Curiosity draft ( last two sources )

My question of topic is why is the United States intervening in foreign affairs around the world with using the U.S military. The question on everyone’s mind is is why are we intervening in conflicts around the world. Judging the fact that many people considered the United States as being the world police . It’s been playing this role since the beginning of the 20th century and after world war 1 when the U.S intervene for the first time in the fight against Germany . Some points lead to preserving the national interest or “ preemptive self defense”. As this shows that the United States is being the lead power of the world as also being part of major organizations and alliances like NATO and the United Nations . As this proves of how the U.S is stretching it’s foreign policy . But what are the effects of intervention . Some main effects are the amount of money the U.S spends on the military and the amount of money that was spend on wars the Us fought in . The war which the US spend the most was World War 2 . But after reading these sources I agree to the fact that the U.S is acting as world police and it’s duty to stop conflicts around the world and stretching its influence around the world getting involved in foreign  affairs to assist or help nations who are struggling to progress or stopping conflicts that would concern the safety and the national security interest of the United States . Now people are wondering of how long is this gonna keep up and what is the U.S planning on in the future regarding foreign policy and playing the role of the world police .

Part of my concern is about the legitimacy about American involvement what do I mean by that ? I mean by how experts and everyday citizens view Americas foreign policy . Also by how confident people have for the U.S government . Discussing the principles and the main purpose of why are we getting involve into foreign affairs . And also how the rest of the world feel about  United States  foreign policy and conducting better public diplomacy with other nations .



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