Script Rough Draft

Script on How to Introduce a Third Party in American Politics?

*anything in bold is actions to be done, anything unbolded is lines


The screen fades from black to the scenery of me behind a table with a backdrop of my wall.

Hello and welcome to my first unboxing video that was sent in by a follower of mine.

I pull out my hobby knife and start opening the box. Then I’ll open the box and peek inside.

Wow, we got some interesting items here, some things I like and some I don’t.

I then position the box and dump out the contents of the box while exclaiming “M-m-money shot!”

Contents coming out of the box would be an elephant stuffed animal, donkey, porcupine, and a leaf.

Here we got the Republicans, a bunch of useless “conservatives” that back down from any debate and make a fool of themselves. You got the Democrats who are a party is the epitome of jackasses who plan to limit rights and exclaim anyone who disagrees with them is a white supremacist, nazi, sexist xenophobe, etc. Now here you have the Libertarians who run on a belief of absolute right and no type of government can maintain the integrity of such rights. Good in theory, but the party’s filled with morons. Lastly, you have the Green party who are a bunch of environmentalists and align the same with the Democrats, however, they care a lot more about the environment realistically.

I’d notice I forgot an item in the box and then I’ll dump it on out the table revealing nothing.

And here you have centrists, people who are supposedly “independent”, yeah there’s nothing there because they lack to add anything to the table.


First Point
Now, third parties definitely exist within American politics, however, they’re barely heard of because they ultimately lack the capability of representation.

The screen would reveal information on how some parties are left off the ballot in some states. (

Here you got coward tactics by Cuomo to attempting to limit third parties and completely neuter them in any hopes of even showing up on the ballot for state elections.

This could definitely help out the Democrats in NYS, but this could also help out conservatives within NYS, but that’s not the point, both parties suck.

I’d show more words from the article revealing how it’ll be difficult for third parties to even meet a 250,000 voter threshold.

Now to you watching this, you may not get it whatsoever, but this limits room for debate for an attempt at definite victory for Cuomo.


Second Point
Introducing a third party to American politics wouldn’t be impossible, however, it depends on how many people would want to back other parties on a major scale.

I’d reveal Wikipedia’s listing of current third parties active in the United States. (

My favorite here is the Constitution party, now they’re actually something I can get behind other than the now progressive Republican party.

More screenshots would reveal registrations/votes within each top 3 popular parties.

As the years go by, registration would increase or stagnant by decreasing, but due to recent years, it may skyrocket.


Third Point
A poll shows that Americans since the early 2000s want a third major political party.

A screenshot would reveal the exact poll I am referencing. (

Half of Americans within the United States want a third party introduced into American politics while around a quarter of that say the two-party system is obsolete and insufficient.

Another screenshot would reveal percentages of popularity for a third party and disagreement of the two-party system.

Americans are beginning to realize that both parties suck and are starting to want a third party to open up room for debate and for a party people can get behind instead of choosing Democrat or Republican.


Fourth Point

Here are a few clips of an interview conducted by an NBC interviewer on an NYS Libertarian Candidate for Governor.

I’d go through the short interview by pinpointing important information from the interview and reacting to it by no script.


The backing behind a third party ain’t impossible, it’s just sure as hell difficult to obtain a big backing for a third party when die-hard Democrats or Republicans don’t give a shit about any other choice. You got people pledging undying fealty to Trump and on the other side of the spectrum, you got an unstable party that can’t get any backing.


I used to consider myself a Republican and have certain beliefs to be affiliated with the party, however, I felt abandoned as I’ve educated myself more and more about policies and how similar both of the two parties are in American politics, just one will destroy the country slower.

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