Essay Revision Plan

I try to come up with ways to improve my essay and also trying to come with strategies that can also help me improve the structure of my essay.I know that I probably lacked behind on knowing and planning but I really want to go more in depth and give more important facts and opinions or maybe asking other students questions that relate to the education system asking for their opinions of what they think and putting it on my essay.  When I meant about more facts and more in-depth information I should also look up of what the education system has gone through ever since it was established and what does it take to fix any mishaps or problems this is the facts that I wanted to address. But I wanted to ensure that the revisions was up to date and that I wanted to ask questions and next time take people’s opinions into account as a way to revise my essay . Plus I know that there are gaps that I would need to fill in because there can some disconnection of the statement which I’m trying to prove . I really hope that I can improve my work and improve my writing skills that will make my easy more sufficient

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