Curiosity first draft ( first two sources)

Everyday we wake up in the morning we see the news about Americans troops on foreign land . This topic is questioned a lot from many experts and viewers alike . Some argued that we are getting involved into everything around the world. That we should set limits to of what we can get involved or what we shouldn’t intervene in. We can still see the  affects of American intervention on countries that have been before been occupied by the United Sates.  American intervention dates back to the Spanish America War when the first time the U.S claimed land and territory from another country . But what’s the real reason the United States goes beyond the borders well simply to stretch their influence around the world as the worlds sole superpower . But what effects did countries had due to American intervention  in the past century . Take Central America as an example as the United  States intervened in backing rebel groups or governments  who were willing to fight communism or the protection  American interest or businesses . This had a long lasting effect on Central American countries like El Salvador which many Salvadorians fled the country  from violence hoping to reach the U.S for a better life . American intervention was at  its highest during the Cold War to contain the spread of communism even after communism fell the United States still seem to intervene in foreign affairs In the present day and are affecting countries who are still struggling to progress .

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