Your First Job

According to Robert Leamnson, “if you hold the belief that you cannot learn anything until or unless it’s interesting, then you can never get started on anything new”. In other words, Leamnson believes that students who blame the subject or topic itself for not drawing their attention are most likely to achieve nothing greater than what they already know or are capable of. In relation to this belief, Leamnson argues that “you would do yourself a great favor by developing this “curiosity habit” as early on as you can”. What Leamnson meant by “curiosity habit”, he provided a case where his senior biology majors would come to his office to discuss various courses and take the initiative to learn more about the subjects instead of relying on the teacher to make it worth learning. I personally acknowledge Leamnson’s argument because, now that I think about it, most of my friends blame their lack of interest in certain subjects which eventually resulted in failing those classes.

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