Textual Analysis

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Textual Analysis Draft #1
"Real successes are made, Not dropped aside your door". The Poem "The Real Successes" by Julie Herbert is very motivating to individuals such as students, athletes and etc. The Poem is defining what real success is and what it takes to become successful. Many people give up on their dreams because they realize they have to work twice as hard to become successful. In the poem "Real Successes" being successful comes with obstacles but pays off in the and you will be happy with yourself at the end. There are many benefits of becoming successful such as more self confidence, become a role model for others and also you also become more optimistic.   To begin with, a benefit of becoming successful is gaining more self confidence after working your hardest and achieving. In the" Real Successes" by Julie Hebert states that "Real Successes are thought, to be given to only the great". This quote means that people believes that people thinks success is given to successful people. If success was given to people everyone would be successful but to become successful you would have to work extra hard, get out your comfort zone and stay focused. People that are successful, went through a lot to where they are and success was not given to them but earned. Achievement of your goals brings self confidence which brings your mind to peace and satisfied with your life. In addition, success leading to self confidence results in wanting to strive for more things in life. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger was successful in bodybuilding and won many competitions but strived for more when winning best male actor in Hollywood. Also winning best actor in Kids Choice and becoming California's mayor. Even though Arnold Schwarzenegger father and brother died while young that did not stop him from becoming successful but motivated him more.   Another benefit of becoming successful is becoming a role model for others. Becoming a role model for others by being successful will motivate others such as upcoming generations. Being a successful individual will make others want to follow your exact foot steps. Many people would question how you did it and and all you would say is to follow your dreams and never give up but they wouldn't know the struggles you go through such as people trying to bring you down."Real Successes" by Julie Hebert states that " real successes are envied, and rumored on how they were made.People can be so jealous and even want to betray". This quote exemplifies that successful people are envied because no one believed in them so others that are not successful will try anything to lead them to failure. Michael Jordan is known as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. During high school he was cut from his varsity basketball team three times because he was considered "too short". That did not stop him and he did not give up he grew a couple more inches and became tall enough to make the team. He finally made the team his senior year of highschool and later was recruited to North Carolina. Michael did well in college and was drafted to the Bulls and was dominating the game. During his prime, people trying to bring him down, shot and killed his father and that made him retire. Michael took a break from the sport and came back with vengeance and won many NBA titles for his teams and is now known as the greatest basketball player of all time.   Despite what people do or try to bring you down while you're on a mission to become successful you can still ignore it and keep pushing. Overcoming these issues will only make you a stronger individual. If you fail to become successful keep on trying it's never too late success is the feeling of being satisfied with what you became from your hard work and obstacles and for a fact it will make you a great role model for other generations. Lastly, another benefit from being successful is becoming optimistic. the poem states thatā€But you know how real successes, Are built with hard work and care.You've made your way to the top, I'm so proud to see you are thereā€. This quote means that the after effect of becoming successful others is that are motivated by you will be proud of you. Success makes you an optimistic person and youā€™ll deal with failure constructively and be more patient. A successful person also does not see any negative outcomes of any situations which creates positive expectations.   In addition to becoming more optimistic after becoming successful, many successful beings tend to reduces the level of frustrations and worries. For example, if you achieved your bachelorā€™s degree and knew that it took a lot of effort then you would believe in yourself striving for every goal no matter what. You are now experienced to the ups and downs of becoming successful and learning that your hard work pays off.   Also, becoming optimistic you become more thankful and. While striving for your goal there were some people that helped you alot and maybe without them you wouldn't be where you are. You might look back and thank your parents, friends, teachers and etc. One may believe that to become successful you will need help sometimes down the road. If you were a basketball player you would thank your father who trained you or your coach who helped you on his free time and now youā€™re in the N.B.A and without that help you maybe wouldn't make it so far. Those people that helped you become successful are now proud to see you are there.   The Poem "The Real Successes" by Julie Herbert is very motivating to individuals such as students, athletes and etc. The Poem defines what real success is and what it takes to become successful. In the poem "Real Successes" being successful comes with obstacles but pays off in the end and you will be happy with yourself and other would be proud of you . Some benefits of becoming successful such as more self confidence, become a role model for others and also you also become more optimistic.      

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December 16, 2015 at 10:19 pm EJ