Who’s That Pokemon

active 9 years, 4 months ago
Who's That Pokemon
This Project is OPEN.
School / Office
Technology & Design
Computer Engineering Technology
Project Description

My partner Davon Brown and I wanted to create an app based of the show Pokemon. The app was created to see how much pokemon you could figure it out. When the app starts up you see the pokemon and type the correct answer to move on to the next question. When you click on the picture of the pokemon; You hear the sound of the pokemon to get a sense of how each pokemon sound. The app was created to make you feel like you was watching the show and they was asking you who’s that pokemon. When you click on the check button this allows you to see if your answer come out correct or incorrect. when you click on the next button it moves to the next screen to guess what pokemon is next on the list. In the app My partner and I had 10 different screens and divided them in half. I took the last five screens once my partner tested the first five. In the last five screens I added the pictures my partner found and the information that was needed in blocks editor. I found all the sounds that is being used in the app so you could hear how each and every pokemon sound. I tested the whole app once it was finished and my partner tested it one last time to make sure it was done.


This project was created by: Kester

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