Internet research

From the internet research, I learned that my topic “Burkindi” had more meanings than what I already knew! In addition to meaning
the art of being irreproachable, It also means being proud, optimistic and give close attention to dignity and humility. In fact, in my culture,
this word is use to qualify people that are trustworthy. In addidtion, one of the greatest leaders of my country Thomas Sankara has made this
word very widely used. He was refered to as Thomas, the Burkinbila, which means “The irreproachable”.
Thus, someone who does not lie, does not steal, does not abuse is refered to, in my culture as a “Burkinbila”.

Learned and want to know


In the K-pop community, there are many trends that are passed down from Idols to their collective fan groups which all have separate names. Aegyo is one of the larger trends that are requested as a fan service so idols will give a series of sounds and gestures like the finger hearts bbwingbbwing which (which is seen as an older aegyeo) as well as speak in a baby voice. There is a debate as to who created the aegyeo movement and what idol started the finger hearts (my idol used it first I think), which was really fascinating to me. Another interesting fact that I had found out is that baby shark, which is been a huge thing in South Korea since the mid-1990s was popularized online in 2007 by a German YouTube or named Alexandra MĂŒller. She posted a video on YouTube of herself doing the song movements to the theme song of jaws while singing the words. A couple years later A South Korean educational brand pink fong picked up the song again in 2015 and it’s video game to 2.4 billion views on YouTube as of March 2019. Indonesia was/is the most enthralled with the song since thousand 17 and has a lot of adults and children creating videos dancing to or singing baby shark. With the growing interest of the song, many idols in South Korea have been using the dance as a form of aegyeo singing and dancing in costumes with cute voices for the fans of all ages. 


– what is the Korean wave?

– is it really a global phenomenon?

–  what other cultures does it not affect?

(L) and (+)

“L”-  The word “Chicano” is used to describe people of Mexican origin living in the United States but it wasn’t until the outbreak of the civil rights movement in the 1960s that the term “Chicano” became popular. The Chicano Movement was also known as the Chicano Student Movement because it formed as a result of the educational inequality that Mexican-Americans faced. Students walked out of school in protest of fighting for educational equality in their communities. Later the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and the U.S. Supreme Court declared it unlawful to keep students who couldn’t speak English from getting an education therefore Congress passed the Equal Opportunity Act in 1974 .They adopted the term “Chicano” as a point of pride.


  1. What other goals besides educational equality were they trying to achieve with the Chicano Movement ?
  2. Why is Chicano also spelled with an X?
  3. Where is the word Chicano used more?


When I researched “bacchanal” I found out that the word is Latin. I thought that it originated in England or something. Bacchanal is linked to Bacchus; the Roman god of wine. I kinda figured that this was the origin because when I searched up the definition it said that a bacchanal was a wild and drunken party. What I didn’t know was that it was known heavily to be a sexual party or orgy. I had no idea that it was linked to this. Trinis use bacchanal so loosely and we don’t even mean anything sexual by it. We are either talking about drama or a party. If it’s a party it’s definitely not sexual. Sometimes it doesn’t even involve alcohol. I also found out that while Trinidad was under British rule they must have brought the word with them. Trinidad has so much slang from so many different languages that it should be considered as it’s own language. I thought that it was just an accent before, but it is way more than that.

(L) and (+)

New Orleans, Louisiana commonly referred to as “NOLA” by many natives of the region; has a rich history that affects the culture to this day. Creole people of NOLA are the result of a melting pot of several cultures. The term “creole” ties its roots to “the sixteenth century to identify descendants of French, Spanish, or Portuguese settlers living in the West Indies and Latin America.” (Countries and their Cultures) The actual genesis of the word “creole” many have Spanish or Portuguese roots. One theory being, “the word Creole comes from the Spanish word, criollo, which roughly translates to native or local. People used this term to describe things that were part of the New World during the time that the Spanish and French controlled Louisiana.” (WiseGeek) However, another possibility is “the term ‘Creole’ derives from the Portuguese word crioulo, which means a slave born in the master’s household.” (Countries and their Cultures)

Another prominent group of people found in Louisiana are the Cajuns. The difference between Creoles and Cajuns revolves around migration history of the two groups. Creoles are essentially the product of the merging of several different cultures as Louisiana was colonized. However, Cajuns are said to have travelled from Canada and settled in Louisiana. Another subtle difference is the language utilized by either group. “Although both types of people use French as a basis for their speech, Creoles rely more heavily on other languages.” (WiseGeek) Additionally, most Cajuns are Catholic; while many Creoles practice Catholicism, elements from influencing cultures are often present. This is evident as “some people… lean toward Native American spirituality, using medicinal healing. Others focus on folk religions from Africa or the Caribbean. In some cases, individuals mix a little bit of everything together, using an eclectic combination of prayer, voodoo, charms, candles and ‘wild’ church services that emphasize being ‘possessed’ by the spirit.” (WiseGeek)



Works Cited:


“Creoles.” Countries and Their Cultures,


Hobby, Jessica, and Bronwyn Harris. “What Is the Difference Between Creole and Cajun?” WiseGEEK, Conjecture Corporation, 4 Feb. 2019,


  1. How do Haitian culture Creoles differ from NOLA Creoles?
  2. Is voodoo still a part of Creole culture today?
  3. How did Mardi Gras traditions evolve into its current form?

What I Learned, + what I want to know

“L”-I learned that a large majority of Puerto Ricans moved to NYC in the 1950’s. This was known as “The Great Migration”. This was due to the fact that after the Spanish-American War, we were now Puerto Ricans, of an American possession(PR). In 1917, there was an act passed called the Jones-Shafroth Act. This gave Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico, US citizenship.  I also learned that Puerto Ricans were the first group to move to NYC in large numbers. From the years 1970-1990, Puerto Ricans represented up to 80% of the city’s population.

“+”- I would still like to know When, and also why, the term “Boricua” originated.

Unit 2 – L(Learned)

In Indonesia, corruptors, and terrorists are also known as a part of society’s trash. I don’t know about other countries but Indonesia is well-known for their corruption, especially their healthcare system, BPJS (Social Security Administrator for Health). I found out that starting 2019 the government decided to charge patients a fee every time they come for a visit and honestly, it was never free in the first place. I also found out that patients that needed to stay overnight at the hospital are only allowed to stay for a maximum of 5 days and even if they were still ill, they would be sent home and eventually allowed back after 2-3 days. What if the patient dies between those 2-3 days, who’s to blame? It really irritates me knowing that Indonesians prioritize the money more than the patient. Gimana negara mau maju kalau gitu. I also did some research regarding the terrorist attacks that happened in Jakarta which is the capital city of Indonesia and where my family and I live. It was on the 14th of January 2016 at 10:40 a.m where several blasts and gunfires were heard in Central Jakarta (this area was known for the luxury hotels, offices, and embassies). At least 8 people were killed and 23 were injured, what made it even more terrifying was my mom’s office was right next to the hotels and restaurants where the bombing happened. I was in school during that time and received the information about the bombing from my teachers. When I heard the locations of the bombing I immediately called my mom and gladly she was safe and sound.

Gimana negara mau maju kalau gitu = how will the country evolve in this case/ with this mindset


Coolie was related to Asian labourers especially our ancestors that came from India. The word coolie is not only used in English but came from the Turkish words for slave. Although the word coolie is not used that commonly, people in German and Dutch use the word “Koelie” with the same pronunciation which means backbreaking, humiliating, and labor. The word was used in the American military during the Vietnam war, when “coolie” was referred to Asian farmers and labourers working in the American areas. American designers also used coolie for Asian-inspired clothing like coolie pajamas, coolie hats, and coolie coats. In the 1950s, Branch Rickey who hired Jackie Robinson was accused of paying players “coolie wages”. Coolie money was the money that enslaved people were allowed to earn by working for people other than their enslavers. Guyanese political scholar Walter Rodney cited that, “Indenture, unlike slavery, was constantly producing free citizens in large numbers”. The Guyanese political scholar identified the indentured labour system as one of the common practices of exploitation that African and Indian Guyanese fought against, until it ended. The conception of change which the Guyanese workers entertained during the war was by no means restricted to the exploration of the interior. On a number of vital fronts they were prepared to wage a struggle against the forces of oppression. The conception of change which the Guyanese workers entertained during the war was by no means restricted to the exploration of the interior. On a number of vital fronts they were prepared to wage a struggle against the forces of oppression.

Why do Dominicans believe that those who come from the U.S. have it all and live a perfect life? The thing is Dominicans still believe in the “American Dream.” In D.R, more than one-fourth of the workforce is unemployed.  With basic services like electricity, water, and public transportation becoming so unreliable, living in the U.S is a luxurious life. Let’s not even start on the violence and corruption that lives in this country. To them, los gringos have it all. Although we may not have the same problems as them, the truth is most of us are miserable. Even with all of the economical problems and the violence, Dominicans are still full of life. A Dominican can be unemployed, living in un campoÂč, and you’ll still see them posted up outside a bodegaÂČ with a PresidenteÂł saying, “Hoy se bebĂ© coño.” with a big ass smile on their face. In the U.S, depression is a big thing. Yeah, they might be jealous of our economical stature but I’m jealous of the cultural difference. Over there, everyone knows each other. While here in the U.S, half of us don’t even know our neighbors. Bottom line is, us gringos go through it too mi gente.⁔ We don’t have it all and we don’t live a perfect life either. It’s hard out here too.

1.Countryside. 2. a convince store; corner- store. 3. Dominican beer. 4. A phrase meaning, “We’re drinking today.” 5. “My people.”



Hi guys! For Thursday, we meet in the library (4th floor, library building.)

Your homework is to finish the worksheet we started in class (15 minutes of internet research, and then the “L”– what you learned and the “+”–what you still want to know)

Then,  post online a paragraph about what you learned from your internet research. Please write as though you are explaining to a member of one of your discourse communities– so, in slang or the language of a discourse community.