Source 3

According to Grace Donnelly of She says that trump is telling people not to worry about DACA and that they will try to figure out the problem. In the article she also mentions that Republicans and proponents weight out the pros and cons of having DACA. In the article it says “ the program allows Dreamers to obtain drivers licenses, enroll in college, pay income taxes and serve in the military”. A con of having DACA is “it does not provide lawful status or a path to citizenship”. What they are saying is that having DACA is good because it would benefit the United States in many ways. For example paying income taxes benefits both the DACA recipient and the United States. Going to college would also benefit a lot since the recipient would be paying the government. It’s also not the child’s fault that they were brought here without their consent and not be able to do specific things like everyone else. It also mentions why it would be bad to keep it, they say that DACA is not giving recipients permanent status only temporary protection that has to be renewed every two years and in the long run it’s not a path to citizenship. It’s not worth keeping DACA if they know that they will never be able to become a citizen. The republicans want to find another way to path to citizenship instead of just temporary status.

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