Not My President
Society has always been susceptible to media exposure as it determines how receptive society becomes towards certain ideas. The media has evolved into a powerful tool that many people utilize with the goal of expressing their discontent and expose the social issues that are dramatically transforming our society. Individuals can use a wide range of methods to express their beliefs. For example, the 2016 presidential election was very controversial as it showcased the diverse ideologies that our current president has towards immigrants in this country. He used the presidential platform to degrade immigrants, provoking a sense of xenophobia amongst the American people. On the other hand, there are artist who employs the same platform to spread positivity and political awareness. Two controversial songs that were published before and after the presidential election demonstrated the resistance among many minority groups in our communities. On the other hand, the songs also exposed the inability of those same communities to make the right presidential choice.
Trump’s discriminatory remarks stimulated society’s interest in a way that enabled people to express themselves through music. The song “Fuck Donald Trump by YG and Nipsey Hussle, emerged before the presidential election. Not only was the song used as a method to express one’s opposition towards the political climate at the time, but the song can also be analyzed as a warning to the American People. The song states, “Don’t let Donald Trump win, that nigga cancer…He can’t make decisions for this country…we can’t be a slave for him”. When I first heard this song, it seemed to me as a cry for help to the American people and listing the many reasons why he should not get society’s support. The song also alludes to the injustices that minorities experience in society when he states, “And if you been to jail you can [probably] still vote”. A lot of minorities do not enjoy the privilege to vote as a consequence of previous convictions for minor crimes. The songs also empower the youth by saying “We the youth, We the people of this country, we got a voice too, we will be seen, and we will be heard”, with the hope of encouraging them to vote. On the other hand, even when it uses these expressions as a way to appeal to the public, there are many barriers that hinder people’s ability to vote. Both undocumented residents and legal residents of the United States do not have the right to vote, which subsequently leads to lack of participation.
The song “Not My President” was published on February 12, 2017. The slogan “Not My President” turned into a movement after the 2016 presidential election. At first, I had mixed feelings with this song as it represented a general ideology of the current political status. As an immigrant from Hungary I have experienced discrimination, but I found myself conflicted with choosing whether I could relate to the song or not. When I first got exposed to this song, I thought I was very catchy as the artist presented the public with a humorous description of Donald Trump by stating “Donald trump look like a bird from the sesame’s”. It then took a more serious approach when the song addresses the negative comments Donald trump has made about Mexican immigrants residing in the United States. Added to that, the artist states, “and this is the guy that we picked for our next president, fuck that yo, you really got me fucked up”. To a certain extent the artist is also criticizing the American people’s ability to vote for a president. Very frequently, citizens do not take their democratic duties seriously and sometimes take it for granted while other people like myself, wished they had the opportunity to voice their concerns. Therefore, we are forced to leave these political choices in the hands of American citizens who look within their own individual needs to pick the leader of our country.
The phrase “Not My President” is problematic because it does not only show, but it also shows the inequality of votes among the American people. Both of these songs attest to the fact that not everyone can vote. Those who protest might have not had the ability to make their voices be heard. I, myself, was not able to vote and as much as I did not like the results, one has to acknowledge that it is one’s responsibility to make their voices be heard. Minorities in our community have let upper middle-class individuals from making decisions regarding our future due to the lack of education or the lack of interest. Both of these songs serve as a mechanism to spread awareness and educate people on the social issues that are affecting our daily lives. When the artist states “I thought all that Donald Trump bullshit was a joke” illustrate our current president used the how people thought it was absurd for Donald Trump to run for president. Nevertheless, the use of joke served as a method of propaganda that resulted in his election. On the other hand, his victory was a wakeup call for a lot of people to devote more of their time worrying about issues that matter.
As 20-year-old student, I was never involved in politics as I knew my voice did not count as I have yet not earned the right to vote. To a certain degree, I was convinced that Donald Trump used his political platform to speak about undocumented immigrants because he understood that as much as they opposed his beliefs their votes would not count. However, as I witnessed peoples’ resistance through the media I have been diligent in finding practical ways to keep myself involved. I strive to become more educated about potential presidential candidates while influencing others who have the privilege to vote.