How To make a Q and A Video

How to make a Q And A video 


Ingredients You will need 

Social media profile 

Social media following/Follower 

Cell phone 



An open mind


So there’s no manual to this and anyone can do it and there’s no wrong way or Right way of  doing this normally Youtubers just casually go onto any social media profile such as Instagram Twitter or Facebook anyone Will do. you only want to use these platforms because you will need to get a wide range of questions but it’s all up to you and your choice This part is optional you can pick a random subject so that you can narrow down your search for questions after doing that you must let your followers ask questions or a statement based on subject because this makes your job a whole lot easier and You don’t need to have high follower count you just need active followers that Are willing to respond and free to respond just know you It’s up to you what questions you do or don’t want to answer it’s all up to your comfortability of the question make sure all questions are open ended meaning you can answer the question with something other than yes or no if so try to strengthen your response with your reason after you got all your questions the last final step is to record keep in mind the responses you could possibly get from the responses you got from the questions keep in mind of all rules try to be sensitive to the issue and don’t speak on something that you don’t have facts on  after you have recorded all the stuff post away and this could be anywhere it could be I Snapchat IG TV Twitter video or Facebook Leslie YouTube 


Aisse Tounkara`


Unit 3 

       Implicit Bias towards African Americans  in our Police What is It, What can we do to change it ?

   Your maybe wondering why your sitting here today when you could be somewhere else but I’m here to tell you why. Hello Everyone. My Name is Aisse Tounkara, and I am here today to talk to you about something very important as well as teaching you something. Hopefully by the end of today your mindset will change, and you will learn a few things that you never knew about yourself. Todays TED TALK will be on implicit bias in the police. So let’s do a quick exercise here before I go deep into my speech. I’m going to say a few words and you guys will have to reflect on the association you make with those words and what you believe the broader society like police makes with those words. Criminals, Low Income Neighborhoods, Jail

   Now let me tell you what implicit bias is. Implicit bias is the conscious attribution of particular qualities to a member of a certain social group, or a group of people. We all have an implicit bias in our own ways. Implicit biases are triggered through rapid and automatic mental associations that we as humans make between people, ideas, objects, and the attitudes and stereotypes that we hold about those people, ideas, and objects.

   Implicit bias in police is something that is a major problem in today’s society. Over the years Policing has evolved but the same ideas remain. Police officers have a very strong implicit bias towards African Americans. They make judgements based on preconceived notions of African Americans and then the worst happens. I concluded a research and became an expert on implicit bias. In my research I found that Police officers are often told to police differently in these low income neighborhoods compared to the other neighborhoods. This is because the norm that has been created is that African Americans are criminals and are dangerous. It’s crazy how the police mantra is “protect and serve” but when implicit bias is put into place it contradicts the whole idea. Studies have shown that “the tendency for police to shoot an unarmed African American suspects more than white ones is at 85%. It’s not just shootings it also stop and frisks, and consistent arrests that are made. Would you just take a look at that number. 85% That’s a very large number especially when African Americans only make up 13% of the population. Now look here, let’s take a look at Eric Garner an African American male who was a victim of Police officers implicit bias. On July 14th, 2014 Eric Garner died in an apparent chokehold after Police officer Daniel Pantaleo slammed him on the ground in an attempt to arrest him. At that time they thought he was selling loose cigarettes at the time when he wasn’t. It raised concerns after his death leading to the citizens saying that his death was a form of an officers implicit bias towards him. Had that been someone else the approach would have been done very differently but since he was African American this ended the way that it did. Another example is when Ferguson Missouri, grand jury declined to indict a police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown despite evidence proving that he was innocent and that the police officers implicit bias led to his death. The officer led his implicit bias to cloud his judgement and get in the way of proper conduct. This event meant so much to people because it struck a nerve throughout the country. This is a continuing cycle. Almost every African American that has been a victim of police violence is because of implicit bias. You get the big picture here. 

   Now let’s get into the bigger picture here. We talked about implicit bias, and how we all have an implicit bias of some kind. Police officers are now taking implicit bias training. Implicit bias training is when training programs are designed to expose people to their unconscious biases, provide the tools to get them to adjust patterns of thinking, and is aimed forward to eliminate discriminating behavior. This is what we call confronting implicit bias. In my research I found out that the New Jersey attorney general issued a directive requiring mandatory classes in racial bias for police officers in the state. The mayor is requiring that mandatory implicit bias training classes be taken. This implicit bias training is going to teach officers not to associate stereotypes and characteristics with racial groups, more directed towards Americans. Implicit bias trainings are very beneficial nowadays because we have seen a significant decrease in police approach, police violence when it comes to African Americans, and how every encounter turns out. 


Proposal Domestic violence

Q and A video / social media video post 

the audience im trying to reach is the young adults between ages 15-25 year old that are in relationship so awareness is spread among the young adults about all the things that are associated with domestic violence and it won’t be social expect from others when seen 


Youtube or instagram tv I believe it will reach the largest amount of people in my targeted age range this message is for and how it will impact my audience better because i’m already connecting with my audience by using modern technology 


Posting online my subject which people can have a chance to ask anonymous questions on the subject posted I will answer them to the best of my knowledge in later video  Â