Unit 3 ( Revision )

What should be the limitation of American foreign policy ?

That’s what I’m here to talk about I know you guys probably seen on the news about U.S Foreign  policy and stretch of the U.S military around the world . I know you guys heard about future Events that most people kept talking about like WW3 or conflict in Europe etc those kind of events to be honest yes it’s scary I know we’ve been in those type of scenarios before what I mean of scenarios I meant that U.S participation  in WW1 and WW2 . We’ve been there and we pledged that we will never be in that type of situation ever again . Luckily we survive the Cold War and it never got hot . Through out that point in time we’ve been intervening and backing countries that were fighting the communist . But now in the more recent modern times we get involved in foreign affairs we question ourselves are we getting involved too much ? Maybe it’s time that we should get involved if we have too . Some reasons we get involved is because of threats to national security and that action must be taken . But I just wanted to get the point out that we should set our limitation and take action when time is right . This topic is what I consider a long term heated debate when it comes to American foreign policy and what should be the changes but now in the present day people don’t seem to to nothing about it.  It would be really sad if history has to repeat itself an no one does not want to know depending on how tense the situation is because no one is not gonna know of what even the outcome is gonna turn out like. But if we act now we can make a difference and we can definitely change people’s view on our foreign policy and set the proper limitations.

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