Sources for domestic violence part 1

Why is it so hard for the victim to leave their abuser well according to my source the national domestic violence hotline there are many elements that play a part of the wheel of power and control the abuser at one point or another uses one or all of the points on this wheel to paint this picture for its victim that they’re Superior and victim is inferior. they have no control over the relationship or situation. They bring up great points of all types of abuse some that are obvious and some not so. Most common one that a lot of people are aware of physical abuse which is choking, hitting, slapping, pinning down, pushing.Then some that was unfamiliar to me like Reproductive abuse it sounds exactly what it is controlling when a person can or can’t get pregnant by controlling their birth control or purposely breaking the condom forcing them to have a baby. Now is it credible I believe so national domestic violence hotline is secondary sources because they use people’s real life situations to come up with their facts and support them with many examples. This sources answer my question by explaining to me all elements of abuse and supports the claim of victim normally have a hard time leaving due to the fact their extremely scared of their partner or In denial of the fact their in an abusive relationship too afraid to ask for help. 


Sources 2 


In the song there a stranger in my house  songwriter tamia sings about how she unaware of this new person that’s in her home it’s her husband she was talking about. She refers to him as a stranger because he wasn’t acting like her house lyrics in the chorus of the song states “ Cause he wouldn’t touch me like that and wouldn’t treat me like you do He would adore me, he wouldn’t ignore me So I’m convinced there’s a stranger in my house “ which leaves a lot gateway space to take prior research apply it to the situation and reading in between the lines of metaphors of what tamia is painting for listeners. Her husband being a stranger to her because he isn’t acting like himself ignoring her or even hitting her which are all signs of abuse. But tamia also has a conflicting conversation with herself tries to remind and convince herself that must be her husband because she as stated “  I’m checking your clothes And you wear the same size shoe You sleep in his spot And you’re driving his car” she aware that’s her husband but isn’t himself. This relates to my question because it shows the mindset of the victim and leaves possibility of why a victim wouldn’t want to leave or struggle to leave because she believes he will change his emotions and actions as a husband but doesn’t. this source I believe is credible because she is talking about an event that happened to her in the past this is basically coming straight from the horse’s mouth. who lie about that on top of the fact because she is telling her story and no else is this is a primary source holds weight to my research question 

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