
Chris Chan


Prof. Hall


            “Balls of steel”


As a child, your always told to just try your best but that isn’t always the case. Majority of the time, playing it smart and not necessarily working hard gets you further. I was never a bad kid in school or in general causing havoc in class, disputes with teachers, etc. In class, I paid attention and did my work, got some laughs in with my friends, etc. I rarely got to hang out afterschool daily, I was picked up and didn’t ride the train. At the time, I hated it and resented the proposition of being picked up because I wanted to hangout afterschool with my friends and take the train alongside with them. Afterschool, I went straight home and did homework. Homework always took at least an hour, with English being the most time consuming. That class always had me worried, we had to read multiple books every year. It was late October in 7th grade when I started to realize that almost everybody in my English class had similar grades, high 80s and 90s. The teacher wasn’t bogus, she was legit, she graded precisely and hard. Seats were moved in the second semester and I had a new neighbor. His name was Orion, he was a tad taller than me and always had the newly released Jays on. I wouldn’t say he had the best attendance nor care for his grades. However, we became good friends and sat together in other classes. One night, I struggled hard on this book review that I was given weeks to do and I didn’t even finish reading the last 5 chapters. I ended up arriving to class the next morning empty handed. I was certain others had failed to do it as well. To my surprise, sitting beside me in the calmest stance, Orion had the whole sheet filled out. Every quote, explanation and scene, from each chapter written on his paper. I was in awe, I was stunned and asked how he finished it with such ease. I was expecting a response of hard work and nights of reading but instead he showed me a link to an online site that gave every detail from the book. To my surprise everyone had knew about this and I was kind of the only one that didn’t. It kinda struck me at that point that I was clueless to the vastness of the internet. I ended up getting an incomplete for my final grade. For the next assignment, I did what any other kid would have done. It was then I understood the shortcuts and imperfections within the system, for most cases, the complete sheet of assignment could be found online and copied directly. Meanwhile I see those actually struggling to complete certain work, others are simply doing it the easy way. While you think those that actually do it learn more, for some classes, homework are nothing but grades. Many teachers assign homework that are just a review of the lesson they have already learned. Many adults complain that children don’t go out enough to exercise, but sometimes you cant blame them when they have 6-8 classes a day with homework everyday from half the classes. During weekends, they’re too busy doing even more homework because their teachers simply believe they have a lot of “free” time.

Starting High school wasn’t easy for me, but things weren’t that different around here. I understood that it was gonna be a challenge for me and it was going to be hard. I met many new friends, made unforgettable memories and grew older and older each day. Repeated the usual for 3 years and with my senior year around the corner I passed my required regents to graduate, some students had the struggle of failing one or two primarily because their teachers hadn’t teach the properly. I remember when all the upper class men would ask to see our schedules and give feedback on teachers. Many of the times, they would suggest transferring out the class simply because the teacher could not teach to the standard. I stressed on SATs and college applications and had switched between 3 different guidance counselors, so I couldn’t really go to anyone to ask about college. The SATs to me at the time was like a life changing testing, it was THAT intimidating to me. The hardest tests are the ones that you don’t know if you either absolutely flunked it or aced it. The night after we took the first school given SAT, I came out my shower and my phone was blowing up. I had scrolled to the top of the group chat to see what had originated from this spam of messages. My friend that went to another high school in Brooklyn sent, “Highkey just cheated on my SAT…this dude did not give a single shit.” Our first instinct was call bull, but he said insisted. Explaining to us that the proctor did not care at all and the whole class had their phones remaining inside their pockets. The proctor also left the classroom a great deal of times and even proceeded to take his own phone out. My proctor was out here checking people’s water bottles and calculator but his proctor could do such a thing. Of course, we all took to conclusion that maybe he was lying after all. Soon after, when we received the SAT scores back, we all pushed him to show his score. To our surprise, he got a 1400~, obviously OUR scores were nowhere near that range. The whole group chat had responses with jealousy and frustration. I remember seeing some of my friends study so  hard and prepared for this test just to be outscored by those who had their phones out during the test.

There are many problems with the education system and in this essay, I only mentioned a few important ones. I agree that homework is beneficial but when a student has other classes, it is also their priority to keep up in those classes. The teacher should assign homework accordingly that should not exceed or overrule that child’s social life. Regents are also important in this conversation mainly because they are so limiting and affects the way a teacher is teaching. Why is it that a student’s regents grade be a reflection of how they are taught. Each teacher teaches in their own speed and method and shouldn’t be rush. The DOE should really consider making new changes towards the system and invest more time and money into our future.  ” While students are 20% of our population, they are 100% of our future.Tony Blair”


In my essay, I talked about the connections between cheating and my highschool experience. At first, i talked about my first encounter with cheating and how even though it was easy to copy homework and taking shortcuts, they didn’t benefit me at all , in fact was hurting my education.  During peer review ,i received many helpful feedbacks, but the main problem to it was it’s lack of dialogue. Dialogue would help the reader feel more into the story and gave them a sense of what i was experiencing. The dialogue would also make the essay more storytelling and less of an “assignment”.Not only dialogue but i feel as my essay was extremely rigid and too formal. Another issue I realized was the lack of transition in my essay, it feels rushed and unfinished.  As Prof Hall told me, she didn’t quite understand how some parts of my essay correspond with others and my reflection on the essay was unclear. From the part of me copying homework to finding out my friend cheating on the SAT, it didn’t give the reader a clear sense of what the point of the essay was. My audience, who I am speaking as will remain the same but the structure and the small details will need to be changed.

Difficulty Paper

This article focuses on a majority of problems handed out on modern society. Primarily on things such as discrimination and equality.  I think the article itself was great and very honest meaning it was detailed to describe the struggles of those who were oppressed and discriminated. I find this part of the article upsetting when he quotes,”What passes for identity in America is a series of myths about one’s heroic ancestors. It’s astounding to me, for example, that so many people really appear to believe that the country was founded by a band of heroes who wanted to be free. That happens not to be true.” I find upsetting that I could still remember when i was taught history and the false teachings regarding settlers and their methods, etc. It wasn’t up until high-school when we were actually taught the true stories. I think it is only fair to teach kids about everyone’s struggles and achievements but primarily teaching the truth.

I really wanted to highlight this part of the article as well.” No American has the right to allow the present government to say, when Negro children are being bombed and hosed and shot and beaten all over the deep South, that there is nothing we can do about it. There must have been a day in this country’s life when the bombing of four children in Sunday School would have created a public uproar and endangered the life of a Governor Wallace. It happened here and there was no public uproar.” This part is describing the bombing of a Birmingham Church back in the 60s. One of the many first books i read was called ” The Watsons go to Birmingham 1963.”  I was in 5th or 6th grade when i first read the book, its vivid detail and plot really brought me into the book. It was also when i was taught the cruel discrimination towards African-Americans throughout history. It was a hard realization like wow, this really happened back in the day and people thought it was fine. I can say it was one of the best books i have read and i still would read it again till this day.

Christopher’s 250 word Blog

I think a majority of the group wrote a balanced positive and negative viewpoint towards the education system. In my group consisting of Michael, Christian and Jonell, we have similar viewpoints on some aspects of education and some on other things. For instance, Michael and I both wrote on the blessings of education and how it affects those with and without it.  We also wrote on the events following the SATs and how it effects both of us in different ways. Christian also had his remarks on high school following his struggles and how he managed to overcome them and succeed. Christian’s reflection explains how he wasn’t as proficient as others in English but still managed to pass. These were both positive articles written by Michael and Christian. Last but not least, Jonell’s essay describes her journey in admitting into a high school. Despite the harsh regulations required by multiple schools, Jonell kept her head up and ended up achieving her goal. In the process she also witnessed discrimination in which affected her deeply.  Which motivated her even more. One obvious thing we all have in common in these articles is the stories of our high school experience. Each one of us included our high school stories in which some of them shaped us into who we are.  Positive or negative, we all learned something towards the end of our stories, which to each one of us is important and valuable.

Academic Integrity – Essay One Final

Chris Chan


Prof. Hall

Education is a beneficial thing, and I feel that no one should ever take it for granted. Especially if you look at those who risk and sacrifice everything they have for their kids or themselves to learn. Of course as a little kid, these thoughts don’t fly by your mind, and you just go on and follow what you see. Your always told to just try “hard” but that isn’t always the case. Majority of the time, playing it smart and not necessarily working hard gets you further.

I was never a bad kid in school or in general causing havoc in class, disputes with teachers, etc. I did do some dumb stuff here and there like that got me standing in front of an adult having to explain my actions. In class, I paid attention and did my work, got some laughs in with my friends, etc. I never got to hang out afterschool daily, I was picked up in a car and didn’t ride the train. At the time, I hated it and resented the proposition of being picked up because I wanted to hangout afterschool with my friends and take the train alongside with them. Afterschool, I went straight home and did homework. Homework always took at least an hour, with English being the most time consuming. That class always had me worried, we had to read multiple books every year. It was late October in 7th grade when I started to realize that almost everybody in my English class had similar grades, high 80s and 90s. The teacher wasn’t bogus, she was legit, she graded precisely and hard. Seats were moved in the second semester and I had a new neighbor. His name was Orion, he was a tad taller than me and always had the newly released Jays on. I wouldn’t say he had the best attendance nor care for his grades. However, we became good friends and sat together in other classes. One night, I struggled hard on this book review that I was given weeks to do and I didn’t even finish reading the last 5 chapters. I ended up arriving to class the next morning empty handed. I was certain others had failed to do it as well. To my surprise, sitting beside me in the calmest stance, Orion had the whole sheet filled out. Every quote, explanation and scene, from each chapter written on his paper. I was in awe, I felt absolutely retarded and I asked him how he finished it with such ease. I was expecting a response of hard work and nights of reading but instead he showed me a link to an online site that gave every detail from the book. To my surprise everyone had knew about this and I was kind of the only one that didn’t. It kinda struck me at that point that I was clueless to the vastness of the internet. I ended up getting an incomplete for my final grade. For the next assignment, I did what any other kid would have done. It was then I understood the shortcuts and imperfections within the system, for most cases, the complete sheet of assignment could be found online and copied directly. Meanwhile I see those actually struggling to complete certain work, others are simply doing it the easy way. While you think those that actually do it learn more, for some classes, homework are nothing but grades. Many teachers assign homework that are just a review of the lesson they have already learned. Many adults complain that children don’t go out enough to exercise, but sometimes you cant blame them when they have 6-8 classes a day with homework everyday from half the classes. During weekends, they’re too busy doing even more homework because their teachers simply believe they have a lot of “free” time.

Starting High school wasn’t easy for me, but things weren’t that different around here. I understood that it was gonna be a challenge for me and it was going to be hard. I met many new friends, made unforgettable memories and grew older and older each day. Repeated the usual for 3 years and with my senior year around the corner I passed my required regents to graduate, some students had the struggle of failing one or two primarily because their teachers hadn’t teach the properly. I remember when all the upper class men would ask to see our schedules and give feedback on teachers. Many of the times, they would suggest transferring out the class simply because the teacher could not teach to the standard. I stressed on SATs and college applications and had switched between 3 different guidance counselors, so I couldn’t really go to anyone to ask about college. The SATs to me at the time was like a life changing testing, it was THAT intimidating to me. The hardest tests are the ones that you don’t know if you either absolutely flunked it or aced it. The night after we took the first school given SAT, I came out my shower and my phone was blowing up. I had scrolled to the top of the group chat to see what had originated from this spam of messages. My friend that went to another high school in Brooklyn sent, “Highkey just cheated on my SAT…this dude did not give a single shit.” Our first instinct was call bull, but he said insisted. Explaining to us that the proctor did not care at all and the whole class had their phones remaining inside their pockets. The proctor also left the classroom a great deal of times and even proceeded to take his own phone out. My proctor was out here checking people’s water bottles and calculator but his proctor could do such a thing. Of course, we all took to conclusion that maybe he was lying after all. Soon after, when we received the SAT scores back, we all pushed him to show his score. To our surprise, he got a 1400~, obviously OUR scores were nowhere near that range. The whole group chat had responses with jealousy and frustration. I remember seeing some of my friends study so  hard and prepared for this test just to be outscored by those who had their phones out during the test.

There are many problems with the education system and in this essay, I only mentioned a few important ones. I agree that homework is beneficial but when a student has other classes, it is also their priority to keep up in those classes. The teacher should assign homework accordingly that should not exceed or overrule that child’s social life. Regents are also important in this conversation mainly because they are so limiting and affects the way a teacher is teaching. Why is it that a student’s regents grade be a reflection of how they are taught. Each teacher teaches in their own speed and method and shouldn’t be rush. The DOE should really consider making new changes towards the system and invest more time and money into our future.  ” While students are 20% of our population, they are 100% of our future.

Rough Draft

Chris Chan

Prof. Hall

Rough draft

 “Academic Integrity”

Education is extremely important and I feel like no one should ever take it for granted. Especially if you look at those who risk and sacrifice everything they have for their kids or themselves to learn. Of course as a little kid, these thoughts don’t fly by your mind, and you just go on and follow what you see. Your always told to just try “hard” but that isn’t always the case. Majority of the time, playing it smart and not necessarily working hard gets you further.

I was never a bad kid in school or in general, but I did do some dumb stuff here and there that got me standing in front of an adult having to explain my actions. In class, I paid attention and did my work, got some laughs in with my friends, etc. I never got to hang out afterschool daily, I was picked up in a car and didn’t ride the train. At that time, I hated it and resented the proposition of being picked up. Now that I reflect on it, I was glad it happened and now I wished I was picked up daily rather than taking the train home. Afterschool, I went straight home and did homework. Homework always took at least an hour, with English being the most time consuming. That class always had me worried, we had to read multiple books every year. It was late October in 7th grade when I started to realize that almost everybody in my English class had the same grades, all in the 90s. The teacher wasn’t bogus, she was legit, she graded hard. Seats were moved in the second semester and I had a new neighbor.  I wouldn’t say he had the best attendance nor care for his grades. However, we made good connections and became close friends. I struggled hard on this book review that I was given weeks to do and I didn’t even finish reading the last 5 chapters. I ended up arriving to class the next morning empty handed. I was certain others had failed to do it as well. To my surprise, sitting beside me in the calmest stance, Orion had the whole sheet filled out. Every quote, explanation and scene, from each chapter written on his paper. I was in awe, I felt absolutely retarded and I asked him how he finished it with such ease. I was expecting a response of hard work and nights of reading but instead he showed me a link to an online site that gave every detail from the book. It kinda struck me at that point that I was clueless to the vastness of the internet. I ended up getting an incomplete for my final grade. For the next assignment, I did what any other kid would have done in my situation. It was there I understood the finesse of the system. This was all homework but I never had the balls to cheat on a test. It was too risky and I never really needed to.

Middle school went by like a breeze, tears on the last day and for me i had a lot of friends going to the same high school. It was a chance to start fresh and exceed better than I did for the last 3 years. It was during the first week on high school when I had my first serious talks about academic honesty and integrity.It didn’t really scare me that much. Class was easy for me because I knew the cheats to most of the answers and it was to the point that I barely look at the questions and I just copy it from the sites. Deep down, it was easy for me but it would hit me hard when tests came up. I wouldn’t say I never cheated on tests but I soon came to realization that I was struggling because I kept choosing the easy way out and never took my time to think and do these problems. I started to pick up my pace for a while before my senior year. When my senior year came, I stressed on SATs and college applications. I had switched between 3 different guidance counselors, and I couldn’t really go to anyone to ask about college. It hit me that it was the real deal, I can’t finesse my way out of this The night after the first SAT testing, I was chatting in the  group chat when my friend told us he had cheated on the SAT. The proctor had been on his phone and half the class had their phones out. When the scores came out, he had gotten a 1400~ without super score. i was jealous, livid and shocked, because to me it was middle school in repeat. I hated the system for this and it made no sense to me. It is extremely easy to get tempted to one thing and taking the risk to push further because it didn’t affect you much. I became lazier to do the simplest things, but at the same time I would defend myself by saying I was like every teenager in high school. I’m not saying if I had done my homework, I would have gone to Harvard but it would have definitely impacted me while developing as a teenager.