Domestic Violence episode
Maya Hey my name is Amaya Brooks you are here watching from your couch and your television of the Brooks Show where we leave the bullshit at the door and only speak facts as you know on the show we always have guest host every thursday so give a round of applause to Shania Romain
Shania walks on the set and the audience applause shania smiles and waves at the fans and hugs amaya and sit in the chair next to her
Shania Hey girl how are you
Amaya I’m good girl for some of you that dont know shania and I go back
Shania Wayyyy back from freshman in college back
Maya (starts laughing ) Well are you ready to have girl chat so those that don’t know what is it but girl chat is we go through our social media ask our followers on questions that they want us to answer we have to keep it real and keep it honest as possible are you ready ?
Shania Yes girl born ready
Maya So we have a tweet from anniesocrazy5261 saying hey ladies, I need some sisterly advice on what I should do with regard to my best friend. She has been married for 5 years and I notice a shift in her behaviors we go to the mall and we see some oh so fab shoes she was so in love I just knew she was going to buy them but instead she told me she can’t her husband said to her she is not allowed to buy anything without his permission because he says that’s his money also notice that she has been very jumpy around girls and I, we notice that she always has bruises on her body there always new one not old ones so the question is this okay to do in a relationship? Should I ask her what’s going on or is this overstepping my boundaries as a friend
Maya (look over to shania ) What you think Shania
Shania Well Maya I don’t think this okay I wish my man tells me what and what not to spend, I mean I thought when your married you share funds between both of y’all ?
Maya Don’t get me started girl I’m not married I’m single (wink into the camera ) as Pringle I’m too busy waiting on Trey Songz to scoop me
Shania I don’t think this okay at all this seems very controlling in my eyes seems like domestic violence to me if you are her friend you should help her but ask first when she is not around her man so she can feel like its a safe enough zone for her to vent to you
Maya Well Shania I couldn’t agree with you anymore this sounds exactly like domestic violence and you should ask her if she even wants help because some do not and some are also so unaware of the problem at hand they want to leave when it’s too late
Maya According to the domestic violence hotline domestic violence is a pattern of behavior used by one partner to maintain power control over another partner in an intimate relationship many people think domestic violence is only physical like choking punching hitting or even slapping but there is many more that people are not aware of such as sexual abuse emotional reproductive and financial abuse people don’t know that therer is even a such thing exist all these type of abuse are the first step 3 to 4 steps before the abuser even hits you in first place
Shania Wow that’s crazy
Maya Many victims are scared to leave this abusive relationship for reason like they share children together they don’t know how to be independent without spouse they believe that the abusers actions are on the bases of love lastly victim is afraid no one will believe their story or just plain fearful or abuser actions overall
Shania Girl didn’t I tell you I learn something new everyday, thats crazy I mean who wouldn’t believe someone if they were saying something like that ? I mean that’s nothing to play with at all it’s a serious matter
Maya I totally agree with you
Shania I mean that’s going to create larger problems in the long run of things that’s how you can possibly create a killer
Maya No , come on you are dragging it right now I think it would get that far
Shania Come girl you the story about francine hughes and her husband she literally tied her husband too the bed and set the bed on fire while her three children were in the car looking from the outside she snapped and she just didn’t do that out of nowhere she was pushed when she told someone her story no one believed her and no one saw him abuse her what happened she gets locked up for losing her shit and pleads guilty under the notion of victim insanity it lowers her jail time but she was still having to do the time nevertheless
Maya Oh yeah I completely forgot about that cases, that case changed a lot stuff regards to spousal abuse and domestic violence which all falls under the same umbrella but gets different penalties in the courts. I mean it changed lots of laws far as I know I think as a people we should just catch the signs early
Shania Yes I agree being aware of the fact that your friend is being Isolated by her spouse or she not herself when she around her ? Is she happy around in this relationship or marriage one sided etc
Maya Well you are completely right shania if you have anymore questions you can look on our website domestic violence awareness that’s all the time we have today thank you shania for stopping by for some girls chat ( lean in ands hugs shania )
Shania No thank you for inviting me it’s always cool sitting and talking to you don’t forget to invite me again
Maya Ofc Shania anyways remember be true and be you see you next time on the brooks show have a fabulous night