Your First Job

In the article “ Learning (Your First Job)” by Robert Leamnson, he talks about the many different ways that are associated with how we learn and how we usually work. Those different ways  include the way we take notes, study, exams, time, habits we have and etc. On page 5 Leamnson states, ” It’s your priorities and not the clock that will determine the of your college experience. If it’s really important, it will always get done, and always at the expense of the less important”. In other words, Leamnson believes that doing your work is the number one priority that you should have. That no mater the time you can get the work done. If it’s really important it would be done in time and be good work. You will leave the things that are less important for last. This quote is important because we tend to do this a lot. We always make the excuse that we have no time to do the work. When there is always time. The questions is, are the other things going as important as the work you need done.