Learned and want to know


In the K-pop community, there are many trends that are passed down from Idols to their collective fan groups which all have separate names. Aegyo is one of the larger trends that are requested as a fan service so idols will give a series of sounds and gestures like the finger hearts bbwingbbwing which (which is seen as an older aegyeo) as well as speak in a baby voice. There is a debate as to who created the aegyeo movement and what idol started the finger hearts (my idol used it first I think), which was really fascinating to me. Another interesting fact that I had found out is that baby shark, which is been a huge thing in South Korea since the mid-1990s was popularized online in 2007 by a German YouTube or named Alexandra Müller. She posted a video on YouTube of herself doing the song movements to the theme song of jaws while singing the words. A couple years later A South Korean educational brand pink fong picked up the song again in 2015 and it’s video game to 2.4 billion views on YouTube as of March 2019. Indonesia was/is the most enthralled with the song since thousand 17 and has a lot of adults and children creating videos dancing to or singing baby shark. With the growing interest of the song, many idols in South Korea have been using the dance as a form of aegyeo singing and dancing in costumes with cute voices for the fans of all ages. 


– what is the Korean wave?

– is it really a global phenomenon?

–  what other cultures does it not affect?

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