Cloyde Vandenburg

English 101



I told my cousin his mom is dead outside and he started crying, bro relax I’m just saying she is really outside, such a cry baby. The thing about slang is that it mostly reflects how we speak, and the way we say certain things, like the way I told my cousin his mom is really outside. He didn’t understand the slang in was using and therefore took it literally. By using the word “Dead” i emphasise the fact that his mom is actually outside at the moment. In a way it was me fooling around with him and i wanted to see his reaction to me saying his mom is dead outside when I could’ve phrased it differently by saying bro your mom is “Deadass” outside.

    Slang, the word slang is defined as words and phrases that are regarded as very informal. Whenever we speak, it’s either in an informal or formal way, it all depends on the audience, if we’re talking to our friends we tend to talk in a more informal way or by using slang, like (bro there’s some bad shawties in my class). Typically the word bad explains itself but in this situation it is used to say that the girls in my class are really cute. On the other hand if we’re talking to our boss we would speak in a more formal way, for example ( Good morning professor hall, I have completed the assignment that you assigned last week) in this form it is a way of being professional. Formal can be defined as using proper English.

    In New York city, Brooklyn to be more precise, you can almost say it is a slang city. On almost every corner everyone speaks in an informal way. One of the most known Brooklyn slang is “Deadass”. Used so often even if one doesn’t want to to say it they say it. The point of the word is to emphasize how serious one is and can have various meanings. For example “professor Hall is deadass blowing minds giving us a (1000) thousand word paper based on one word” *gives her the death stare*. By using deadass I’m emphasizing how upset I am about how my professor really gave us an assignment that is to be done based off of one word, knowing that I’ll be upset because well I hate doing any kind of work, but i have no choice but the write the paper because this degree ain’t gonna get itself. “WHY CARRIE WHYYYY” * CRIES IN A CORNER*.

   Deadass, “ A phrase to emphasize another word, feeling or emotional statement, used by individuals across the United States to mean “very”, “severely”, “extremely” with a specific air of honesty”. Basically it is a word that is used to give meaning to another word and can mean another though change in tone. Interesting thing about the word is that it can be used as a statement and as a question. “Bruh you not deadass”? In this sentence it is asking someone if they are really serious. As a statement, I deadass don’t wanna do this paper. Another interesting thing about deadass is that the phrase has been around for a long time and is often older than the individual using it.

    The origin if the word is unknown, it is not mentioned anywhere as to where it was first used, but there are references of how it was used before it transitioned and become the meaning we known today. Older use of the word meant “frigid woman” one who does not respond, just lays there. An example of it was used is “no wonder Bob strays, his wife is a deadass in the sack.” in other words you can say the woman does not care. This isn’t the oldest use of the word, yes there is a much older use, the older meaning was  a lazy man” quite straightforward, one who just lays around and expects others to support him. In all honesty both of these definitions are weird, I’m so confused, I don’t understand how this makes sense like frigid woman? WHAT!!!! Bruh they blowing minds.

    Personally I love using slang, in a way it is funny to me especially when stories are being told, it just completes the story and make a it much more interesting. The Use of slang is so interesting, it is not proper English yet it is the way we speak and different words can men’s the same thing, how crazy is that like for example “deadass bro I’m mad tired of college, it blows minds, I be up mad late completing assignments and barely getting at most (2) two hours of sleep, I’m finna drop out” *sigh*. In that sentence the words Deadass and Mad means the same thing. Translation for those who don’t understand slang even though you live in New York it almost impossible to not understand but basically I’m saying “seriously bro I’m really tired of college blah blah blah” interesting fact about myself is that i speak in three different ways, formally, informally and what I would call “goody goody” (the way I speak to my parents) if you don’t know what a goody goody is it is someone or child who doesn’t behave unruly in front of their parents, just like coats how he wonders about calling his father by his first name what will be the reaction, only difference with me is that I don’t have to wonder about what will happen if I call my mom by her first name, why well because the moment i do Is also the very moment I either get the ass whopping of the century or in just signed my death certificate.

   The thing about slang is that it is predominately used in the African American community with words such as “Deadass” “blowing minds” “mad” “finna”, just to name a few, all which are used on a daily basis. Another interesting thing with slang you don’t have to create a whole new word and give it a specific meaning, you literally take an existing word say it in an unusual way and if it makes sense, boom you have a new slang. It does not take rocket science to understand to get the hang of slang, to some it may be a little different to understand but e eventually they’ll get the hang of it. New York isn’t the only place slang is used, there is Philadelphia, Chicago, New Jersey and other states across the butted states. All of these places have their own way if speaking unfortunately I can’t give any examples because I don’t know any of the slang they use….yea sorry *awkward silence*

   *Sigh* sooooooo, yes I dragged that for no reason, don’t ask why I did that cause even I don’t know why I did that, anyway language isn’t defined as one definition, it is the way we speak, the way we communicate with each other whether it being in a formal way (using proper english) or informally (the use of slang). Throughout the borough of Brooklyn slang is used, one of the most used is “Deadass” manning “seriously””very” and “extremely” mostly bed in the African American community if not only used, the word emphasises emotional feelings and that is the kind of slang to give new meaning to existing words. Being that this is that this is the last paragraph Imma shred Carrie cause she got me tight right now with this paper, like why do you need 1000 words bruh like you deadass ? Got my hands hurting, messing up my sleep schedule like you asking to get roasted bruh, you what FLAME ON wait never mind, just thought about my grade, cause this paper could potentially be an “A” and I ain’t finna play myself and mess that up. Soooooo hi Carrie, hope you’re having a nice day, yes I’m kissing up to you cause I need to pass and graduate on time, so I’m gonna catch you in class and bless you with  my presence and THAT’S ALL FOLKS.