Unit 2 Bibliography on Natural Disasters

active 1 year, 6 months ago
Unit 2 Bibliography on Natural Disasters
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What preparations has the US government made for a large-scale natural disaster? this topic of the scenery of catastrophe from a young age has been loved by many from a young age. Watching zombie shows that talk about humans and the disasters they faced together. tsunamis, pandemics, and ice ages. Many love watching survival movies and always have a bit of extra time to view them. people prepare for disasters and manage their resources wisely. However, many enjoy watching movies and being fearful of how these scenes play out freaks many. imagine your own family becoming zombies and all that can be done is kill them to survive. Even with that gruesome image, imagine caring for a child while protecting your own life. all of the obstacles one faces are hard to bear. Imagine being in the middle of a world war and the climate is changing due to fallout causing all life to vastly die out due to starvation or from harmful chemicals. In this day and age, many things can go wrong in science and could cause a massive outbreak like covid again or even worse an ice age all over again. Even at the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic, a male had so much infection in his brain that he killed a relative. Scientists showed conspiracy that being infected with covid caused him to react in a zombie-like manner. The information expected is the code laws and protocols that the government has put into place when an emergency such as a zombie apocalypse occurs. bunkers is a hot topic when it comes to survival. The US government has even jumped on the topic of bunkers, many have been made in many states for government officials, secretaries, higher power, billionaires, and the President. The horrific downside of every single bunker made by the US, no children are allowed in, only adults. In 2020 the US government showed a code for an outbreak pandemic viral initiative coded for 8888. This code is for apocalypses; the government is preparing for the worst, and we must as well. genres that could be used are, genre reports, blogs, and Data reports. Other genres, could be non-fiction since the likelihood of a real-life zombie apocalypse is growing every year. This topic could also fit in the description of fiction, the probability of zombies rising from their graves to eat all humans and close to impossible.

The Government’s ability to involve itself is what makes the chances of survival high. This section of evidence from ‘Response actions are organized under the National Response Framework.'” shows that the government does take on plans for disasters when they occur. in this quote, this article is just explaining how disasters are handled by the government. who takes on what orders when ordered by the government to protect society.”When a disaster is declared, the Federal government, led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), responds at the request of, and in support of, States, Tribes, Territories, and Insular Areas and local jurisdictions impacted by a disaster.” Later, the paper confirms this by stating that, “The government appoints a group of emergency services to respond and take action.”

By U.S. Department of the Interior 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 2024 (https://www.doi.gov/recovery)

The government does always get involved with disasters, and aid from special organizations like the Red Cross help with their response. “responding to disasters and emergencies requires the cooperation of a variety of organizations; the larger or more complex the incident, the greater the number and variety of organizations that must respond. Think of a residential fire: Firefighters are leading the charge; public works may be on the scene providing traffic control; police are providing security; emergency medical services personnel are triaging, transporting, and redistributing injured to local hospitals; and a local nonprofit or voluntary organization (e.g., American Red Cross and Salvation Army) may be on hand to assist displaced residents. For large disasters, such as major hurricanes or earthquakes, the incident complexity is increased as others—such as states or tribes and, ultimately, the Federal Government—become involved. Businesses, voluntary organizations, and other elements of the private sector are also key stakeholders, providing the essential services that must be restored following an incident. The NRF provides the foundation for how these organizations coordinate, integrate, and unify their response.” This quote from the National Response Framework Homeland Security 2019 guidebook brings out the idea of unity, the idea of how organizations help each other, the author of this quote did a great job by giving a direct example. Firefighters are the first responders to situations, public workers will be helping out with the traffic situations. the point of the quote is to show that there’s teamwork. to get stuff done there’s always a faster and better way to do it, it’s with the help of others.

By Homeland security (https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-04/NRF_FINALApproved_2011028.pdf

Bunkers are being built by the government in case all protocols fail. “Raven rock the US government’s plan to save itself while the rest of us die…your list includes high-ranking government officials, your cabinet leaders, your congressional leadership member of the supreme court, as well as top aids, you know white house staff.” YouTube news report video from the inside edition “See Top Secret Bunker Where 70,000 Americans Will Go In Event Of Nuclear Bomb.” The United States government has made bunkers across the country to protect the high of the nation. the bunkers made by the US were made to protect the important people of the nation while the others perish. many people have the opportunity to be on the list to be able to enter the bunkers but they are only people with power. Many Americans have taken this into their own hands and made plans to survive disasters on their own. These bunkers made by the US contain hundred of food resources, weapons, and other necessary equipment to survive disasters.

By Inside Editio (https://www.google.com/search?q=inside+edition+top+secret+bunker&safe=active&client=safari&rls=en&sxsrf=ALiCzsYanautHPKNG7lmjJbXaC0UDaibTA:1669592973025&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwijh87Axs_7AhUbGlkFHT7JCC8Q_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1470&bih=840&dpr=2#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:faa2c16d,vid:bp-_MbpWKpc

Planning ahead of time with people whom you trust is a great way to enhance your chances of survival.”Every family should have an emergency plan that addresses the most likely disasters in their region. Practical survival skills should also be part of every family’s game plan. These skills need to be learned and practiced before things get tough because you simply won’t have time to read a survival book or watch a how-to video amid a crisis. Get some first aid training, find out how to cook without utilities, learn to source and disinfect water, and figure out different ways to heat and cool at least one room in your home.” according to the National Geographic news article, having a plan in this day in age is great to survive and thrive through disasters. Whether they are natural or unnatural. Having knowledge of how to cook and clean yourself is extremely needed to survive a large disaster. in all internet cuts out how is the best way to survive? Different households will be different scenarios, so having a plan with your family might save your life if it depends on it.

By National Geographic (https://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/article/how-to-survive-natural-disaster-storm-hurricane-expert-tips)

To conclude disasters aren’t extremely common in all areas of the country but that doesn’t mean they don’t happen. Being cautious is what makes survival worth it and possible. Learning from these sources showed how a lot of the disasters are taken control by the government. They send out support through large organizations to help areas. Firefighters, police officers, Red Cross, and other emergency services all provide a level of protection and safety when it comes to disasters. It just takes the government to fund their missions. Even the US government has made plans for if all plans for disasters fail. Bunkers were made in lower populated parts of the US. Away from large cities where natural and unnatural issues could occur. The problem for these bunkers is for the Rich and those who have power, so having a plan in each household is essential to surviving.

Reviewers Memo;

1)When writing this bibliography I intended to bring awareness to what happens when disasters occur, who handles them, and so on. I want people to know who will handle dangerous situations that can happen to the best of us.

2)I feel really good about his project because it got my point across to some people including me I never truly experienced a disaster as I see on the news and it’s good for others to know about what happens outside our homes.

3)I have a question for the viewer: if there’s something specific that’s confusing, what is it? Did anyone already know all these facts stated? Did you enjoy reading the bibliography?

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This project was created by: waheeb

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