Genre How-to

Christopher Chan

Prof. Hall

Youtube Video

For unit three, I want to do a YouTube video discussing my topic question. It would be a short 5 -8-minute-long video giving the audience insight into why one should oppose the death penalty.  My audience would be teenagers and maybe even fixed minded adults. I want to target the young community more because we are the future and it’s better to put these ideas into their heads before they reach an older age and don’t care about it. The death penalty is a very serious thing and everyone should understand how outdated and unethical it is to still abide by these punishments. Being that my audience are teenagers and millennials, I had to choose a genre that would best fit the description we teenagers use and see every day. YouTube was the best platform that came to mind because everyone knows YouTube, who doesn’t? For a lot of people, YouTube is their source of salary and for others it’s just a hobby to inform others. There are a lot of no-profit, non-partisan channels on YouTube that provide videos to inform viewers of a lot of topics. For instance, one of my sources was a YouTube video, made from Jubilee that talked about the death penalty, and it had more than 2.4 million views. While the average teenager spends about 5-7 hours looking at their screens, so its fair to say that it is the best way to reach out to the audience. For my video I plan to do an illustrated sort of “PowerPoint” presentation but with background music and clips from other videos as well as a voice over. My title would be “Legalized murder.” Along with an overly exaggerated thumbnail because that’s what Youtubers do nowadays, they clickbait.

Plan#2- I would continue to make the YouTube video and upload it on YouTube etc. However, Since Im presenting to the class, I feel as it would be better if i did a youtube/ted talk mix, pausing at certain points and explaining to the audience.

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