bound school which meant it didn’t follow the same rules as other schools like we don’t take the Regents except for ela and all the others would be replaced by essays three or more pages for every class. Panels are when you write an essay and present the essay usually in the form of a slide show to other teachers and staff at the school they graded you based on the paper and your presentation. I thought this would be the easiest school but it wasn’t we were given hard essays that they said would prepare us for the college level and  Ela only got harder in those four years it was especially hard for me because Ela was my weakest subject all through my life. But over the years in that school we were given essays to push us to the next leave on books like Othello to fahrenheit 451 I grew as a writer or so I thought until the last year in high school. Twelve grade ela assignment the only panel that I need to pass to graduate if I didn’t I wouldn’t graduate on time. Our teacher Ms.Chang was gone at the beginning of the year she was gone for the beginning of the year we were so happy because from what we heard from the last year seniors she wasn’t an easy teacher. We all had a great time when she wasn’t here but she did leave us work which was to read a book and start the essay we all through to our self’s ok we have been doing this for years. But then she came back early we all said please say it isn’t true as we stop outside the classroom door. As soon as class started she told us she looked at our essay and we had to restart the whole thing from scratch. We were so angry at her she told use the format that we used was wrong even though we used that format since the first year of high school and none of our teachers said it was bad but she said she wouldn’t expect it. We all were so angry at her she was out for three months then had the nerve to tell us our form was wrong and made us restart everything even a new book we missed our first chance to panel for the first semester. Then when we came back it was the second semester started we started reading the book class “The Kite Runner”. We had a class in the morning early 8:30 it was ever everyone would still be half asleep but we tried we didn’t meet a lot because of all of the holidays even worst for me I had to retake the SAT because my score was low so I studied a lot in between that time. After all that I focused on my essay but around the same time final project for every class but it didn’t affect me because I panels for every other class in my 11th-grade year. So I wasn’t as bad off as others some people would have to panel for all four of the major classes Math, Science, English, and Social Studies. I only had one sadly it was the subject I was the worst in English.


My Ela class wasn’t special it was regular 12th grade Ela in my school yet the work we were given wasn’t they told us we would be working at the college level, Ela. We thought it was going to be the most easy final because we did it for four years and ignored the teacher  but the ela final was different from everything we learned. Almost everyone was procrastinating until the final weeks of school before the break but it I thought we had enough time to get it finished but there weeks when by and it only felt like three days . In the final week before the break, there was a change in the atmosphere from relaxed to help me and everyone stress to graduate people that would come later every day was now on time begging for the teacher’s attention because they were still on their first draft sadly I was in the same boat. I had to restart my whole essay from scratch. The last three days of classes trying hard to panel my final project what went threw my mind is I wasn’t going to graduate because of one class. But I didn’t give up I finished the first draft because of my crew mate and best fiend. My teacher never told me anything on if I was ready by the end of the day and I was so worried thinking I was going to disappoint my family and not graduate on time when my friend told me to relax.


The reason why we had a week off was that it was regents week but my school only took one region and I had already passed. So on the day of that week teacher would call in student so the can present or work on their essay so that they can present their project for a grade. My Ela teacher never called me in to work so I took it upon myself to go in the class. The room was silent and everyone was working as I walked  in I told my teacher that I had finished my draft she told me she would check it as two days when by I got more and more worried telling my dad everything. He told me not to worry by it worried me more as time went by. Then one day I walked in and my teacher said I gave you edits I was happy because if I complete it I could panel but I didn’t understand the edits she gave me. My family and friends told me I shouldn’t give up as I became frantic but they helped me again and again until the teacher told me I was ok. But before I could panel my paper had to be read by a second person and the second person said there were more problems with my essay but when I fix it my teacher said there were problems and it got me so frustrated going back and forward on the same paper. That day my dad came into town from Trinidad for my graduation he said don’t worry I would help you get over the top. That night I went to the house he stayed up all night to help me and the next day it got accepted and I was able to panel but the had to give me a date I waited all day for news but nothing. It came 8:00 at night I got an email saying I can panel the following day. And I passed it. This related me to the story Amy tang because I wasn’t great at Ela bit I keep trying till I got it.One example the author gives is when she says “ Not waste money that way”. In a conversation between her and her mother and how went talking normally she realized everyone got used to her making improper sentences. Then she wrote more and more just like me till she got better. This experience helped me grow and realized that the only way to get better at writing is to push yourself over the limit to get better at English by challenging yourself by reading more books and writing a lot more.


In my paper I am going to fix many things some are that I left out details in the story that I feel would make the story more interesting. I also believe that I should make a new hook to make people interested in my story and also at the end tell the readers what they should learn from the story. The main thing I’m going to do is fill in missing detail. When I first wrote my essay l skipped many parts and rushed my essay. When I looked at my paper their was more to the story that I bolive is important now only to the story but to me as well when I do it will make the assay much easier to read and it will flow better not as an essay but as a story.

There is still much more that will need to be added I will also take into account the comments left on my paper and try to answer them in the paper. I know I have a problem with procrastinating so I will do the revision to the paper right after class and at home before I go to bed. Beyond this in will explain at the end what I learned from this experience at the very least sentence of the paper. After complete that I will check my grammar because I know that when I write long papers I make a lot of mistakes that I don’t see till it is to late. So I must reread after I have complete my paper 


James Baldwin

In James Baldwin’s text, he talks about all the things he has learned and what he is going to teach the next generation even though he isn’t a school teacher. He talks about how to experience and how the country he lived in was corrupted with hate toward black people. Baldwin talks a lot about how schools in his day don’t teach the real history of the country. He talks about t

How white people learn anything and how their history was a lying. He also talked about how blacks were beaten, sprayed, and even bombed even while white people believe in Christianity.


There were many parts of his text that interest me some of those parts was when he talked about  ”What passes for identity in America is a series of myths about one’s heroic ancestors. It’s astounding to me, for ex- ample, that so many people really appear to believe that the country was founded by a band of heroes who wanted to be free. That happens not to be true. What happened was that some people left Europe because they couldn’t stay there any longer and had to go someplace else to make it. That’s all. They were hungry, they were poor, they were convicts.” What he said was true that people forget why they had to find the new world even though it wasn’t really new. This angers me because when the history books look at what happens they leave out the bad parts and everyone just remember the hero of the story like Christopher Columbus but forget, he killed native Indians he took their land and called it the new world. I think that the United States, in general, forgets the main problem of part of history where they built their land on the death of other African Americans, Native Americans and many more.


In the book, the author is described what had happened on how they took the easy way out and how on the day when the sat came he realized he couldn’t cheat. They also explain that education is being taken advantage of and the author is correct. There are many people who are able to get good jobs because they don,t  have the proper education . Even if they do most people can remember half the things taught to them  and on test in is the worst part test is said to see if we remember the information that was taught but it effect a person self confidence. The author said when she failed one test it made them feel stupid like the didn’t know anything . This is the problem with the education system they expect a person to rennet every that is taught but the teach in in such a dull way that your brain doesn’t care it retain the information. Which in most cases lead people like the authors to cheat. Which is the sad truth that makes  people think that have to cheat to do better. The author realize that they are going to fail which only isn’t the student fault but the education system fault to because the still teach the way they toughen many years ago. While the world it self is changing the way teaching is in the same way that is not moving with the time . This story is just showing that education is being taken advantage of and how the author is realizing all the mistakes in their educational journey.

2nd Draft

 It was my first year of high school I knew my high school was different but I don’t know what was going to happen the first day I walked in following my schedule I didn’t know any of the people in the room. It looked too small to be a class and there was no desk just a circle of chairs the teacher walks in describing what the class is and how for the next four years we would have this same class. I didn’t know until senior year how important the people in the room were. My highschool was different for normal schools It was called an outward bound school which meant it didn’t follow the same rules as other schools like we don’t take the reagents except for ela and all the others would be replaced by essays. For most this would be the easiest school but it wasn’t we where given hard essays that they said would prepare us for college and we had four years of that essay hard that we ever thought of it was especially hard for me. Because up to highschool I struggle to get good grades in ela I would of said it was my worst subject up to highschool. But over the years I grew as a writer or so I thought until the last ela assignment that I need to pass to graduate if I didn’t I wouldn’t graduate on time. I was so angry at the ela teacher who I that hated us all because she was out for three months. Then came back and expected us to be caught up on all the work  we started reading the book class “The Kite Runner “. We had a class in the morning early 8:30 ever everyone would still be half asleep because but around the same time final project for every class would so people would be up extra late because you had three or four essays done around the same time.


My Ela class wasn’t special it was regular 12th grade Ela in my school yet the work we were given wasn’t they told us we would be working at college level Ela. 

We thought it wasn’t going to be the most easy final because we did it for four years but the ela final was different from everything we learned. Almost everyone was procrastinating until the final three weeks of school before the break I thought we had enough time to get it finished but there weeks when by and it only felt like three days . In the final week before the break, there was a change in the atmosphere from relaxed to help me to graduate people that would come later every day was now on time begging for the teacher’s attention because they were still on their  first draft sadly I was in the same boat. I had to restart my whole essay from scratch. The last three days of classes trying hard to panel my final project what went threw my mind is I wasn’t going to graduate because of one class. But I didn’t give up I finished the first draft because of my crew mate and best fiend. My teacher never told me anything on if I was ready by the end of the day and I was so worried thinking I was going to disappoint my family and not graduate on time when my friend told me to relax 


The reason why we had a week off was that it was region week but my school only took one region and I had already passed. So on the day of that week teacher would call in student so the can present or work on their essay so that they can present their project for a grade. My Ela teacher never called me in to work so I took it apron myself to go in the class. The room was silent and everyone was working as I walked  in I told my teacher that I had finished my draft she told me she would check it as two days when by I got more and more worried telling my dad everything. He told me not to worry by it worried me more as time went by. Then one day I walked in and my teacher said I gave you edits I was happy because if I complete it I could panel but I didn’t understand the edits she gave me. My family and friends told me I shouldn’t give up as I became frantic but they helped me again and again until the teacher told me I was ok. But before I could panel my paper had to be read by a second person and the second person said there were more problems with my essay but when I fix it my teacher said there were problems and it got me so frustrated going back and forward on the same paper. That day my dad came into town for my graduation he said don’t worry I would help you get over the top. That night he stayed all night to help me and the next day it got accepted and I was able to panel but the had to give me a date I waited all day for news but nothing. It came 8:00 at night I got an email saying I can panel the following day. And I passed it. This related me to the story Amy tang because I wasn’t great at Ela bit I keep trying till I got it.One example the author gives is when she says “ Not waste money that way”. In a conversation between her and her mother and how went talking normally she realized everyone got used to her making improper sentences. Then she wrote more and more just like me till she got better. This experience helped me grow and realized that the only way to get better at writing is to push yourself over the limits.