
My name is Anthony Serrano and my major is Biomedical Informatics!

As almost any other profession that you can think up of, Biomedical Informatics takes advantage of the mathematics field. Indeed, statistics can be a great tool to make sense of data and information. So what is data and information to a medical Informatician? Data is raw information, whereas information processed data.  Medical Informaticians usually derive their data and information from a health care system. By using statistics in certain ways, we can derive knowledge from information. And so we have the following: 1) Data is turned to information; 2) Information is then turned to knowledge.

By acquiring knowledge (i.e., to use for decision making) from the above process–using mathematics to make sense of the data and information–and using it effectively, health care organizations can cut down on their ever-increasing health care costs.  To address the ever-increasing cost of health care in the U.S., perhaps we can look to statistics to look for an alternative to Obama Care (PPACA 2010).

Anthony S.

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