250 Blog Post

As I read our chapter of the I AIN’T GONNA LIE one reoccurring motif is apparent. A struggle that both  I and my peers partake in within the chapter was adjusting to a new environment. We all struggle to make a change in our stories, this highlighted an issue that is present in all high schools. The issue of “fitting in” where do we all fit in the grand scheme of things. We all struggle to fit in when we are bombarded with new social norms and expectations from our peers. Many try to stray from the status quo only to be alienated or be perceived as weird for being themselves, my struggle was trying to find common ground with someone, trying to find someone who  I can relate with became more of a mission than anything. While reading Rex’s piece I felt a moment of joy and thought, “BRO THAT’S A FUCKING FACT”.  Rex talked about his struggles of finding motivation and how different the atmosphere of high school was compared to college. One quote that resonated with me was, “single day just felt the same and it was exactly the same, waking up every morning for school, go home and do the work assigned time that’s due whenever, shower, sleep, and repeat.” Rex talks about the monotony of high school, how mundane it can all be and I had this exact mindset going into my senior year. The same boring routine over and over, all I wanted was a break, an escape that can allow my brain to receive a new wave of information or a new routine. Rex’s quote really hit close to home, because this mindset leads me to believe that there was no purpose in life and this didn’t help with my depression.

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