300 Word Review of Sources

Aisse Tounkara

Professor Hall


      My first source which talks about confronting implicit bias in the New York Police Department is a very important source when it comes to preconceived notions of African American people. Implicit bias plays a major role in this and this article will most definitely help me address that. The source talks about an unarmed black man holding a gun. That black man is Stephon Clark. It talks about maybe the officers only seeing race when they pulled the trigger on him. This article says that if Police Officers rely on stereotypes and preconceived notion instead of facts then every encounter with a black person will most likely turn deadly. The author of this source is wanting to address the implicit bias that the New York Police Department has. My question specifically is “How do preconceived notions of American Americans lead to police brutality and what can we do to change this ? Implicit bias, systematic racism, and a lot of other things play a major role when it comes to Police Brutality. However this article may talk about implicit bias it also states that police officers are now doing implicit bias training. “The effort to train officers to tackle implicit bias is one Mayor Bill de Blasio has pushed for since his 2016 State of the City address. They know that implicit bias is a problem so the fact that they care enough to do something about it says a lot. This article says that a lot of Police Officers have implicit bias and they don’t even know that they do. Police brutality has been going on long enough and still to this very day we see it happening. Overall it is very useful to me because it talks about the implicit bias which is the first part of my question and the trainings which is the second part of my question on what we can do to change it. 


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