A Starry Night and its Tortured Soul

Britney Lilly
Dr. Hall
Scholastic Art Magazine

A Starry Night and its Tortured Soul


The Starry Night , Vincent van Gogh 1889

Vincent van Gogh wasn’t just the man who decided to chop his left ear off because he wanted to give it to someone he loved (or so they say). Vincent van Gogh was a man of many faces, all of which turned into a life of unexpected twists, turns, and emotional turmoil.
Though Vincent van Gogh was thought of as a tortured soul, the life he lived and the roles he played created the artist we revere today. Just like many of people nowadays, Vincent van Gogh clearly struggled with mental disabilities along with some physical ones throughout his life. He has been commonly believed to eat his yellow paint in the hopes that its color would brighten his demeanor. Though in reality while he did eat his paints it was found by Dr. Peyron to have been in attempts of suicide through poisoning “The medical notes of Dr Peyron, Vincent’s physician, revealed that Vincent wanted to poison himself by eating paint and drinking turpentine. That’s probably why he wasn’t allowed into his studio while he was suffering from his attacks”(VanGoghmuseum).Vincent van Gogh also had the habit of consuming absinthe while falling into a fit of emotions that lasted for the remainder of his life.
He later admitted himself to an asylum after one of his fits caused him to chase his roommate painter Paul Gauguin around with a razor in hand. That evening ended in the severing of Vincent van Gogh’s left ear (which he handed to the brothel owner in which he frequented) though no one really knows if it was by him or Gauguins’. When Vincent van Gogh arrived back home, this is when he shot himself in the stomach in a wheat field where later his brother Theo had found him bleeding. Vincent van Gogh died a few days later from internal damage and inability to remove the bullet, and his brother Theo followed after six months, leaving many to think Theo unable to live his life without his brother when in fact he really died from syphilis.
In his death, Van Goghs’ fame rose quickly, causing many doctors to attempt in diagnosing this plagued artist. He is commonly thought to have suffered from psychosis, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, epilepsy, borderline personality disorder, severe depression, and paralyzing anxiety. No matter what they tried to diagnose him with, Van Gogh was a man with much sorrow, who tried to work through his pain with his paintbrushes. And because of this he created beautiful and emotionally driven paintings that can be seen and felt throughout the art world.
It was 1889 when Vincent Van Gogh admitted himself into Saint-Rémy asylum after having a nervous breakdown, there he found he could “paint en plein air” (French for outdoors), it is here that he pained one of his most famous masterpieces. The scene of “The Starry Night” came entirely from Van Gogh’s imagination, none of the scenery actually matches the area that surrounds Saint-Paul or the view seen from his window. As a man who religiously paints what he sees, it’s a remarkable break from Van Gogh’s normal work.
Really look at his brush strokes. From the sky and how they swirl, to each dab of color moving with the clouds around the stars and the moon. The cypress tree that bends with each curve of the branches. The whole effect is graceful and dreamlike it’s like each stroke is creating a dance only his mind understands. The hills lazily spiral down into the village below. In a striking difference, the town is painted with rigid lines that break up the fluid like the flow of the brush strokes. There are fewer trees through out that soften the harshness of the town merging nature into the roughness of buildings. The contrast in styles plays on the dreams versus reality or natural and unnatural. Nature could even be attributed to the divine in this work. While in the asylum Vincent van Gogh wrote to his brother, “I feel a tremendous need for religion, so I go outside at night to paint that stars.” (Theartpostblog). In his search for self discovery and healing, he found that the sky, the nature, the starry nights satisfied his desire for infinity. (Theartpostblog).
It reminded me when I placed myself into an institution, like Vincent van Gogh I placed myself in willingly after a mental breakdown. There I met a nurse who would paint replications of many famous artists’ paintings, with Vincent van Gogh painting being one of them. This was where I found my love for his artwork. Watching her as she would paint with practiced strokes and concentrated face of what she saw Vincent van Goghs’ painting to be through her mind’s interpretation. That along with the telling of his life’s tale I soon saw how I could relate to such a beautifully broken mind. Through my own turmoil just as he had his, he inspired me. I believe everything can be beautiful if you just try to see it through another’s eyes.
Many people have seen a picture of “The Starry Night” either in a museum or on the internet and felt the power of his brush strokes created in their soul. I myself have gotten lost in this painting many times. The connection that is felt inside myself when I view “The Starry Night” is indescribable, I become at ease. It is as though the world around me has melted away where the colors start becoming one. In my personal episodes of depression, anxiety, mental breakdowns, this painting has brought me to places of solace. The calming blues, swirling whites mixed with yellow, the speckles of stars, and the sleepy town below is a place I wish I could be. A constant place of steadiness created from a mind that was in wild disarray .
Life is moving so quickly that people forget to stop and appreciate the small things yet people always seem to ask, but why? Why should I care? For me people like that have a tendency to close themselves off when a new world is offered to them. It’s as if those types of people are afraid to step out of the confinement of their personal bubble. “The Starry Night” shows that even in the darkness there’s an underlying beauty in the things that are around us if we know how to look. Everything that is created is made with emotion and care. You don’t have to necessarily like something to understand the emotion behind it. That is what art is, the emotion that brought that image, sound or story to life.
When people have their mindset in the place of pain and misery, there is not much that we can do for that person in terms of reliving their sorrow. When dealing with manic depression, if it is not handled properly, what that person has been through to that point is normal to them, even though their judgment is seen as askew. If someone is going to commit suicide such as Vincent van Gogh, then they have readily convinced themselves that they are no longer needed in this world. Letting go is the easy part, it’s finding subnational reason to hold on that is hard.

Works Cited
o www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en/125-questions/questions-and-answers/question-63-of-125?fbclid=IwAR2oZa0GI0vXi0T3BtyocuqvgZ9bDKHFYQyLCRxlm_MvV4VHQziDK6slPUk&v=1.
o “The Starry Night by Van Gogh: What It Represents.” The Art Post Blog | Art and Artists Italian Blog, 14 Mar. 2019, www.theartpostblog.com/en/the-starry-night-by-van-gogh-what-it-represents/.

Unit 3

Can Drake Make a Difference?

Deonarine Karan

Professor Carrie Hall

English 1101

April 30, 2019


Did you ever give back to the community or donated for a good cause? If you were financially stable would you give back to the people in need? When I outgrew clothes that I can’t wear anymore I would usually gather everyone’s clothes that they don’t wear and donate them to the less fortunate. When I was younger and didn’t use to finish my food my mom would use to tell me kids in Africa would love to have what you have. At the time I didn’t really know the meaning behind that statement but as time passed I see kids all around the world is not as fortunate as us and don’t really have the opportunities that we take for granted. Many teenagers in this generation care more about materialistic things like name brand clothing and shoes rather than what’s important in life which is happiness. I use to hate when my friends use the phrase “Money can’t buy happiness”, because they would say if you have money you could buy anything in the world you want. But as I matured and got older it’s true you could buy anything in the world but you can’t buy yourself happiness. I rather be happy than rich because money could take so far before you realize there’s more in life than just money.

In Drake’s album Scorpion, two songs stood out to me the first one was “God’s Plan” he had a million dollar budget for his music video rather than him buying fancy clothes, chains, and cars to show off he give back to the community that was a selfless act. Drake video for “God’s Plan” was the most important thing he have ever done in his career. Drake started off the video giving cash to people in the streets, giving toys to kids, surprises a family with a brand new car, and gave a student a scholarship to college. In one scene, he takes a hotel maid on a shopping spree and pays the bill for a store full of people buying groceries. Drake also donates money to a high school, gives a student a full ride to college, and signs a check to a women’s shelter. “Drake himself seems to be part of the gift, with shots of him sneaking up and bringing a fan to immediate tears presented just as lovingly as when he hands the same shocked fan a wad of money” (Puckett 2018), meeting your favorite artist can’t be compared to all the money in the world because they are someone you idolize. On my nephew six birthday we gathered some family members to buy food and refreshments to give out at church and at a elderly homes. Regular six year olds would rather receive money or toys on their birthdays but my nephew had everything you could possibly imagine. So showing him different values by giving back to people that don’t really have much would make him have a giving mindset from young.

Another song from Drake’s album Scorpion, that stood out to me was “Nice For What”, it was a song for women around the world no matter your size or color. Drake’s “Nice For What” song included Lauryn Hill song Ex-Factor which represents a person that has a strong but unpredictable influence. Drake also included Big Freeda which shows a strong message because she’s a transgender woman that experienced a lot of hatred. The video had strong and independent females like Olivia Wilde, Misty Copeland, Issa Rae, Jourdan Dunn, Tracee Ellis Ross, Tiffany Haddish, Yara Shahidi, Zoe Saldana, Letitia Wright, and Michelle Rodriguez. “Nice For What” supports many women moments like the #MeToo movement which is a moment against sexual harassment and assault. “So for Drake to have not only produced a song about an unbothered woman doing her and living her best life, it’s a shocker, but a welcome one” (Alese 2018), it always takes one person to make a change in this case it’s Drake showing respect to females that they deserve. “Workin’ hard, girl, everything paid for; First, last phone bill, car note, cable (Alese 2018),” showing woman’s work ethic by putting their responsibilities first. “That’s a real one in your reflection, without a follow, without a mention.” showing you don’t care about others opinions by having self appreciation. Especially in a generation where people go straight to social media like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat to get people’s attention.

Drake releasing “God’s Plan” and “Nice For What” shows growth and change in the world that everyone needs to value what they have and treat women with the respect they deserve. It doesn’t matter how small you contribute to world it all starts somewhere with you. On the other hand, many artists in this generation degrades females rather than lifting them up and putting them on top where they belong. All females around the world should be empowered, after all we all came from a strong and independent women that we admire and love. We need more leaders like Drake to spread the message of giving and equality.


Works Cited:

Alese, Whitney. “The Deeper Meanings behind Drake’s ‘Nice For What.’” Medium, Medium, 11 Apr. 2018, medium.com/@TheReclaimed/the-deeper-meanings-behind-drakes-nice-for-what-f97a5d979f21.

Puckett, Lily. “5 Religious Leaders Weigh in on Drake’s Version of God’s Plan.” The FADER, The FADER, 27 Feb. 2018, www.thefader.com/2018/02/23/drake-gods-plan-religion-leaders/amp.

Unit 3

“Sucker For Pain” Video

Nina Darbonne

Dr. Carrie Hall

English Comp 1 1101-D355

2 May 2019

“Sucker For Pain” and EMS Work

Many have heard of New York City’s bravest, strongest, finest, and boldest as monikers for New York’s public service departments of Fire Department, Sanitation, Police Department, and Corrections respectively. But few people know there is a department missing from the list. New York City’s Best is reserved for Emergency Medical Services. In Emergency Medical Service, EMS for short, Emergency Medical Technicians, EMTs and Paramedics work with passion for the profession. A wide array of reasons reel EMS workers into the job; whether it’s the excitement of the job, morbid fascination, riding the high from helping those in need, or being one of the last lines of defense against death. Despite the undeniable love of the job, sadly many EMS workers are overworked and underpaid. More often than not, EMS workers have three or more jobs just to make ends meet. Being exhausted from working long hours and running from one job to yet another job for another long grueling shift, leads to bitter, burnt out workers. Unfortunately, EMS workers tend to leave the job either hurt from physical strain or fed up with the field of work due to years of fatigue draining the love and passion out of the job.

First responders: Police officers, Firefighters, and EMS are legally not able to strike because they provide essential services to the city. A strike would cause a detrimental gap in those services and possibly endanger lives. This can be compared to other city jobs, like Mass Transit Association, MTA which has had several strikes to give stock to their union’s pay and benefit demands. There is a significant pay gap even amongst first responders. “EMTs are paid $47,685 a year after being on the job for five years. Firefighters with five years on the job are paid $110,293, while police officers make $85,292 after five and a half years, but ‘officers may potentially earn over $100,000 per year’ with benefits, according to NYC.gov” (EMS1). Taking a look at other first responders, it is far less common to find a police officer or firefighter moonlighting as officers or firefighters (respectively) in another city or county. However, for EMS members it is essential to precariously balance several jobs just to afford to live in the city we serve.

New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio promotes ideals of “fairness and equality.” However, when questioned regarding the first responder pay gap during a press conference, de Blasio defended the unfair disparity in wages. “‘I have deep, deep respect for our EMTs and everyone who works at EMS,’ de Blasio said. ‘I think the work is different. We are trying to make sure people are treated fairly and paid fairly but I do think the work is different’” (EMS1). Contrary to de Blasio’s misconception, EMS workers arrive to the scene of calls along side both police officers and firefighters and encounter their own share of dangers. Moreover, the EMS department responds to the largest number of jobs of all the first responders.

EMS workers face traumatic scenes, dangerous and high stress situations on a regular basis. A survey was conducted with EMS workers and was compared to national statistical data compiled from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC. “3,447 (86%) of the 4,022 respondents experienced CS but the shocking discovery was that 1,383 (37%) of the respondents had contemplated suicide and 225 (6.6%) had actually tried to take their own life… These statistics are roughly 10 times greater than the national average for adults in America, according to a study done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2012” (Newland). CS stands for critical stress, which is “the stress we undergo either as a result of a single critical incident that had a significant impact upon you, or the accumulation of stress over a period of time. This stress has a strong emotional impact on providers, regardless of their years of service” (Newland). EMS workers do not voluntarily run into burning buildings or knowingly stand in the line of fire. Nevertheless, that does not mitigate the dangers EMS workers face on a regular basis and the difficulties inherent to the line of work.

The song “Sucker For Pain” was released in June 2016 as part of the soundtrack of the movie Suicide Squad. The song features artists: Dan Reynold of Imagine Dragons, Sam Harris of X Ambassadors, Ty Dolla $ign, Logic, Lil Wayne, and Wiz Khalifa. The song closely relates to the plot and themes prevalent throughout the movie. The official movie website describes the movie as, “Assemble a team of the world’s most dangerous, incarcerated Super Villains, provide them with the most powerful arsenal at the government’s disposal, and send them off on a mission to defeat an enigmatic, insuperable entity. U.S. intelligence officer Amanda Waller has determined only a secretly convened group of disparate, despicable individuals with next to nothing to lose will do. However, once they realize they weren’t picked to succeed but chosen for their patent culpability when they inevitably fail, will the Suicide Squad resolve to die trying, or decide it’s every man for himself?” (SuicideSquad). In the movie, the group of criminals transforms into unlikely heroes and band together to save the world. The group fights to save society, despite always being viewed as criminals and returning to their prison sentences after the successful mission.

The lyrics of the song have a clear correlation with the movie. Some of the lyrics can also be applied to EMS work and serve as an anthem of sorts. The song opens with the chorus performed by Dan Reynold and Sam Harris. The line “Take my hand through the flames” can be related to the year long wringer of paramedic school. Typically when EMTs are going to medic school, a delicate and draining balance must be maintained between attending class, scheduling ambulance and hospital rotations, studying, and working enough to keep their bills paid. Another line from the chorus that ties in with this analogy is, “I’m a slave to your games (I’m just a sucker for pain).” For many perspective paramedics, medic school encompasses a majority of their time. It requires the student to read textbooks, prepare for exams, excel in clinical rotations, and learn new skills such as: interpreting EKGs, intubation, iv placement, and drug administration. Medic school tends to eclipse work and more often than not, personal life as well.

Ty Dolla $ign’s verse can be used in context of EMS unity and pride, the community’s discontent with Mayor Bill de Blasio, and the tragedy that devastated many when a fellow EMT was run over and murdered by her own ambulance on March 16 2017. Ty Dolla $ign raps, “I got the squad  tatted on me from my neck to my ankles.”  The first line referring to having tattoos identifying with one’s “squad” can easily be applied to EMS as it is common place to see EMS workers adorned with the Star of Life, a stylized EKG, or emergency medicine paraphernalia tattoo. The following lines, “Pressure from the man got us all in rebellion. We gon’ go to war, yeah, without failure… Love and the loyalty that’s what we stand for. Alienated by society. All this pressure give me anxiety… Feeling the world go against us. So we put the world on our shoulders.” These verses can be related to the loss the community experienced losing one of its members, along with the added insult to injury with de Blasio mitigating the work EMS providers perform claiming “the work is different.” EMT Yadira Arroyo died while working an overtime shift from injuries sustained when Jose Gonzalez stole her ambulance, struck her and ran over her body. “Pressure from the man” can represent the pay disparity EMS workers face or Mayor de Blasio himself and the ignorance and misconceptions he and others hold regarding the field of work. “All this pressure give me anxiety…Feeling the world go against us. So we put the world on our shoulders” speaks to how regardless of the issues faced: PTSD, anxiety, depression, lack of respect, and poor pay; EMS providers continue to service the communities we work in and help our patients to the best of our abilities.

The second verse is performed by Logic. He raps, “I been rollin’ with my team, we the illest on the scene. I been riding ’round the city with my squad… We just posted, getting crazy, living like this is so amazing… We been loyal, we been fam, we the ones you trust in.” These lines relate to how EMS workers view themselves and the positive morale felt on the job. This encompasses the crew arriving on scene to an emergency, the nature of the job involves driving around the city in the ambulance, the love of the job, and how our patients and their family members rely on the services we provide. This verse celebrated the highs experienced working EMS.

Most of Lil Wayne’s lyrics are esoteric describing far-fetched, painful, creative ways to die; however one relatable line is, “Uhh, devoted to destruction.” This ties into how first responders are called upon during disasters and in general when things go wrong on both the small, personal and grand scale.  Wiz Khalifa’s contribution to the song is in the bridge. He raps, “Never going slow, we pick up the pace. This is what we wanted from a young age.” These lines tie into the nature of the job and emergencies call for expedient measures to be taken in both arriving on scene, care of patients, and arriving at the hospital. As for the second line, many people in EMS had aspirations from childhood to work on an ambulance and help people.

Every career choice has its share of positives and negatives. EMS work is definitely not an exception to this rule. However, myself and many other EMTs and Paramedics would proudly attest the positives far outweigh the negatives. We love what we do and proudly serve day in and day out. “Sucker For Pain” is a dark anthem that celebrates doing the right thing; despite lack of recognition and injustices that must be overcome.


Works Cited

Newland, Chad, et al. “Survey Reveals Alarming Rates of EMS Provider Stress and Thoughts of Suicide.” Journal of Emergency Medical Services, 28 Sept. 2015, www.jems.com/articles/print/volume-40/issue-10/features/survey-reveals-alarming-rates-of-ems-provider-stress-and-thoughts-of-suicide.html.

“NYC Mayor on FDNY EMS Pay Gap: ‘The Work Is Different’.” EMS1, 29 Jan. 2019, www.ems1.com/fdny-ems/articles/393319048-NYC-mayor-on-FDNY-EMS-pay-gap-The-work-is-different/.

“See #SuicideSquad, Available on Digital HD 11/15 and Blu-Ray™ 12/13.” SuicideSquad, www.suicidesquad.com/.

“Sucker For Pain.” Suicide Squad: The Album Soundtrack, Atlantic.

Draft(writing about art)

A Lot of games have come a long way from the 8-bit limitations of old consoles. Games like skyrim, **, and many other triple A games go as far as possible to reach as realistic as beautiful, creating scenic beauties that borderline too realistic. There’s no arguing that games have become much more beautiful over time, but a lot would argue if these are considered art pieces. Every game has some kind of an objective: defeat the enemy team, get to the end of a puzzle, save someone, or just get the most points out of anyone. Art though, dosnt have such a clear cut objective, more or less its purpose is to provoke some kind of emotion or reaction from an observer. With that, it’s easy to see the argument that most games themselves aren’t art, but just contain art. But does that mean that a game itself can be an art piece? Can a game provoke imagination and curiosity without holding the players hand and showing them how they should feel? Of course, there’s countless games that are meant to provoke emotions, but there’s few that can be considered works of art all by themselves.

Journey was created back in 2012 by ThatGameCompany, with the intent to create a game that not only made the player feel insignificant to their surrounding in order to have them explore the vibrant landscapes, but to go beyond the defeat/kill/win mentality of most other games. Outside of the name of the game and the ending credits, the entire game is void of dialog or writing, telling the story through map design, hieroglyphics, and paintings given to you by the echoes of those long lost. You start as a nameless hooded figure in a vast desert, surrounded by the ruins of a lost city. Through the ruins, echoed stories, and scattered pictures, you learn that the mountain that you’ve been drawn to walk towards since the beginning once gave the lands magic, the same magic that you use on your way through the game. The magic was used to nourish the land, the plants that grew, and the people that flourished from it. Over time, the people learned to harness this power, and created large and beautiful cities from this new power. Eventually though, as the city grew larger, and the land once used for food and life was now used for towers, the magic began to die out and fade. With the magic dwindling, a divide was created between the people over a hold of what’s left, and thus lead to war. Giant robotic monsters were created to fight and take what magic the other side held. In the end however, no one on either side survived, and the monsters still run free clearing the land of the life that once thrived. Over time the land was taken back by the sands of time, and what was left of the magic was used to to make you, the player. Further on you see your journey through the ruins, as if predestined, and at the end shows your defeat at the base of the mountain. Knowing this, you continue on through the frigid cold and pass the graves of those before you. As predicted, you reach the base of the mountain, and as much as you struggle through the roaring winds, the player collapses into the silent snow. As the screen fades from the white of the unforgiving blizzard, the echoes of the people who guided you come, and grants you your second wind, as you launch through the eye of the storm, past the robotic monsters, and through the fence clouds. As you break the clouds, you reach the peak, surrounded by the energy that once flooded the lands, and as you reach the end, your covered in light, as the game fades back into darkness.

Unit 3: Rough Draft

Can Drake Make a Difference?

Deonarine Karan

Professor Carrie Hall

English 1101

April 12, 2019


              Did you ever give back to the community or donated for a good cause? If you were financially stable would you give back to the people in need? When I outgrew clothes that I can’t wear anymore I would usually gather everyone’s clothes that they don’t wear and donate them to the less fortunate. When I was younger and didn’t use to finish my food my mom would use to tell me kids in Africa would love to have what you have. At the time I didn’t really know the meaning behind that statement but as time passed I see kids all around the world is not as fortunate as us and don’t really have the opportunities that we take for granted. Many teenagers in this generation care more about materialistic things like name brand clothing and shoes rather than what’s important in life which is happiness. I use to hate when my friends use the phrase “Money can’t buy happiness”, because they would say if you have money you could buy anything in the world you want. But as I matured and got older it’s true you could buy anything in the world but you can’t buy yourself happiness. I rather be happy than rich because money could take so far before you realize there’s more in life than just money.

            In Drake’s album Scorpion, two songs stood out to me the first one was “God’s Plan” he had a million dollar budget for his music video rather than him buying fancy clothes, chains, and cars to show off he give back to the community that was a selfless act. Drake video for “God’s Plan” was the most important thing he have ever done in his career. Drake started off the video giving cash to people in the streets, giving toys to kids, surprises a family with a brand new car, and gave a student a scholarship to college. In one scene, he takes a hotel maid on a shopping spree and pays the bill for a store full of people buying groceries. Drake also donates money to a high school, gives a student a full ride to college, and signs a check to a women’s shelter. “Drake himself seems to be part of the gift, with shots of him sneaking up and bringing a fan to immediate tears presented just as lovingly as when he hands the same shocked fan a wad of money”(Lily Puckett 2018), meeting your favorite artist can’t be compared to all the money in the world because they are someone you idolize. On my nephew six birthday we gathered some family members to buy food and refreshments to give out at church and at a elderly homes. Regular six year olds would rather receive money or toys on their birthdays but my nephew had everything you could possibly imagine. So showing him different values by giving back to people that don’t really have much would make him have a giving mindset from young.

            Another song from Drake’s album Scorpion, that stood out to me was “Nice For What”, it was a song for women around the world no matter your size or color. Drake’s “Nice For What” song included Lauryn Hill song Ex-Factor which represents a person that has a strong but unpredictable influence. Drake also included Big Freeda which shows a strong message because she’s a transgender woman that experienced a lot of hatred. The video had strong and independent females like Olivia Wilde, Misty Copeland, Issa Rae, Jourdan Dunn, Tracee Ellis Ross, Tiffany Haddish, Yara Shahidi, Zoe Saldana, Letitia Wright, and Michelle Rodriguez. “Nice For What” supports many women moments like the #MeToo movement which is a moment against sexual harassment and assault. “So for Drake to have not only produced a song about an unbothered woman doing her and living her best life, it’s a shocker, but a welcome one” (Whitney Alese 2018), it always takes one person to make a change in this case it’s Drake showing respect to females that they deserve. “Workin’ hard, girl, everything paid for; First, last phone bill, car note, cable (Whitney Alese 2018),” showing woman’s work ethic by putting their responsibilities first. “That’s a real one in your reflection, without a follow, without a mention.” showing you don’t care about others opinions by having self appreciation. Especially in a generation where people go straight to social media like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat to get people’s attention.

            Drake releasing “God’s Plan” and “Nice For What” shows growth and change in the world that everyone needs to value what they have and treat women with the respect they deserve. It doesn’t matter how small you contribute to world it all starts somewhere with you. On the other hand, many artists in this generation degrades females rather than lifting them up and putting them on top where they belong. All females around the world should be empowered, after all we all came from a strong and independent women that we admire and love. We need more leaders like Drake to spread the message of giving and equality.




Alese, Whitney. “The Deeper Meanings behind Drake’s ‘Nice For What.’” Medium, Medium, 11 Apr. 2018, medium.com/@TheReclaimed/the-deeper-meanings-behind-drakes-nice-for-what-f97a5d979f21.

Puckett, Lily. “5 Religious Leaders Weigh in on Drake’s Version of God’s Plan.” The FADER, The FADER, 27 Feb. 2018, www.thefader.com/2018/02/23/drake-gods-plan-religion-leaders/amp.

Writing About Art

Topic: Kendrick Lamar_HUMBLE

Kendrick Lamar (born June 17, 1987) is an American rapper, songwriter, and record producer. He is regarded as one of the most skillful and successful hip-hop artists of his generation. Raised in Compton, California, Lamar embarked on his musical career as a teenager under the stage name K-Dot, releasing a mixtape that garnered local attention and led to his signing with indie record label Top Dawg Entertainment (TDE). He began to gain recognition in 2010, after his first retail release, Overly Dedicated.



One of his music video is particularly interesting to me as it includes many captivating scenes and words. That particular video was released in 2017 and got a lot of attention. In addition of being a very well-sounding song, it also includes messages depicted with scenes. Through this song, the singer addresses Americans, but more precisely Black people, women, corrupt people and more directly to those taking part to that racial segregation and or profiling. The purpose of this song was to highlight what black people are still going through and how it affects the way they live and the way they act. The content was expressed in a lyrical and explicit way to the audience and the original oeuvre may be somewhat inappropriate for under aged people.

From the music video, it is clear that the artist put a lot of work to make things look exactly the way he wanted it to look. Scenes throughout the video have meanings and are meant to send messages to the audience. In introduction, we can see Kendrick standing still dressed like a pope portraying “HUMBLE” manners till he starts singing with somewhat a though character.  This scene represent the “awakening”, stating that none can consider one ethnicity to be superior to another, and still expect the oppressed people to stay nice. As a side note to that scene, oppression is not “Christian”. Suddenly, from a pope driving the word of God, Kendrick turned into a different personality where many girls are sitting next to him counting money. This scene represents how media takes advantage of the hard work of other. The women counting his money also have masks on their faces which means that they are under cover.

Next, a scene shows him in the middle of a diner table covered in red with wine and bread on it, and others people sitting along. This scene depicts the famous diner Jesus had before being crucified. This scene has been interpreted in many music videos by other artists such as A$AP Ferg, Nas and Stormzi. That scene more particularly show that the people you just broke bread with, can betray you.

Another scene shows Kendrick in front of a group of men with their heads on fire, and other streets guys in the background. He then mentioned “Dreamers”, to illustrate how racist people think, their selfish manners when they feel like someone is taking over. Their head are on fire due to their dreams that they can’t reach and are forced the live like the guys in the far background. On another scene with a little bit of controversy, he says that he is “tired of Photoshop” and displays a girl in two screens (natural  and “photoshopped”), where the girl seems to look better natural! That scene cause a bit of controversy from the feminists. Some seemed offended for being portrayed as “photoshopped” because they use makeup. But on the other hand, some people say that he just stated his preference and that nobody should feel concerned. The meaning of the scene was tricky as he mentioned Richard Pryor who actively fought against racism and the fact that some people change their appearance just to fit in the society.

A well known scene form an old commercial was also illustrated, where he exchanges a jar from the back of a car to another man inside an other car. The original commercial scene was made by two white men and he shows that the same scene among black Americans can be interpreted as a criminal activity.

The same action is judged different when done by someone of a different race. Next, he then appears in a house with gun lasers pointing at him. That scene shows media attack towards African-Americans and says it’s even worse than alcohol abuse. By “Be humble! Sit down”, Kendrick illustrate what African- American have been told. He then appears in the middle of bold head black men face down (oppressed), saying “be humble, sit down”, with him in the middle signifies that he is the voice with his face facing up no matter what he is being told. The following scene shows him between a group of black people in high status with their faces up and him wearing white to tell the difference and show that he will keep the battle going.

This music video is very entertaining, but the main idea behind this video was mostly about showing the audience facts about what is going on, that racist people are brainwashing the masses so they can think negative about African American. Considering the actual situation, such oppression does not help at all, it makes some people stop caring and just do what they are mostly considered to be doing. Bad things. It was an overall very interesting song with a lot of messages that the audience need to understand.





unit #3

Mia Carter


It’s my first day back to college and I’m on the train to school.  I am leaning on the doors of the train as usually do. Looking at my phone as swipe throw peoples snapchats. As I swipe throw my friends post most of them are all talking about J. Coles new song. I am interested now wanting to know what the hype is about the new song. Suddenly, I am putting the name of the song into my search box on Apple music.  Through my headphones, I hear a males voice rapping to a nice beat. As I keep listening to the song I’m starting to like more and more. Thinking to myself J. Coles song Middle Child  is really good like I see why everyone is talking about it. As I listen to the song I thought to myself I’m happy I was being a little bit nosy because I have a new song to add to my playlist.


  1. Cole is a rapper that always tries to talk about things that are happening now and things he deals with as a person. In the first verse of the song, cole is already talking about something big by saying “ I do not snort powder, I might take a sip I might hit the blunt, but I’m liable to trip I ain’t poppin’ no pill, but you do as you wish”. J. Cole talks about the use of drugs when being in the industry. On his 2018 album KOD, which stands for “Kids On Drugs,” Cole seems to take time to bring up the issue with people willing and supports using substance abuse in the hip-hop industry. As we make our way throw the song Cole bring up another topic society today and the struggles “Too many ni**as in cycle of jail Spending they birthdays inside of a cell We coming from a long bloodline of trauma We raised by our mamas, Lord we gotta heal We hurting our sisters, the babies as well We killing our brothers, they poisoned the well Distorted self image, we set up to fail I’ma make sure that the real gon’ prevail, ni**a”. Cole is right there is a cycle young man going to jail coming out and going right back into a cell. Cole also touches on how these traumatic environments and events can cause long term problems for Black people making it hard. People kill each other over stupid things and women being physically and sexually abused. He also talks about the system were they always want to put people within their established stereotypes and styles. Therefore ending the real image of who we are.


rough draft

Society has always been susceptible to media exposure as it determines how receptive society becomes towards certain ideas. The media has evolved into a powerful tool that many people utilize with the goal of expressing their discontent and expose the social issues that are dramatically transforming our society. Individuals can use a wide range of methods to express their beliefs. For example, the 2016 presidential election was very controversial as it showcased the diverse ideologies that our current president has towards immigrants in this country. He used the presidential platform to degrade immigrants, provoking a sense of xenophobia amongst the American people. On the other hand, there are artist who employs the same platform to spread positivity and political awareness. Two controversial songs that were published before and after  the presidential election demonstrated the resistance among many minority groups in our communities. On the other hand, the songs also exposed the inability of those same communities to make the right presidential choice.

Trump’s discriminatory remarks stimulated society’s interest in a way that enabled people to express themselves through music. The song “Fuck Donald Trump by YG and Nipsey Hussle, emerged before the presidential election. Not only was the song used as a method to express one’s opposition towards the political climate at the time, but the song can also be analyzed as a warning to the American People. The song states, “Don’t let Donald Trump win, that nigga cancer…He can’t make decisions for this country…we can’t be a slave for him”. When I first heard this song, it seemed to me as a cry for help to the American people and listing the many reasons why he should not get society’s support. The song also alludes to the injustices that minorities experience in society when he states, “And if you been to jail you can [probably] still vote”. A lot of minorities do not enjoy the privilege to vote as a consequence of previous convictions for minor crimes. The songs also empower  the youth by saying “We the youth, We the people of this country, we got a voice too, we will be seen, and we will be heard”, with the hope of encouraging them to vote. On the other hand, even when it uses these expressions as a way to appeal to the public, there are many barriers that hinder people’s ability to vote. Both undocumented residents and legal residents of the United States do not have the right to vote, which subsequently leads to lack of participation.

The song “Not My President” was published on February 12, 2017. The slogan “Not My President” turned into a movement after the 2016 presidential election. At first, I had mixed feelings with this song as it represented a general ideology of the current political status. As an immigrant from Hungary I have experienced discrimination, but I found myself conflicted with choosing whether I could relate to the song or not. When I first got exposed to this song, I thought I was very catchy as the artist presented the public with a humorous description of Donald Trump by stating “Donald trump look like a bird from the sesame’s”. It then took a more serious approach when the song addresses the negative comments Donald trump has made about Mexican immigrants residing in the United States. Added to that, the artist states, “and this is the guy that we picked for our next president, fuck that yo, you really got me fucked up”. To a certain extent the artist is also criticizing the American people’s ability to vote for a president. Very frequently, citizens do not take their democratic duties seriously and sometimes take it for granted while other people like myself, wished they had the opportunity to voice their concerns.  Therefore, we are forced to leave these political choices in the hands of American citizens who look within their own individual needs to pick the leader of our country.

The phrase “Not My President” is problematic because it does not only show, but it also shows the inequality of votes among the American people. Both of these songs attest to the fact that not everyone can vote. Those who protest might have not had the ability to make their voices be heard. I, myself, was not able to vote and as much as I did not like the results, one has to acknowledge that it is one’s responsibility to make their voices be heard. Minorities in our community have let upper middle-class individuals from making decisions regarding our future due to the lack of education or the lack of interest. Both of these songs serve as a mechanism to spread awareness and educate people on the social issues that are affecting our daily lives. When the artist states “I thought all that Donald Trump bullshit was a joke” illustrate our current president used the how people thought it was absurd for Donald Trump to run for president. Nevertheless, the use of joke served as a method of propaganda that resulted in his election.  On the other hand, his victory was a wakeup call for a lot of people to devote more of their time worrying about issues that matter.

Rough Draft (KO)

Kalissa Ortiz



Album:  “SKINS”



I remember when i first heard the song “TRAIN FOOD” it hit me like a moving train that has run off track. I tend to listen to simpler songs, songs with meanings like depression and bad breakups. But this one was different, i’ve never experienced a song like this.

I was laying down in bed and it was almost midnight, it was pretty cold outside but i still had my fan on. I was wrapped in my fluffy blanket, and had my headphones in my ears ready to listen to my late night tunes. I always listen to music before i go to sleep since i have trouble sleeping and this helps. I go onto my Apple music and see that XXXTentacion album “SKINS” was released. I listened to the first song and loved it, “TRAINFOOD” is the third song listed on the album. At first i was listening to it more like a regular song but certain lyrics stood out to me.

“His frequency distorted quick, i seen it in his image, I should’ve run right Fucking there.”

This line caught my attention and i really started to pay closer attention to what he was saying. I also realized how this song almost was like he was talking, it didn’t sound like he was singing or even rapping just sounded like he was talking. As i listened to the rest of the song what really scared me was when he said “Now it’s here, Death has now arrived, times finally up.” After the song finished all i kept thinking about is that line. It wouldn’t leave my head for hours trying to figure out what he meant.


  XXXTentacion album “SKINS” released December 7, 2018 months after his death in middle June. He was shot in Deerfield Beach by Dedrick D. Williams and shortly after died on the way to the hospital. When “SKINS” was released it showed lots of deep symbolism and dark themes in his lyrics. The lyrics can be disturbing to read and analyze but also listening to his sound in music can be hard to listen too. But analyzing further it’s interesting to know what kind of message he was trying to send overall to listeners.  


I remember I had walked home that day

Content with all my misery

Told my self it’d get better, no clue what there was next to me

(Kept telling himself it will get better, but it just all got worse from there)

Remember there was people, walkin’, talkin’ in the distance

I was dressed for winter weather

But the summer rays were kissing me

I, I was lost

So I took a different path, in the distance he awaited me

Had no weapon, I’m guessing his hands were just enough for me

Was no question, I’m guessing he laughed just at the sight of me

I was lost

(This could mean his history with drugs and gang violence)

I remember I had walked home that day

Content with all my misery

Told my self it’d get better, no clue what there was next to me

Remember there was people, walkin’, talkin’ in the distance

I was dressed for winter weather

But the summer rays were kissing me

I, I was lost

And there he was, his presence was alarming

As he approaches casual, we talk ’bout self-harming

He told me “kid, you shouldn’t be walkin’ on your own”

He smiled and laughed, and pat my back

He said, “how far are you from home?”

I said, “maybe 30 minutes”

His frequency distorted quick, I seen it in his image

I should’ve run right fucking there, I-

(I think he may be talking about death here, the conversation he is having is with death. In a lot of his songs he always talks about death, and i think all along he always knew he would die very young)

You ever woke up on a train track

With no motherfuckin’ clothes on?

Death before your eyes, you prayin’ to God, but ain’t no response

Trying to scream for hope, just a shoulder that you can lean on

But ain’t nobody coming, so you scream on

And scream on and scream on

While this evil fuck laugh at you?

Train getting closer, you still surprised that he battered you

Tears falling harder and harder, minutes get minuscule

Could’ve had a son or a daughter, now what you finna do?  

You finna die here on this train track

‘Cause clearly after death, ain’t no way you can find your way back

Thinking ’bout your previous memories, going way back

All them fucking dreams ’bout the diamond chain and the Maybach

Now your time finally up

Ask yourself the final question, is you going down or up?

Recollectin’ all the moments that you never gave a fuck

Now it’s here, death has now arrived, time’s finally up


(Reading this is very dark and just shows how all along he knew death was coming and in fact he’d been faced with it many times before. He’s been so close with death almost like he can touch it, but finally it’s got him)