Ursule Jean-Guillaume’s ePortfolio

Ursule Jean-Guillaume’s ePortfolio
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Portfolio Description

Ursule Jean-Guillaume

Self-Reflection Narrative of Service Learning Project

Below is my self-reflection for Community Health Nursing Clinical for the fall semester 2013. I
attended my community clinical rotation at Delete Blood Cancer located at 100 Broadway New
York NY. I had the opportunity to learn while accomplishing my nine clinical objectives.

Objective 1: Demonstrates individual professionalism through personal behaviors and appearance.

Confidentiality is very important for the client. I maintain client confidentiality according to the
laws of HIPAA and the policies of the DKMS organization. Information’s taken from clients
and interviews are conducted in private areas. I never leave hard copy of forms or records where
unauthorized persons may access them. I assume responsibility for my own learning by
familiarize myself with the DKMS’s leaders, and staff at the community center for further
coaching or referral if needed. My assignments are completed within designated frame. I
participate in conferences, give my inputs and ask questions. I demonstrate professionalism in
the clinical site by arriving on time. I dress professionally as required by the school policy.

Objective 2: Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting.

Health fairs were providing in the communities to register potential donors. To help the clients
with registration, I asked specific and detail questions about their health history and explained
how they can become qualified donor. By trying to get a donor, I have to consider the impact of
development, cultural, religious and spiritual influences. For example: Seven Day Adventist
clients usually will not participate in receiving or donating blood; I utilized their services by
asking if they can participate with monetary donation. To make the fair successful, I collected
significant data. I also assist by carefully observing where to set the tables and how to provide a
safe environment. Our goal was to get as many possible potential donors. Therefore, effective
and aggressive advertisements were necessary in the community where large group of clients
tend to navigate; some examples of such communities were the schools newspapers, flyers, and
posters earlier in advance of the fair dates. Giving medication was not applicable for those fair
sites. When testing a client, it was important not to contaminate their swab kit or switch it with a
different client for that, I provided assistance for one person at a time.

Objective 3: Effectively communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of
strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting.
I successfully utilize therapeutic communication skills with individuals and families of the
community setting. On our first fair, a man carrying a baby explained that his son has blood
cancer; this gave us encouragement for doing our job well. I don’t feel shy to ask for monetary
donation to those who don’t believe on donating blood. I successfully communicate with the
team at the DKMS, my instructor and class mates using different strategies that promote
awareness for the Organization. To set up for the drive my group and I have communicated with
different department and the school to advertise for the health fairs.

Objective 4: Establish environment conducive to learning and use a plan for learners based on evidence-based practice.

I use the informative pamphlets to teach my math class and around the community about the
procedure on bone marrow and stem cell donation, answer questions clarified misunderstanding.
Most people don’t know about Delete Blood Cancer. I usually educate them on how the
organization started and how they continue to be a positive source for the community. After each
fair, I evaluate my client’s answers to analyze how I can attract or convince more potential donor.

Objective 5: Utilize informational technology when managing individual and families in the community.

I completed objective 5 by making the use of technology, my group and I we did research for
DKMS regarding the policies for reportable disease for each state. HIPAA is the law that
maintains client’s records within strict confidentiality therefore I complied by keeping the clients
registration forms with confident.

Objective 6: Demonstrate a commitment to professional development
Giving the right information is extremely important. DKMS provides us with updated literature
when planning for client’s care in the community setting. I realized that nursing is a
responsibility for a lifelong learning and each day, I was accounted with something different. At
each swab drive my team and I were able to meet different types of potential donor and ask
different questions. We use different techniques to get more stem cell donors and monetary
donation. I was able to observe what can be done to teach the community with the changes.

Objective 7: Incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice

I followed professional nursing standards and accountability into my practice. I followed the
guideline of the American Nurses Association Standards in clinical practice. I addressed the
client with respect, and treated them upon new knowledge acquired; at the clinical site, I follow
City Tech missions and guidelines. I was accountable for my action at the fair. I represented
DKMS, followed their guidelines and kept client’s information confidential.

Objective 8: Collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the health care team
I explained the guideline’s eligibility to clients if not yet met to be a donor. I guided them to
make appropriate lifestyle choices by encouraging them to be a potential life saver; how to
support the organization, and encourage other to volunteer to participate. I collaborate with
significant support persons and members of the health care team like the social worker, the
nurses and staff at DKMS and provided verbal support to family. Throughout the semester, we
met with the clinical instructor to discuss strategies to further help the organization.

Objective 9: Recognize the impact of economic, political, social and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services
DKMS is a non-profit organization. Like most other non-profit organization, there is a big
impact on the economic, political, social and demographic forces that affect the delivery of
health care services. In our meetings, I realized the high cost for a swab drive, advertisement,
medical testing, traveling expenses for donors and the cost of transplant aside of medical cost. In
addition, there may be out- of- pocket expenses that can add up to $10,000 to $25,000. To
promote donation, a $65 is recommended to become a member. Fund raising is important to
support the organization. As a student and a bedside nurse, this class helped me utilize my
knowledge and understand how to encourage people to do what is right, and to support
organization like American Nurses Association to help with the change needed in healthcare.

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This ePortfolio was created by: Ursule

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