Mentor Article


The publication I chose is The Jakarta Post. I decided to use “Yogyakarta play shines light on rape victims’ despair” as my mentor article for various reasons. I really like the structure of the article and would like to apply some of these techniques into my own writing. The author could have started off by talking about this play and what it was about but instead he utilized a specific scene from the play as an introduction. The flow of the article felt natural for me that it was easy to follow which is what I want for my own paper, an organization which doesn’t leave the audience having to think where and how this paragraph and the next paragraph are linked. The author also incorporated with the performers’ feelings and thoughts of the play in the article which made me, as a reader, sympathize with the victim. The play was inspired by Ela’s experience of being raped by her stepfather. Towards the end of the article, the author provided statistics on the number of cases involving sexual violence in Indonesia. I think that it helps the readers grasp how important this play is considering the many sexual violence cases that are taken lightly. Basically, I want my paper to be able to make people feel just like how this paper made me feel after hearing Ela’s story.

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