Bryan Ramirez
Prof. Dr. Carrie
October 31th, 2018
Word: Bautismo
El bautismo is a Catholic sacrament that is marked by using holy water and pouring it on the child or adult. It is common for the priest to perform this act. It is also a sacrament that you receive to convert into catholism. In the Catholic Church there are seven sacraments. The first being Baptism, el Bautismo. El Bautismo implica que una persona sea sumergida en agua y que salga de nuevo. Which means that a person is submerged into water and taken out as a new person. The person is then renewed or reborn. El Bautismo refers to the beginning of a new life dedicated to God. At this moment you also receive Padrinos, Godparents. Godparents are people that present the child or adult at baptism and promises to take responsibility for their religious education. Padrinos are to set an example, guide, encourage, and give advice to the child or adult. As a child, your parents pick your godparents and as an adult you pick your own.
El Bautismo is a “ceremonial act undertaken after a person accepts Jesus Christ as his or her savor. This is usually done in the presence of the church body as a public proclamation of one’s faith.” This means that one accepts Jesus Christ in their life. They accept catholism in their life. Many people accept him as their lord and savior. For many people, El Bautismo, is a requirement for their salvation and a sacrament. I know it more as a sacrament. “The sacraments are acts of faith, which are carried out at different moments of life and whose purpose is to validate the vows of faith in front of a particular church.” As, said earlier there are seven sacraments, the first being baptism, followed by communion, confirmation, reconciliation, anointing of the sick, marriage, and Holy orders.
Through Baptism the person seals the relationship with God, the person becomes a member of the church, and it is the first sacrament that a person can receive. The godparents are like guardians of the child or adult. In my family, everyone has received their baptism. We all received it at a young age. It is common for children to receive them than adults. In my family we also go to Catholic School Sundays. We go to Sunday school to receive our sacraments. I don’t remember when I received El Bautismo but my parents have photos and a video. I did not know what exactly happens until I saw it myself.
El baptizo requires you to wear white because it’s part of the catholic believe. Cuando uno se bautisa uno tiene que ir con ropa aprioprida en la iglesia. “Sometimes the church provides a white robe or stole to be used during the ceremony and kept afterward to commemorate the occasion.” The church may offer the robe when the child or adult did not wear something white. In addition, the church may give them a white gown. Therefore, a girl would usually wear a white dress and a boy may wear a white suit. This is because you need to present yourself in a respectful way. At the same time the madrina o padrino take a vela, candle, to symbolize la luz de Jesus Cristo, the light of Jesus Christ. As the child dresses presentable and nice the parents, guest, and other family memebers must dress nice. In addition to the madrina o padrino giving the candle they also give the child a gold necklace. The gold necklace most of the time is a cross or a saint. The Padrinos also buy the child their clothes, and candle. When they buy the candle it usually comes with their bible and rosary. The bible and rosary help the child when they get older. I find it interesting that the Padrinos buy everything.
El baptismo es una misa religiousa con family y amigos. La misa es un poco mas largo pero es muy especial. Mass is regularly an hour or an hour and twenty minutes but for a baptism it is almost two hours. When the mass begins every child starts to form a line with their godparents to walk down the isle or rows. This is when everyone stands, family, friends, and other people watch you go down the isle. Everyone has their name on the row that belongs to them. The priest and altar servers walk down the isle too. Then everyone faces the priest for respect. Then the priest would start by saying a joke like oh I see a lot of faces here today but not every Sunday. Then the priest would say “Godparents, are you ready to help the parents in their duty as catholic parents?” Godparents answer “we are”. Then the priest would say let’s continue, please rise so we all do and he say’s “ Do you reject the glamour of evil and refuse to be mastered by sin?” All the people say we do. Then after that he continues with church saying “Do you belive in God, the father almighty, creator of heaven and earth”, people say yes “we do”. Then the priest will say by the top of his lungs parent’s “SINCE YOU SHARE OUR FAITH AND DESIRE TO LEAD YOUR CHILDREN IN THE WAYS OF FAITH, COME TO THE WATER!!!!” Everyone then says “Amen” and begin to call one by one to receive the gift of Jesus Christ and pours water over the child’s head. Then the priest says “I baptize you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and Holy Spirt.” After this the godparents would come up and get their gifts blessed to protect their god child from bad things like bad luck, demons, mostly to protect them from bad luck. After this everyone say’s a last prayer for everyone to go home safe and say peace to each other and go on their way.
Overall, El Bautismo es el primer sacramento de la iglesia. It is when someone is renewed or reborn in the church. It is the beginning of accepting and being part of the church. It is something that is valued in my family. I have amazing Padrinos that have guided and supported me since I was small. I have a wonderful relationship with my padrinos, I consider them like my second parents.