Quote Analysis

An online review of “The Breakup Song” by Francesca Battistelli states that it is “A song about identity and boldness in Jesus that produces the confidence to shine for Him, live for God, and tell the world the truth about the salvation that is available for all. This is a song with heart and strength”. Even though the song does not mention Jesus or God, I agree with the reviewer’s opinion because of the artist’s background and beliefs. Francesca Battistelli is a popular Christian pop artist who has written other songs such as “Lead Me To The Cross” and “Run To Jesus”. Almost all of her songs showcase her faith which is Christianity. This leads me to believe that even the songs that she doesn’t mention Jesus were inspired by her beliefs. “The Breakup Song” talks about breaking up with fear and fear not being welcome in our lives. In the Bible it states, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7, King James Version). This verse makes me think that the song was inspired by this. By getting rid of fear we are pleasing God which is a Christian’s main purpose in life. Francesca would most likely want to please God by breaking up with her fear and living her best life possible.

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