Your First Job (Tuesday hw)

In Learning (Your First Job), Robert Leamnson makes a very valid point regarding the difference between information, and knowledge. On the bottom of page 9, under the header “Access and high technology”, we learn the “fundamental difference” between info and knowledge. “Knowledge is what has the potential for improving the individual and society.” Leamnson then goes on to say, “…websites are completely devoid of knowledge, all they have is information”. What this quote means  is that information is literally everywhere around us, we tend to “drown” in information, but knowledge is what each of us personally gets from this information. This is why knowledge usually differs from person to person. I whole-heartedly agree with this quote because even though this is something that may seem obvious at first glance, when you ponder on it you see that a lot of us often overlook this simple fact. You can apply this fact to just about everything we use our brains for. In the case of taking notes, we see that if someone simply writes down everything that is said or heard (information), without making it “personal” or using phrases that would help them to grasp the topic; most likely it will not be remembered, and ultimately used, the way he/she intended it to.

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