Plan 4 Rereading

My main plan for rereading would consist of actually preparing to read the material rather than waiting at the last minute or being blocked up. This morning, on 10/16/19, I set alarms to wake up early so I’d have time to do what I had to do in regards to assignments before work. I get out of work usually around 8 pm EST, it’ll take me about thirty minutes to get home, so that leaves me with about 2-3 hours of legroom to finalize what I have to do before I sleep, or even try to.  I plan to actually read the draft rather than skim it as I did before, which resulted in me being somewhat lost in class. Obviously, this type of wrongdoing is definitely self-inflicted as my time management is poor and that’s something I need to improve on, or even fix. Annotate more is another thing I need to include as that could help me remember the material instead of constantly looking back to it, and it could help me raise questions I desire to be answered. Writing down any questions I have would assist me in understanding the material if I ask them in class. Attempt to understand the material better by repeating any confusing sentences/words to myself until it makes sense or looking it up online to understand it.

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