
  Source one 

My question is what is autism and how do people with autism process information? Source number one is “ What is autism?” This source helps understand what autism is. The article itself is not complicated where you have to think about what it’s saying it has a brief and broad explanation. A fact that caught my attention from reading this was that 1 out of 59 kids in America have autism so as you can see autism is not even rare we encounter people with autism all the time and don’t even realize it.This source is very useful because it answered my first question with no problem and without me having to look at other articles to get a better understanding of what it is trying to say. Although this is a secondary source they focus on people with autism which can feel like they are a primary source since they know so much and done so much research on them. I don’t think this source is either left, right or center winged I don’t think it goes with this topic but I do think it’s for everyone to read and have an understanding what autism is which a lot of people don’t know or understand what it is this source is very useful on getting them to understand the meaning.

Source Two 

This second source answers the second part of my question which is how do people with autism process information. It gives me an initial overview on how they see things and process things in general. In this article I did see that autistic people “ may feel like their social differences mean people don’t understand them” It gave me a little peek into their minds on how they process information because I can already tell they do have realization to what is going on around them and that they do make sense of what’s going on. As I kept reading, I noticed this was a secondary source defining what a primary source would say. The reason I say this is because they are describing an everyday life for another person. Although this is great and valuable information because it gives you an idea of how their day might be this article made me want to find a primary source so I can really see how they go about in their everyday life. Another reason this source is valuable is because it has the most common questions you might have about autism layed out in different sections of course on how they process information for example there is a section called social interaction which talks about how people with autism have difficulty recognizing or understanding others feelings and intentions. This is very useful for my question because know I know autistic people don’t process feelings the way we do and that is a challenge they deal with on an everyday basis. There is a lot I learned from reading this source and I’m so happy I picked it.


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