Your First Job.

“Your first job”
Quote: “In these though courses the first idea you must abandon is that you can sit, “take notes, and worry about it later.” Here’s another key idea to bring with you in every lecture period. Worry about it now. ”
From this quote, Leamnson means that during class period, students should not just sit and take notes without paying attention and understanding those notes. He means that student should not just write down notes and try to understand them later. This statement makes sense to me because the class session is really the right time to learn. As the teacher explains, students paying attention will ask questions if they have some and this is helpful to other students. Class sessions are the most important part of learning. I think that students should be more attentive during class rather than trying to understand after class because lessons do stack up and it gets harder to study. The author’s quote is important because it give students a vital advice for succeeding in college and students who apply good rules and take advices succeed.

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