Mentor Text

For my mentor text, I have chosen a article called “You can’t buy education” by Robert Ware which shows people trying to get through life with money. But if you have no education or any type of education money can’t get you far. Buying education is connected to my essay because some people cheat their way through education because they are afraid of failing. Bringing real reforms that ensure a good teacher is in every classroom and gives parents options of where they send their kids are the steps we need to take. I learned that the The federal government throws dollars at the state, the state throws dollars at local school boards and the local boards throw dollars at schools (which shows money affecting the way schools operate because if they don’t do what they are told the money could be affected). School Board should  develop a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) for each school located in the county, then share that report with the public. “While there are bright spots in some private school systems, the public education system, where the vast majority of our children are being taught, guided and motivated is a dated, bloated, inefficient, bureaucratic dinosaur”, which shows it lost sight and understanding of its students education and the way they are taught.

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