Telling Brooklyn Stories

Add your glossary entries here in alphabetical order. You can add additional words or add entries for unclaimed words.

Your entries must include:

  • a word
  • its part of speech (eg, noun, adjective, verb)
  • the most appropriate definition–not necessarily the first one
  • the citation for the source of the definition
  • if possible, the page and line number
  • the context of the word (eg, the sentence from our reading or course document, or the discussion date and subject)
  • an explanation of the connotation of the word in that context–what does that sentence or what do those sentences mean now that you understand the word?
  • if relevant, something interesting you learned in looking up the word
  • your initials and the date (to get credit for your work)
Your entry could look like this:
syllabus: (noun) a summary outline of a discourse, treatise, or course of study or of examination requirements (, accessed 8/27/2012). On the first day of the class, the professor hands out the syllabus, which makes sense since it is a document that outlines the requirements for the course. jrr 8/27

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Avid- Marked by keen interest and enthusiasm:

                       Anxiety (ch1 speech) noun (plural anxieties) [mass noun]

  • 1a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome: he felt a surge of anxiety [count noun]: anxieties about the moral decline of today’s youth

  • Psychiatry a nervous disorder marked by excessive uneasiness and apprehension, typically with compulsive behaviour or panic attacks

  • 2 [with  infinitive] strong desire or concern to do something or for something to happen
  • the best way to deal with anxiety before a speech is to be well prepared -MM

avenue: (from Syllabus, Course Requirements) noun. a wide street or main thoroughfare. the avenue on which the hospital is located is franklin avenue, which makes sense since an avenue is a location.

MB 10/14


blog: (from class discussion, 8/27) noun. a Web site containing the writer’s or group of writers’ ownexperiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often havingimages and links to other Web sites.

lisa writes stories and posts on her blog every night before she sleeps, which makes sense because a blog is like diary but online.

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burgomaster: (from Deak, “The People, Parks, and Ambience of Brooklyn,” p 260) noun. the chief magistrate of a municipal town of Holland, Flanders,Germany, or Austria.

the burgomaster has ordered everyone to attend the meeting, which makes sense because he is the chief magistrate of a municipal.

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Conflate: (from Professor Davis class) (verb) to fuse into one entity; merge. (source: ) F.S 11/28

Cognitive: of or pertaining to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes.

collaborate: (from Syllabus, Course Requirements)

conjunction: (from Syllabus, Course Description and Objectives)

consensus: (from Leading Your Audience, ch.2, page 16) (noun, plural) majority of opinion; general agreement or concord. (source: ) F.S 10/17

context: (from class discussion, 8/27)

contingent: (from Syllabus, Course Requirements)- (adjective ) .dependent for existence, occurrence, character, etc., on something not yet certain; conditional (often followed by on or upon ). Now I understand what Professor Rosen meant when she said passing Eng 11o1 is contingent upon attendance and the successful completion of all assignments and the final exam. My class grade is contingent on my effort and completion of my assignments. (accessed from E.C 8/27/2012

conventional: (from Syllabus, Course Description and Objectives)


dwell:(noun) to linger over, emphasize, or ponder in thought, speech, or writing(accessed from, 3rd meaning 8/28) In speech class, Professor Davis mentioned that we should not dwell when delivering an extemporaneous speech. I can understand how dwelling on a extemporaneous speech could hinder the delivery as an extemporaneous speech requires little to no preparation. I should not dwell on my speeches. G.A.M revised 9/10

draft: (from Syllabus, Course Description and Objectives) (noun) a first or preliminary form of writing, subject to revision, copying, etc (source: – F.S 9/1


extemporaneous:(adjective) done, spoken, performed, etc., without special advance preparation; impromptu: an extemporaneous speech (accessed from In speech class, Professor Davis mentions the different types of speech deliveries -one being extemporaneous. I understand how our first speech was an extemporaneous speech since we had a short amount of time to prepare for it and could not be memorized, read out, or made up in the moment. Delivering an extemporaneous speech was harder than I thought it would be. G.A.M 9/11

essential: (from Syllabus, Course Requirements)


facade: (from class discussion, 10/10) (noun) a superficial appearance or illusion of something (source: #2 ) F.S 10/17

freewriting: (from class discussion, 8/27)


gentrified:Renovate and improve (esp. a house or district) so that it conforms to middle-class taste

glossary: (from Syllabus, Course Requirements)


hearth- fire place

hesitate: (from Syllabus, Course Requirements)

hokum: (from The Colossus of New York) (noun) nonsense; false or irrelevant material introduced into a speech, essay,etc., in order to arouse interest, excitement, or amusement.  (source: ) F.S 11/14


Ilk- a group of people
infantile -characteristic of or befitting an infant; babyish; childish: infantile behavior.
Claude is being mean and acting infantile. 

juxtaposition: (noun)- an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast or the state of being close together or side by side. Class review about Project 2. Project 2 was all about the juxtaposition and the overlapping of cities. The difference between old and new, natural or man-made, and historical or non historical are examples of juxtapositon. Source( M.J. 11/11

Junction: (Noun) A point where two or more things are joined


 kindle: (verb) to excite ,stir up or set going, animate, inflame, to begin burning, to ignite. Read from an advertisement of the Amazon Kindle which intrigued me to find out what is the def. of kindle. John’s choice of attending college kindled his hopes of becoming successful. (Source: -O.G. 8/29/12

Karma: (Noun) Destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.



legitimate: (Adjective) Definition: Authentic; genuine  “If you believe you have a legitimate reason for requesting an extension for an assignment, do so at least 24 hours before the due date”. I say this sentence means if you have a REAL reason in why you have to submit your work later let Prof. Rosen know 24 hours before the due date of the assignment not the day of. (from Syllabus, Course Requirements) – T.C 10/21

logical: (from Syllabus, Course Description and Objectives)

lieu: Instead

  • – the company issued additional shares to shareholders in lieu of a cash dividend


Missive-a written communication : letter

mitigated-Make less severe, serious, or painful: “he wanted to mitigate misery in the world”.

measure: (noun) (from Syllabus, Academic Integrity)

microcosm: (from Syllabus, Course Description and Objectives)- noun- Human beings, humanity, society, or the like, viewed as anepitome or miniature of the world or universe. Now I know what professor Rosen means by Brooklyn being a microcosm of the world, Brooklyn is a small part of the world.  E.C 9/17

missive: (noun) a written message, letter (source: (F.S 11/16)


omit: Leave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully

omnipotent: om·nip·o·tent   /ɒmˈnɪpətənt/ Show Spelled[om-nip-uh-tuhnt] Show IPA
1. almighty or infinite in power, as God.
2. having very great or unlimited authority or power.



peer: (from Syllabus, Course Description and Objectives)

prerequisite: (from Syllabus, Course Description and Objectives)

punctual: (from Syllabus, Course Requirements)



full of complaints; complaining.





sabbatical: A period of paid leave granted to a college teacher for study or travel, traditionally every seventh year

  • – she’s away on sabbatical

seredipity (noun)

1. an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
2.good fortune; luck
As I was walking to the train I had the serendipity of finding twenty dollars on the floor -MM


standing: (from Syllabus, Course Requirements)

supplemental: (from Syllabus, Course Requirements)

syllabus: (noun) a summary outline of a discourse, treatise, or course of study or of examination requirements (, accessed 8/27/2012). (from class discussion, 8/27) On the first day of the class, the professor hands out the syllabus, which makes sense since it is a document that outlines the requirements for the course. jrr 8/27

syntax: (from Syllabus, Course Description and Objectives)


tenure: The holding of an office

  • – his tenure of the premiership would be threatened


unsolicited: (adjective) given or supplied without being requested or asked for (source: ) F.S 10/15



vexation: The state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried: “Jenny bit her lip in vexation”

virtual: (from Syllabus, Course Requirements)

vicinity: (from Syllabus, Course Description and Objectives)

vanity press:  “A vanity press or vanity publisher is a publishing house that publishes books at the author’s expense. Publisher Johnathon Clifford claims to have coined the term in 1959.”









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