Your First Job

                 In the article “Learning”(Your First Job) by Robert Leamnson, he shows how active learning affects the reader and give college students suggestions about what to do in college.  “A fundamental idea that you will encounter over and again, is that learning is not something that just happens to you, it is something that you do to yourself”, which means learning should come naturally it should be something you enjoy, if it doesn’t come organically it wouldn’t feel the same. According to Robert Leamnson, deep learning introduces the idea of the curiosity habit that he declares will aid in making things interesting. The essence of Leamnson’s argument is that true learning is something you do, not something that just happens to you.  In Robert Leamnson view, “the two components of learning is understanding and remembering”. In other words Leamnson believes learning is a web of understanding that relies on the brain to ensure success in all aspects of life.

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