Christopher’s 250 word Blog

I think a majority of the group wrote a balanced positive and negative viewpoint towards the education system. In my group consisting of Michael, Christian and Jonell, we have similar viewpoints on some aspects of education and some on other things. For instance, Michael and I both wrote on the blessings of education and how it affects those with and without it.  We also wrote on the events following the SATs and how it effects both of us in different ways. Christian also had his remarks on high school following his struggles and how he managed to overcome them and succeed. Christian’s reflection explains how he wasn’t as proficient as others in English but still managed to pass. These were both positive articles written by Michael and Christian. Last but not least, Jonell’s essay describes her journey in admitting into a high school. Despite the harsh regulations required by multiple schools, Jonell kept her head up and ended up achieving her goal. In the process she also witnessed discrimination in which affected her deeply.  Which motivated her even more. One obvious thing we all have in common in these articles is the stories of our high school experience. Each one of us included our high school stories in which some of them shaped us into who we are.  Positive or negative, we all learned something towards the end of our stories, which to each one of us is important and valuable.

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