Final Revision

Alright so you finally graduated middle school and you feel proud of yourself and you made your parents proud too . But now it’s time for the next chapter of your life high school.  This might have happen to some of you or all of you but the day after graduation you get your diploma and then you already start thinking about high school . Well before you start a new journey for the next 4 years I would say the most important thing you have to know is take responsibility of yourself . I would say also to rely on people for help but don’t rely  too much because their not always gonna be there for you so that’s why take responsibility for yourself at all times. Another thing you should know is getting involved within the community. Why is that important? it’s because when the time comes to start applying for colleges they would definitely want to say if you have done any community service basically get involved because if there are any events that they need people to help out take the opportunity so that it can go on your  transcript.  Also this is important too but if you are struggling with your academics then go to tutoring .Everyday there will be teachers that will be able to help you out in high school teachers care about you and they want you to succeed and hopefully get you back on track. Also  make friends like I stated before even though you can’t rely on them all the time for help they can help here and there along the way.

So your summer came and went and now it’s time to start your freshman year and just like all of your other fellow freshman your pretty nervous on the first as it is the starting point of your new journey in high school. To be really honest there isn’t too much to be worried about or to be nervous about as the first day is basically getting introduced to your teachers and just collecting your basic documents and your schedule. I mean  you never know you’ll probably make some new friends. I would recommend to start thinking about joining clubs in your freshman year , but you don’t have to necessarily start joining a club right away if you feel like you still want to get adjusted in high school you can join a club later on in the year or you can join in your sophomore year . I joined my club towards around April in my freshman year because I wanted to get myself adjusted in high school as well always keeping myself in check deciding when I feel like I’m ready to get involved with clubs. So for your freshman year just basically get adjusted and do well in your classes that well you will do well in the future. Also start thinking about getting involved within the community.

So you’ve gotten through your freshman now your fully adjusted in high school . Things will get  a little bit tougher as in the difficulty of classes , but you’ll get  used to it but now this year is the time to actually start getting involved within the school or the community. Or probably start thinking about your long term goals. Like whats gonna be your plan for the next two years. But for sophomore year just basically start getting involved and do well in your classes and take advantage of tutoring too. Think of it this way even though let’s just say if your doing really well in your classes I would say still go to tutoring because like I said before always keep yourself in check or maintain that status of being a good student. This year is when you take the PSAT exam you don’t really have to study , but if you want to get a head start on practicing for the real SAT exam then go ahead  , but I would say don’t worry about since you still have a whole year left so take your time.  So once june has arrived you’re almost done reviewing for the regents . Now the regents is something you definitely do not want to mess with as they are a requirement to graduate and to receive your regents diploma . So make sure you study for these tests . My tips for you is to study with your friends because they might know things that you don’t . Another tip is to take some regents practice classes as it is another way to help you prepare . Overall just know your knowledge and you’ll do just fine and don’t be nervous.

Alright so your junior is the most important year as it is the year when colleges look at your grades and of what have you been doing for the past two or three years. Always be on your game . Also this year you are taking the actually SAT exam so start studying as early as possible because in SAT anything can be on their especially math which they will test you on anything they can throw at you . One of the best methods is to take SAT classes . As I’ve taken those classes which really helped me out alot it can even help you out too as well. You can even take mock tests which are tests from previous SATS that tests you on where you stand at and what you need to improve or work on some certain english and math skills. Once that’s done all you gotta do is to pass your classes and regents. Also take the opportunity to sign up for college now classes if you do pass those classes you earn free college credits and that way you do not have to take the class in college .  Overall in your junior year do has much as you can as this is the year colleges will look at your transcript .

Now it’s finally your senior year  and to be honest it’s more relaxing as its is your last year to enjoy high school to the fullest  enjoy time with your friends and to be excited for all the upcoming senior events like prom , senior festivals , etc . But you still have to keep yourself in check as you still need to pass your classes and get your credits . Just overall have fun in high school because you can make those 4 years as memorable as you want and still work hard and maintaining good grades so that you can accepted into the colleges of your choice when you do apply for college in your senior . Also when applying don’t wait to the last min I recommend just getting it done and over with as early as possible so that you wouldn’t have to worry about it later on.  So to all new incoming freshman this what you’d expect in high school overall just do the best of your ability and you’ll make it to graduation a day to celebrate your achievements.


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