1st Draft

When I was younger I used to love school. It was the place where I would form memories with my friends and Open myself up to complete strangers. But I guess that’s just my gullible young mind thinking everything was amazing. As I grew up I soon realized that school was just like prison. It’s a place where you’re forced to go and do certain things that you don’t want to. It’s a very common emotion to hate school. You’re constantly waking up early to make it on time to stay in a building for about 8 or 9 hours and Sit in uncomfortable desk and have knowledge thrown at you. You are then expected to understand and process the information with excellence. We are also then compared to our pears and judged as a whole other then being evaluated as an individual. This is a sad thing society has Implemented onto the future minds of the world. As in doing so the future will not be run by leaders with passion in what they do but with discouraged beings who will focus their decision of what others might think of them. But I bet you knew this and even if you didn’t you should know you help contribute to this dismaying part in our society. You contributed by treating your students the way you did.

 In middle school my worst memories would be going to to your classroom. I would walk in there knowing I would be sad when the class finished. You made sure that every kid attended your class too, if they hadn’t come in you would personally call their parents. The thing was no one wanted to be their though. You constantly made everyone in competition with each other, valued other student ms over other ones and made sure they knew.

       Let me tell you about one of the times where in my life I knew school was probably not a good safe environment. The person who made me think like that was you. I was in 4th grade when I first had your class and the incident occurred in my 5th grade. You had noticed that I would slack off in class and play around making jokes and not focus on my work. I then would fall asleep when handed work. In your eyes I was just being a horrible student. Maybe if you looked through a different perspective you would see that I was not focused on my work just because I wanted to fool around, it was cause the work you were giving was the same standard procedures you have always been using and I grew bored of it because it was too easy. You thought that I was being a insubordinate child but I was simply not being challenged enough. After your decision on me was final you was convinced that I should be placed in special education because I couldn’t possibly keep up with your star students. My mom would not tolerate me treated in this manner knowing that i was actually a pretty smart kid that didn’t deserve to be in there so she set up a meeting with the principal to allow me to take a test to show that I was advanced. To your surprise I passed the test with flying colors and I got transferred to a higher level class. This goes to show that the same way of teaching doesn’t apply to every kid. We shouldn’t be based off of other kids we should be based on us. Like gato says of modem schooling basic functions “ the integrating function. This might well be called the conformity function because it’s a tension is to make children as alike as possible.” The thing is we are all different and can’t be categorized into groups, we are all our individual selves and cannot be taught in 1 standard way.


Yours sincerely, Juan Baez

Your First Job

In the article “Learning” (Your First Job) by Robert Leamnson, he gives his honest opinion on the traditional method of students copying down information created or prepared by their teachers. On page 5, Leamnson states ” I  would like to see the expression “taking notes” removed from the vocabulary and replaced with one often used in Great Britain, that is “making notes.” “Taking” implies a passive reception of something someone else has made.” What Leamnson is implying is that information cannot be truly processed by copying notes. Students are accustomed to taking notes in school, but this way of learning is not beneficial because it doesn’t involve actively learning and full understanding of the work.

Your First Job

The author of “Learning (Your First Job)”, Robert Leamnson, informs readers on the necessary skills and habits that can be taken in order for one to succeed in college. One of these being, knowing the difference between knowledge and information, where he states, “The principal reason, however, goes back to the fundamental difference between information and knowledge. Knowledge is what has the potential for improving the individual and society.  But websites are completely devoid of knowledge; all they have is information (and not all of that is reliable)” Leamnson comes to conclude that unless sense can be made of what is on the website, knowledge will not be gained and therefore neither will the actual learning happen. Leamnson’s point makes sense to me seeing that we more or less define learning the same, being that information is everywhere but knowledge will be found in what you can take from said information. This is important because growth can’t be found happening anywhere if one is ignorant on the principles of comparison between knowledge and information.


Your First Job.

“Your first job”
Quote: “In these though courses the first idea you must abandon is that you can sit, “take notes, and worry about it later.” Here’s another key idea to bring with you in every lecture period. Worry about it now. ”
From this quote, Leamnson means that during class period, students should not just sit and take notes without paying attention and understanding those notes. He means that student should not just write down notes and try to understand them later. This statement makes sense to me because the class session is really the right time to learn. As the teacher explains, students paying attention will ask questions if they have some and this is helpful to other students. Class sessions are the most important part of learning. I think that students should be more attentive during class rather than trying to understand after class because lessons do stack up and it gets harder to study. The author’s quote is important because it give students a vital advice for succeeding in college and students who apply good rules and take advices succeed.

Your First Job

In the article “ Learning (Your First Job)” by Robert Leamnson, he talks about the many different ways that are associated with how we learn and how we usually work. Those different ways  include the way we take notes, study, exams, time, habits we have and etc. On page 5 Leamnson states, ” It’s your priorities and not the clock that will determine the of your college experience. If it’s really important, it will always get done, and always at the expense of the less important”. In other words, Leamnson believes that doing your work is the number one priority that you should have. That no mater the time you can get the work done. If it’s really important it would be done in time and be good work. You will leave the things that are less important for last. This quote is important because we tend to do this a lot. We always make the excuse that we have no time to do the work. When there is always time. The questions is, are the other things going as important as the work you need done.

Your First Job (KO)

In Robert Leamnson’s “Learning” (Your First Job) he speaks about certain fundamentals ways college students learn and how teachers teach them. Leamnson points out that not all students are the same and some learn differently especially when it comes to taking notes. Leamnson writes “Some instructors compensate by making notes for the students and passing them out. This practice can help the better students-those who already know how to learn-but for many others it only makes matters worse.” In this quote he is saying that different techniques don’t always work for every student. In the Article he further goes into detail on how once students know that everything they need to learn is in the teachers notes that makes them feel like they don’t have to work harder. Leamnson provides a new concept on what he thinks “Taking” notes should be.  Leamnson writes “I would like to see the expression “taking notes” removed from the vocabulary and replaced with one often used in Great Britain, that is “making notes.” Leamnson believes that students need to start making their own notes instead of staring at a projector all day copying down the teachers notes as it just doesn’t help the material to stick to a students brain.

Your First Job

                 In the article “Learning”(Your First Job) by Robert Leamnson, he shows how active learning affects the reader and give college students suggestions about what to do in college.  “A fundamental idea that you will encounter over and again, is that learning is not something that just happens to you, it is something that you do to yourself”, which means learning should come naturally it should be something you enjoy, if it doesn’t come organically it wouldn’t feel the same. According to Robert Leamnson, deep learning introduces the idea of the curiosity habit that he declares will aid in making things interesting. The essence of Leamnson’s argument is that true learning is something you do, not something that just happens to you.  In Robert Leamnson view, “the two components of learning is understanding and remembering”. In other words Leamnson believes learning is a web of understanding that relies on the brain to ensure success in all aspects of life.

Your First Job

In the article “Learning(Your First Job)” by Robert Leamnson, he breaks down the many misconceptions that are associated with how we learn. Those misconceptions include and are associated with note-taking, study habits, exams, etc. On page 7 Leamnson asserts,”you can pass some tests without learning much at all”. By making this statement, his point is that passing a test doesn’t necessarily mean that you learned and understood the material. You’ll most likely forget everything you were just tested on in a week. After reading this article, this quote really stuck with me. School seems to not be about learning anymore. It’s about passing. The focus is learning ‘what we need to know’ to succeed in whichever examination is next rather than absorbing the material. This quote is important because it shines a light on the underlying issues in the educational system. Although one can also argue that this goes beyond the walls of the classroom and to the homes of the students. Parents encourage their children to get good grades, forgetting that grades do not define their children’s intelligence. This puts pressure on the students and is why many resort to cheating. Then we wonder why so many students arrive to college unprepared. The point is, as also stated in the article,”learning is not something that just happens to you, it is something you do to yourself”.

Your First Job (Tuesday hw)

In Learning (Your First Job), Robert Leamnson makes a very valid point regarding the difference between information, and knowledge. On the bottom of page 9, under the header “Access and high technology”, we learn the “fundamental difference” between info and knowledge. “Knowledge is what has the potential for improving the individual and society.” Leamnson then goes on to say, “…websites are completely devoid of knowledge, all they have is information”. What this quote means  is that information is literally everywhere around us, we tend to “drown” in information, but knowledge is what each of us personally gets from this information. This is why knowledge usually differs from person to person. I whole-heartedly agree with this quote because even though this is something that may seem obvious at first glance, when you ponder on it you see that a lot of us often overlook this simple fact. You can apply this fact to just about everything we use our brains for. In the case of taking notes, we see that if someone simply writes down everything that is said or heard (information), without making it “personal” or using phrases that would help them to grasp the topic; most likely it will not be remembered, and ultimately used, the way he/she intended it to.

Your First Job

Dr. Robert Leamnson wrote Learning (Your First Job), which describes the components of the learning process (understanding and remembering) and several methods to aid this process both in and out of the classroom. Many of Leamnson’s learning strategies ring true, however I do not completely agree with one statement in particular. Leamnson states, “…we have to practice what we understand. Without rehearsal, that fantastic circuitry that enabled our understanding will gradually disintegrate and we can no longer reconstruct what we once understood.” (Page 3) Leamnson is stressing that without repetition, the initial learning that was achieved will be forgotten. Leaving the learner unable to access the knowledge. It is true that without repetition of newly gained skills or information the person will eventually forget. However Leamnson’s statement seems unfounded, that a person can not “reconstruct” and relearn information. On this basis, if a person forgot something they once learned, it is not possible to relearn the material. The saying “just like riding a bike” is commonly used to convey the ease of relearning a forgotten skill. Every three years a paramedic must recertify to continue practicing medicine, and is refreshed on forgotten skills and information. If Leamnson’s statement were true, this practice would be pointless, as forgotten information cannot be relearned.