While reading “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Woo” by Junior Diaz, I didn’t really find anything that was confusing or difficult to understand. In fact, I enjoyed reading because I am Dominican myself. I found this piece very humorous and relatable because I know how us Dominicans can be with superstitions. I couldn’t help but think about my grandmother and all the superstitions she has made us aware of when he stated, “I have a tia who believed she’d been denied happiness because she’d laughed at a rival’s funeral.”(5)  Yeah, that definitely sounds like something my grandmother would say. I also enjoyed his style of writing. I always enjoy pieces like this where you don’t feel overwhelmed by the language that is being used. It almost feels like you’re just having a normal conversation with someone. It also makes it easier to get the message that the author is trying to convey without having to question what it is that they’re trying to say. One thing that caught my attention as well is how loose he is with cursing in his writing. As a writer, I always stray away from cursing because you never know how a reader would react to it. I can honestly say that Diaz knows what he is doing, he really knows how to keep readers hooked and interested.

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