In the story, “The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao” by Junot Diaz he shows a superstition from Santo Domingo called “”fukú”. But the fukú ain’t just ancient history, a ghost story from the past with no power to scare. I found Junot Diaz story to be very interesting he connects with the readers by sharing factual evidence like the assassination of John F. Kennedy then followed by the reason why we lost the war in Iraq. For example, Kennedy was the one who green-lighted the assassination of Trujillo in 1961, who ordered the CIA to deliver arms to the Island but intelligence experts failed to tell him that whoever killed Trujillo, their family would suffer a fukú so dreadful it would make the one that attached itself to the Admiral jojote in comparison. I don’t believe in old history superstitions but I think the Kennedy family was affected by the curse, Kick Kennedy died in a plane crash and Ted Kennedy survived a plane crash and he even wondered if his family fell victim to an “awful” curse. Another reason was the soldiers that was in Santo Domingo that was shipped off to Iraq was cursed by fukú it was gift of Diaz’s people to America, a small repayment for the unjust war. I never believed in any superstitions till the day I read “ The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao”, the events that happen couldn’t been a mistake after leaving Santo Domingo. I know different cultures and nationalities have many tales that involve curses that dates back to ancient history.