Difficulty Paper

Aisse Tounkara

Difficulty Paper


                                           Declaration of Independence

 The Declaration of Independence was a document written by Thomas Jefferson and our founding fathers on July 4th 1776. Pushing for Independence wasn’t easy but they found a way to do so.Sometimes reading a text may be complex. Especially when there is something that you don’t understand or are knowledgeable on. In the first draft of the Declaration of Independence it states “He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly and continually for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. I don’t understand what Thomas Jefferson necessarily means by that when he adds that to the Declaration. It is very mysterious and unfamiliar to me. He’s talking about the rights of people but he himself had over 200+ slaves. So when you say right of people what are you specifically referring too by that. The Declaration of Independence starts of with details of Great Britain and etc. In the first draft of the Declaration slavery is described in a formal way but as you get to the final version it is no longer there anymore. 

   Great Britain have caused a lot of damage. What slows me down is the fact that the Declaration of Independence was designed to get slaves free but to also get their independence from Great Britain. It also states “ He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt out towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. This is something that I understand because when it comes to war, this is what usually occurs. The founding fathers did a lot of work when it came down to the nation.


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